Visual Studio 2013

  1. Teams responsible for testing the product can use the Build Quality report to help monitor the success or failure rate of ...
  2. Teams responsible for testing the product can use the Test Team Productivity report to help track the overall activity of ...
  3. Teams responsible for testing the product can use the Test Team Progress report to help monitor test activities and report ...
  4. Teams responsible for testing the product can use the Testing Gaps report to help determine where there are deficiencies ...
  5. TEMPLATE GENERIC argument list following class %$[TEMPLATE GENERIC name must list parameters in the order used in %$[TEMPLATE ...
  6. template instantiation resulted in unexpected function type of 1 (the meaning of a name may have changed since the template ...
  7. template parameter '%$pS' cannot be used because it follows a template parameter pack and cannot be deduced from the function ...
  8. Template {0} is configured to add its output to the solution, but a solution element could not be located for the configured ...
  9. Terminating the process in its current state can cause undesired results including loss of data and system instability. There ...
  10. Test Activity Per Build: Helps the team monitor the quality of builds by showing test results for all tests that have been ...
  11. Test Activity Per User: Helps the team track the volume of tests that individual team members have run over the past eight ...
  12. Test agent cannot be run as an interactive process because it is configured to run as a service. Run the Test Agent Configuration ...
  13. Test agent is not configured to run interactively under this account. Run the Test Agent Configuration Tool to change the ...
  14. Test agent process is not started as it is not associated with any test controller. Ignore this warning if this machine will ...
  15. Test agent service is not started as it is not associated with any test controller. Ignore this warning if this machine will ...
  16. Test Case Authoring Status: Helps the team track the status of completing the definition of test cases so that they can be ...
  17. Test cases could not added to test suite {0} because another user performed a conflicting operation. Refresh the client and ...
  18. Test container '{0}' skipped. The tests in this test container can be executed only in windows store app unit test execution ...
  19. Test container '{0}' skipped. This test container has test methods that are not supported when executing unit tests for Windows ...
  20. Test Controller is either not running or not configured with Team Foundation Server. Ensure that test controller is configured ...
  21. Test controller is not configured for this environment. Open the environment and specify the test controller in the Advanced ...
  22. Test controller is not configured with the lab service account. You will need to ensure that a) test agent can communicate ...
  23. Test environment '{0}' associated with team project '{1}' could not be loaded, as the test controller is not associated with ...
  24. Test environment '{0}' cannot be registered with the current team project, since the controller '{1}' is not associated with ...
  25. Test environment {0} already exists in this team project for test controller {1}. The test environment must be unique under ...
  26. Test impact data cannot be collected because the IntelliTrace log file was full. In the IntelliTrace diagnostic adapter settings, ...
  27. Test List Editor is deprecated. You cannot run tests from this editor. For more information on migrating from VSMDI files ...
  28. Test method {0}.{1} threw exception {2}, but exception {3} or a type derived from it was expected. Exception message: {4} ...
  29. Test Plan Progress: Helps the team determine how much testing the team has completed and whether it is likely to finish test ...
  30. Test results have been modified by another user or session. You must reload the test run and update the test results again. ...
  31. Test Run deployment issue: Bad deployment item: '{0}': output directory '{1}' specifies the item to be deployed outside deployment ...
  32. Test Run deployment issue: Failed to access output directory '{1}' specified by deployment item '{0}', the item will not ...
  33. Test run will use DLL(s) built for framework {0} and platform {1}. Following DLL(s) will not be part of run: {2} Go to {3} ...
  34. Test settings cannot be loaded from the following file {0}. Verify that the path and the content of the file are correct. ...
  35. Test Status by Area: Helps the team identify gaps in test coverage of product areas. This report requires that team members ...
  36. test(s) run. {1, -10} test(s) passed. {2, -10} test(s) failed. {3, -10} test(s) had error(s). {4, -10} test(s) aborted. {5, ...
  37. TestAgentConfig help command command The name of the command you want help on List of commands: ConfigureAsService Configure ...
  38. TestControllerConfig help command command The name of the command you want help on List of commands: Configure Configure ...
  39. TestFileNames Run tests from the specified files. Separate multiple test file names by spaces. Examples: mytestproject.dll ...
  40. Text cannot be copied in the document because the ending location of '{0}' is before the current cursor position of '{1}'. ...
  41. Text keyword Sets the string comparison method specified in Option Compare to a text sort order that is not case sensitive. ...
  42. TextButtonStyle is used to style a Button using subheader-styled text with no other adornment. There are two styles that ...
  43. TextField doesn't support combining AutoSize and MultipleLine options. To create a multiple line TextField that resizes when ...
  44. TextRadioButtonStyle is used to style a RadioButton using subheader-styled text with no other adornment. This style is used ...
  45. TF10109: Source control cannot locate the source control service on Team Foundation Server {0}. Check that you have a network ...
  46. TF10131: The shelveset name {0} contains more than 64 characters, contains one of the following characters: "/:<>\|*?; or ...
  47. TF10131: The workspace name {0} contains more than 64 characters, contains one of the following characters: "/:<>\|*?; or ...
  48. TF10148: Some changes contained within the shelveset {0} were not unshelved. To remove the shelveset from the server delete ...
  49. TF10149: You cannot create files in the root folder. Create a team project and then add the files under the team project ...
  50. TF10159: The label name '{0}' is not supported. It must be less than 64 characters, cannot end with a space, and cannot contain ...
  51. TF10169: Unsupported pending change attempted on team project folder {0}. Use the Project Creation Wizard in Team Explorer ...
  52. TF10174: You do not have permission to delete the team project {0}. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator and ...
  53. TF10175: The team project folder {0} does not exist. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator and ask that it be ...
  54. TF10180: The Team Foundation source control server {0} is not available. The server's state was changed to '{1}' on {2} with ...
  55. TF10200: The path '{0}' contains one or more characters which are not allowed. Characters which are not allowed include '"', ...
  56. TF10202: The path '{0}' ends with a character which is not allowed. Characters which are not allowed include '.' and ' '. ...
  57. TF10205: The computer name '{0}' contains characters which are not allowed. Characters which are not allowed include '`', ...
  58. TF10209: Source control cannot show differences between the specified file and the local file. Either the local file doesn't ...
  59. TF10217: Team Foundation was unable to complete your request due to an unexpected error. For more details, see the event ...
  60. TF1031555: Either the trial period for the lab agent has expired or your license is not valid. To continue, install a licensed ...
  61. TF1031558: The lab agent service encountered the following error while registering exceptions in Windows Firewall for services: ...
  62. TF1031559: The communication channel used to receive the commands is not ready. Make sure that the correct version of "Hyper-V ...
  63. TF1031562: The lab agent encountered an error while accessing the registry key "{0}". Error: Required key is not found in ...
  64. TF14001: The source control server state {0} has been set to '{1}' by an administrative action on {2} with the comment "{3}". ...
  65. TF14006: Cannot change the owner of workspace {0} to {1} because the workspace has pending changes. To change the owner of ...
  66. TF14010: Cannot merge to '{0}' because a merge conflict already exists for this path. Run resolve to deal with the existing ...
  67. TF14011: Cannot move item to path {0} in the root folder. Use the New Team Project Wizard to branch it to a new team project ...
  68. TF14012: Cannot undelete team project folder {0}. Please use the Project Creation Wizard to create a new team project and ...
  69. TF14043: The error "{2}", occurred computing the delta for item {0} version {1}. Since the delta computation has failed, ...
  70. TF14043: The error "{2}", occurred computing the delta for item {0} version {1}. This error may be transient and creating ...
  71. TF14059: Unable to process the pending changes requested. The set of pending renames would cause a name collision for {0}. ...
  72. TF14070: Cannot resolve a conflict with AcceptMerge when {0} was deleted on the server. Please choose AcceptTheirs or AcceptYours ...
  73. TF14075: When creating or updating a shelveset, the owner specified must be the same as the user that is creating or updating ...
  74. TF14078: The mapped local path for '{0}' exceeded the limit of 248 characters for the directory or 259 for the directory ...
  75. TF14081: The item '{0}' could not be merged into the target tree because no related item in the target tree could be found. ...