Visual Studio 2013

  1. TF203034: The administrator has set a limit of {0} inputs for this operation. Verify the parameters of your operation and ...
  2. TF203049: One or more pending changes have changed in your workspace during the operation you were attempting. Try your operation ...
  3. TF203050: Only the first 100 warnings for files that are opened or are not the latest version are included for this unshelve ...
  4. TF203051: Cannot rollback item {0} because the workspace version of the item is at or older than the version to which you ...
  5. TF203056: Cannot check in the change to folder / file {0} because its parent folder has a pending rename change. You must ...
  6. TF203057: Cannot check in the rename change for folder {0} because there are files or folders in this folder with pending ...
  7. TF203058: Cannot rename {0} to {1} because it will have the same name as the item being added or renamed to {1}. You must ...
  8. TF203062: Unable to apply label {1} to item {0} because this item has not yet been checked in. Check in this item and then ...
  9. TF203063: Your files could not be checked in. Try the operation again; if it fails, contact your system administrator for ...
  10. TF203065: No files could be rolled back to the specified version because you did not provide an itemspec to identify which ...
  11. TF203066: The rename from {0} to {1} could not be rolled back because you did not provide the source name. To roll back the ...
  12. TF203067: The rename from {0} to {1} could not be rolled back because you did not provide the target name. To roll back the ...
  13. TF203068: The operation cannot be completed until you upgrade your client application to the most recent version. If the ...
  14. TF203069: {0} could not be deleted because that change conflicts with one or more other pending changes to that item. To ...
  15. TF203071: The operation cannot be completed because the source folder that you specified contains a branch. If you want to ...
  16. TF203072: A proxy record with the URL that you specified ({0}) could not be added because a proxy record with that URL already ...
  17. TF203073: The proxy record with the URL that you specified ({0}) could not be deleted because no proxy record with that URL ...
  18. TF203074: Cannot use the option that you specified to resolve the namespace conflict with item {0} because this item is a ...
  19. TF203074: Cannot use the option that you specified to resolve the namespace conflict with item {0} because this item is a ...
  20. TF203075: Cannot complete the rollback operation on {0} because this item is a folder, and the result of rollback operation ...
  21. TF203076: Cannot complete the rollback operation on {0} because this item is a file, and the result of rollback operation ...
  22. TF203077: Cannot use the AutoMerge option to resolve the conflict on item {0} because the item does not exist in the current ...
  23. TF203078: Cannot complete the operation because you specified an incorrect ArtifactKind. To complete this operation, you ...
  24. TF203093: You attempted to check in one or more items while specifying an invalid check-in date and time stamp. The date ...
  25. TF203094: You attempted to check in one or more items while specifying an invalid check-in date and time stamp. The date ...
  26. TF203095: Your attempt to reset the check-in dates in the team project collection failed because the date and time stamp ...
  27. TF203096: Your attempt to reset the check-in dates in the team project collection failed because one or more of the team ...
  28. TF203097: You attempted to either reset the check-in dates in a team project collection or to check in one or more items ...
  29. TF203097: You attempted to either reset the check-in dates in a team project collection or to check in one or more items ...
  30. TF203098: You cannot unshelve a change to {0} because there is a conflict on this item in your workspace. You must first ...
  31. TF203099: You cannot unshelve a merge change to {0} because a merge change to this item is already pending in your workspace. ...
  32. TF203100: You cannot unshelve a change to {0} because a deletion of this item is already pending in your workspace. You must ...
  33. TF203101: You cannot unshelve a deletion of {0} because a change to a child of this item is pending in your workspace. You ...
  34. TF203102: You cannot use AutoMerge or Take Theirs to resolve the conflict on {0} because the shelveset from which conflict ...
  35. TF203103: You cannot use Auto Merge or Accept Yours Rename Theirs to resolve the conflict on {0} because the target already ...
  36. TF204000: The Team Foundation Server for this workspace does not support one or more of the checkin options you have selected. ...
  37. TF204000: The Team Foundation server to which your team project is connected does not support querying merge relationships. ...
  38. TF204000: The Team Foundation server to which your team project is connected does not support queuing pending edit requests ...
  39. TF204000: The Team Foundation server to which your team project is connected does not support requesting extended merge information. ...
  40. TF204000: The Team Foundation server to which your team project is connected does not support the CheckInShelveset command. ...
  41. TF204000: The Team Foundation server to which your team project is connected does not support the QueryLocalVersions command. ...
  42. TF204007: The Team Foundation server to which your team project is connected does not support the GetChangesForChangeset ...
  43. TF204007: The Team Foundation server to which your team project is connected does not support this overload of the GetPendingChanges ...
  44. TF204010: Attribute operations are not valid on the version of Team Foundation Server on which your team project is hosted. ...
  45. TF204012: Your files could not be checked in because you tried to check in a large number of files, some of which are subject ...
  46. TF204017: The operation cannot be completed because the user ({0}) does not have one or more required permissions ({1}) for ...
  47. TF204019: The permission {0} is not supported. You must supply one or more of the values ({1}) to update these permissions. ...
  48. TF205000: The path '{0}' contains one or more characters which are not allowed. Characters which are not allowed include ...
  49. TF205005: One or more of the installed error messages for Team Foundation Server cannot be found. Either the SQL Server instance ...
  50. TF205014: The following relative path is not valid: {0}. It must be both well formed and relative. It might be an absolute ...
  51. TF205015: Required permissions could not be granted to the service account for the SharePoint Web application in Team Foundation ...
  52. TF205016: Required permissions could not be granted to the service account for the SharePoint Web application in Team Foundation ...
  53. TF205018: An error occurred when attempting to save the mapping from the SharePoint Web application to Team Foundation Server. ...
  54. TF205020: Could not connect to server {0}'. This server was used in your last session, but it might be offline or unreachable. ...
  55. TF205021: A feature could not be activated in the following Web application: {0}. The feature is {1}. This feature is part ...
  56. TF205023: The following path is not valid: {0}. The path contains the following number of characters: {1}. Specify a shorter ...
  57. TF205024: The following account name is not valid: '{0}'. For more information about valid naming conventions for accounts, ...
  58. TF205026: One or more resources that you specified cannot be created. All resources must be referenced by at least one node. ...
  59. TF205027: The catalog node that you specified either does not exist, or you do not have sufficient permissions to access ...
  60. TF205028: An error occurred when attempting to access the catalog resource with the following name: {0}. Either the resource ...
  61. TF205030: The following catalog node path is not valid: {0}. Catalog node paths must be built from base-64 encoded Guids, ...
  62. TF205031: The following catalog node path is not valid: {0}. Catalog node paths must be built from base-64 encoded Guids, ...
  63. TF205032: You cannot delete the following access mapping: {0}. This mapping is the default access mapping. To delete it, ...
  64. TF205033: The "AccessMapping" class has a value for the "Moniker" property that is not valid. The value for "Moniker" must ...
  65. TF205034: The "AccessMapping" class has an unregistered value for the "Moniker" property. The following value has not been ...
  66. TF205037: No location mapping exists with the specified parameters. You specified a location mapping with the following service ...
  67. TF205042: Two or more service definitions are in conflict. The specified parameters were found in the following number of ...
  68. TF205043: A service definition exists with the following RelativeToSetting value: {0}. Any service definition that has this ...
  69. TF205046: The service with the following type does not have a location mapping: {0}. You must provide at least one location ...
  70. TF205047: You cannot detach this team project collection because it has at least one failed servicing operation of the following ...
  71. TF205051: The enumeration value is not valid. It is either not formatted correctly or it has an unknown enumeration value. ...
  72. TF205073: The Team Foundation client cannot connect to the following server: {0}. You must connect to Team Foundation Server ...
  73. TF20507: The string argument contains a character that is not valid:'u{0:0000}'. Correct the argument, and then try the operation ...
  74. TF206001: Unable to finish annotating this file because the changeset {0} is binary and binary files can not be annotated. ...
  75. TF206004: An unspecified error occurred when creating the Folder Difference tool window. Try running Compare again or restart ...