Visual Studio 2013

  1. Specify name-value pairs to filter out agents. The controller will run this test only on agents whose properties match the ...
  2. Specify one or more remote domains for querying a remote service. The web proxy validates whether the requests issued to ...
  3. Specify the agent to use for this remote execution by display name (this is not the computer name). Supported wildcard characters ...
  4. Specify the amount of time the shared resource is required. A value of zero means there is no expiration on the shared resource ...
  5. Specify the build controller and staging location for this build definition. These selections may be modified by the person ...
  6. Specify the code access security permissions that your ClickOnce application requires in order to run. Learn more about code ...
  7. Specify the code access security permissions that your ClickOnce application requires in order to run. Learn more about code ...
  8. Specify the command line arguments to pass to the script that runs after the RunAgileTestRunner activity successfully completes. ...
  9. Specify the deployment scripts to be run on the machines of the environment. You can identify the machines either by their ...
  10. Specify the domains of pages that are consumed by your app. Remote pages opened by your app appear in the same window as ...
  11. Specify the filter used to select tests to run based on their test categories. You can use the logical operators and ! to ...
  12. Specify the Git URL (vstfs:///Git/VersionedItem/[teamProject]/[repository]/[branch]/[relativePathInGitRepo]) of the folder ...
  13. Specify the instance of SQL Server where the databases will be restored. Unselect any database you do not want to restore. ...
  14. Specify the key of the property to be added to the deployment. Only applies when Stage is equal to DeploymentStage.AddProperty. ...
  15. Specify the level of logging detail desired for this build. Higher verbosity levels will typically result in slower builds. ...
  16. Specify the list of configurations. If no configurations are specified each solution or project will be built using its default ...
  17. Specify the list of dlls which should be included for code coverage. Use regular expressions to specify input. Example: .*\WebAppDAL\.dll ...
  18. Specify the maximum amount of time that you want to allow for this part of the work flow to run. The default value is zero ...
  19. Specify the maximum amount of time that you want to allow waiting for a shared resource to become available. The default ...
  20. Specify the maximum amount of time that you want to allow waiting for an agent. The default value is zero which means there ...
  21. Specify the maximum number of consecutive failures that should be ignored during the time the activity is waiting for build ...
  22. Specify the maximum number of consecutive failures that should be ignored during the time the activity is waiting for test ...
  23. Specify the maximum priority for test execution. Only tests whose priority is less than or equal to this value will be executed. ...
  24. Specify the message by dragging the Finder Tool over a window to select it then releasing the mouse button or by entering ...
  25. Specify the minimum priority for test execution. Only tests whose priority is greater than or equal to this value will be ...
  26. Specify the order of the platform and configurations you want to build. If a platform or configuration is not listed in the ...
  27. Specify the path to the symbol store share. When this value is set, source indexing is a part of the build. Source indexing ...
  28. Specify the platform of MSBuild.exe to use in the build process. Use Auto to detect the platform based on the current operating ...
  29. Specify the Run Settings file to use with the test sources. This property has been deprecated. Use Run Settings property ...
  30. Specify the SQL Server instance information for the configuration and reporting databases. Note, the reporting databases ...
  31. Specify the test assemblies or test metadata files on which to run tests. You can skip running these tests by setting the ...
  32. Specify the test assemblies or test metadata files on which to run tests. You can skip running these tests by setting the ...
  33. Specify the time interval after which the status of the build is refreshed. The default value of this interval is 60 seconds. ...
  34. Specify the time interval after which the status of the test run is refreshed. The default value of this interval is 60 seconds. ...
  35. Specify the value of the property to be added to the deployment. Only applies when Stage is equal to DeploymentStage.AddProperty. ...
  36. Specify the version of files to get from source control. If set, this value overrides the IBuildDetail.SourceGetVersion property. ...
  37. Specify the version of files to get from source control. If set, this value overrides the IBuildDetail.SourceGetVersion property. ...
  38. Specify the version up to which source branch changes should be merged. In most cases, changes merged previously will not ...
  39. Specify the window by dragging the Finder Tool over a window to select it, then releasing the mouse button, or by entering ...
  40. Specify the workgroup or domain that the virtual machine should join. To join a domain, a virtual machine must have at least ...
  41. Specify values for the following properties. These values will be used to customize this template during environment deployment. ...
  42. Specify values for your application's document template to use when creating a new document. Only enabled if base class is ...
  43. Specify whether or not duplicate project started events should be logged. When project to project references are used heavily, ...
  44. Specify whether to parent the information generated to the Build Detail itself (true) or the parent of this activity (false). ...
  45. Specifying the server or the collection: One of the two following parameters is required. The parameter is used to specify ...
  46. Spy++ has encountered a problem in the message hook. To prevent hanging the system, the hook has been disabled, so no further ...
  47. SQL Exception Class: {0} SQL Exception Number: {1} SQL Exception Procedure: {2} SQL Exception Line Number: {3} SQL Exception ...
  48. SQL Server Reporting Services on {0} is running as LocalService which will not allow configuration of its database on remote ...
  49. SQL Server Reporting Services requires an encryption key to access reports after restoring databases. The password must be ...
  50. Standard AppBarButton Styles for use with Button and ToggleButton An AppBarButton Style is provided for each of the glyphs ...
  51. Start screen search results Search pane (if this app declares search support) Share pane (if this app declares share support) ...
  52. Start screen search results Share picker (if this app declares share support) File picker (if this app declares one or more ...
  53. Start Time (ms): {0:N}, Duration (ms): {1:N}, Thread ID: {2}, Provider: {3}, Series: {4}, Category: {5}, Importance: {6}, ...
  54. Starts IntelliTrace collection on an IIS application pool. All processes created for this application pool will have IntelliTrace ...
  55. Starts the environment. This activity can be used only with virtual environments managed by System Center Virtual Machine ...
  56. Starts the remote debugger with discovery disabled. This remote debugger instance will not be found in Visual Studio's Find ...
  57. Starts the remote debugger with the status window hidden. The status window can be shown from the remote debugger's system ...
  58. Startup behavior of the development environment, and settings for the Start Page such as refresh interval and news channel ...
  59. Static 'val' fields in types must be mutable, private and marked with the '[ ]' attribute. They are initialized to the 'null' ...
  60. Static fields should be constant unless you carefully manage access to the field using locks. Using static variables without ...
  61. Static fields should be initialized when declared. Initializing static data in explicit static constructors results in less ...
  62. Static holder types do not provide functionality that derived instances can extend. Inheriting from such a type indicates ...
  63. Static keyword Specifies that one or more declared local variables are to remain in existence and retain their latest values ...
  64. Static value definitions may only be used in types with a primary constructor. Consider adding arguments to the type definition, ...
  65. Statically link the given assembly and all referenced DLLs that depend on this assembly. Use an assembly name e.g. mylib, ...
  66. static_cast and safe_cast to reference can only be used for valid initializations or for lvalue casts between related classes ...
  67. Stay connected to the current project for testing but also connect to a different project for managing virtual environments ...
  68. Step into: Stepping over operator '%s' To step into operators, go to Tools->Options->Debugging and uncheck 'Step over properties ...
  69. Step into: Stepping over property '%s'. To step into properties, go to Tools->Options->Debugging and uncheck 'Step over properties ...
  70. Step into: Stepping over wildcard-filtered method '%s' (to step inside, use step into specific or turn off step filtering) ...
  71. StopOnFirstFailure will have no effect when the following conditions are all present: 1) The system is running in multiple ...
  72. Stopping IntelliTrace collection will cause the target application pool to execute a recycle. This command will finish once ...
  73. Stopping the import operation before it finishes can leave the project in a state where it cannot be deployed. Are you sure ...
  74. Stops the environment. This activity can be used only with virtual environments managed by System Center Virtual Machine ...
  75. Storage account key to use for Vss Alert Service. If not supplied, SourceAccountKey value is re-used. Should not be set if ...