Visual Studio 2013

  1. Scheduled Backups are not configured. Use Scheduled Backups to take backups of your TFS, SharePoint, and Reporting Services ...
  2. Scheduled Backups configuration failed. Run the Scheduled Backups Wizard from the TFS Administration Console to enable scheduled ...
  3. Schema changes have been detected but cannot be processed at this time. To prevent data loss, the adapter will cancel this ...
  4. Schema for table "{0}" could not be retrieved. Additional database relationships for this table will not be added to the ...
  5. Schema validation for "{0}" failed. Either the schema could not be retrieved, or the database schema has changed. The database ...
  6. Scope the feedback request to only the areas of the product you care about. You can request feedback on one to five items. ...
  7. Script debugging of your application is disabled in Internet Explorer. To enable script debugging in Internet Explorer, choose ...
  8. Script diagnostics require certain permissions to be set on the folders to which they are installed. Would you like to fix ...
  9. Script diagnostics requires certain permissions to be set on the folders to which it is installed. Do you want to fix this? ...
  10. Scrum is an iterative, incremental framework for project management and agile software development. This template includes ...
  11. Seal attribute types for improved performance. Sealing attribute types speeds up performance during reflection on custom ...
  12. Sealed types cannot be extended, and protected members are only useful if you can extend the declaring type. Sealed types ...
  13. Search Code Analysis Results On: - Rule ID - Rule Name - Category - File Name - File Path - Function Name - Error/Warning ...
  14. Search configuration requires a WSP package to be included in the project. Adding a module to the project will create a WSP. ...
  15. Search configuration settings enable you to customize your SharePoint search experience. You can create these settings in ...
  16. Search may have failed at '{0}' {1} as it may have virtualized children. If the control being searched is descendant of '{0}' ...
  17. Search performance data using one search string and column specific filters in the form of Column:Value Valid Filter Columns: ...
  18. Search performance data using one search string and column specific filters in the form of Column:Value Valid Filter Columns: ...
  19. Search the current directory and all subdirectories for files to compile according to the wildcard specifications. (/recurse: ...
  20. Search web requests using one search string and column specific filters in the form of Column:Value Valid Filter Columns: ...
  21. SearchConfigurationFiles' is not specified. Assign collection of search configuration files to the 'SearchConfigurationFiles' ...
  22. Security alert: The content has been signed using a certificate issued to {0} by {1}. {0} has asserted that this content ...
  23. Security alert: The content publisher cannot be verified. Do not install the content unless you trust its source. Do you ...
  24. Security checks including for buffer overruns; useful for closing hackable loopholes on internet servers. The default is ...
  25. Security demands were found on {0}. Mark the serialization constructor for this type with the declarative form of the same ...
  26. security identifier(s) (SIDs) were found stored in Team Foundation Server. Of these, {1} were found in Windows. {2} had differing ...
  27. Security identity of the referenced assembly (see System.Reflection.Assembly.Evidence or System.Security.Policy.Evidence). ...
  28. Security settings for this project could not be removed from your security policy. To avoid a possible vulnerability, manually ...
  29. Security warning: '{0}' may have been downloaded from a network location, and it can potentially harm your computer. Only ...
  30. See Getting Started for tips and helpful resources. Learn the latest at our blog . To get the most out of the Concurrency ...
  31. See the elapsed time and call counts of your JavaScript functions. Useful when your code is waiting on I/O or other non-CPU ...
  32. Select : Clicking a green segment selects it and shows the closest stack , and the stack that unblocked the segment. Clicking ...
  33. Select a connection model for Web tests. 'Connection Pool': use a pool of connections to conserve resources; 'Connection ...
  34. Select a path filter, the branches to be tracked, and click Visualize to begin tracking. You can later click Rerun on the ...
  35. Select a publishing profile from the drop-down list box, or create a new profile by entering a name in the drop-down list ...
  36. Select a result to open in the load test analyzer. Manage the load test repository by importing, exporting or removing results. ...
  37. Select a SharePoint Web application from the following list. Team Foundation Server creates all team project Web sites at ...
  38. Select a starting branch, a path filter, the branches to be tracked, and click Visualize to begin tracking. You can later ...
  39. Select a starting branch, the branches to be tracked, and click Visualize to begin tracking. You can later click Rerun on ...
  40. Select a storage setting for timing data in the load test results store. AllIndividualDetails indicates to collect and store ...
  41. Select a validation level for the load test. For example, low indicates to use only validation rules marked low. High indicates ...
  42. Select Ignore to disregard this warning and allow the call to succeed. Additional information is provided below. Please report ...
  43. Select one of the following views: My Code Reviews Requests: Show active code reviews you have requested or in which you ...
  44. Select one or more machines to add to the environment and assign a role to each machine. Use the role to select which machine ...
  45. Select one or more stored templates and add them to the environment. A copy of the virtual machine will be deployed from ...
  46. Select one or more VMM host groups to add to this team project collection. Select "auto-provision" to automatically add these ...
  47. Select one or more VMM host groups to add to this team project collection. Select "auto-provision" to automatically add these ...
  48. Select one or more VMM library shares to add to this team project collection. Select "auto-provision" to automatically add ...
  49. Select one or more VMM library shares to add to this team project collection. Select "auto-provision" to automatically add ...
  50. Select the areas your team owns. Selected areas will determine what shows up on your team's backlog and what work items your ...
  51. Select the branches to be tracked and click Visualize to begin tracking. You can later click Rerun on the visualization toolbar ...
  52. Select the controller where the tests will be processed, and specify name-value pairs for properties of agents. Any agent ...
  53. Select the item that you would like to export as an item template. All dependent files (including designer and resource files) ...
  54. Select the iterations you want to use for iteration planning (sprint planning). Selected iterations will appear in your backlog ...
  55. Select the option to either create a new client web part page or specify an existing web page that the client web part points ...
  56. Select the stored procedure for each operation. If the procedure requires parameters, specify which column in the data row ...
  57. Select the target branch for the merge operation. The drop-down list contains all target branches applicable to the selected ...
  58. Select the Team Foundation Server feature that you want to remove, and confirm the action by checking the checkbox. In order ...
  59. Select the type of debugging information created for your program and whether this information is kept in object (.obj) files ...
  60. Select the type of run settings to use with test sources. Values are Default, CodeCoverageEnabled, CodeCoverageEnabledForAspNetApps, ...
  61. Select the Windows Azure subscription to use for deployment. You can download and import your information from the Windows ...
  62. Select the working days in the week for your team. Selected days are shown on the burndown chart and are used in the calculation ...
  63. Select this option if you have a remote SharePoint server or SharePoint is installed with a custom host name or mapped paths. ...
  64. Select this option if you have an existing SQL Server that you would like to use for your configuration and team project ...
  65. Select this option if you want AppWizard to generate the code to handle the print, print setup, and print preview commands ...
  66. Select this option if your SQL Server is a high availability SQL AlwaysOn Availability Group. Choosing this will set MultiSubnetFailover ...
  67. Select this option to create a new SharePoint site for the team project. The site address listed below is the location where ...
  68. Select True if you want to roll over the trace files when the Maximum Trace File Count is reached. Select False if you want ...
  69. Selected database is not a current Visual Studio Load Test Database. If this database was created with a previous version ...
  70. Selected query '{0}' is not available. Either the query does not exist, or you don't have the correct permissions to view ...
  71. Selecting a classic menu or toolbar or a brower-style toolbar disables any of the following new appearance features selected ...
  72. Selecting a database view without file support forces your project to use the Single Document Interface. Do you wish to proceed? ...
  73. Selecting this option disables reporting for this team project collection. When creating team projects in this collection, ...
  74. Selecting this option removes the default site location offered when creating team projects for this collection. You can ...
  75. Semi-colon delimited file list, which will be excluded from the dependency graph check during incremental builds. Any changes ...