SQL Server 2008

  1. The %{classifiedcolumn/} column of the %{structure/} mining structure must be discrete since it is classified by the %{column/} ...
  2. The %{collation/} collation of the key column of the %{property/} attribute is either not valid or is not supported by the ...
  3. The %{datasourceid/} data source of the %{partition/} partition does not correspond to a existing data source in the database. ...
  4. The %{defaulthierarchy/} default hierarchy of the %{dimension/} dimension does not correspond to an existing hierarchy in ...
  5. The %{detailproperty/} granularity attribute in the %{detaildimension/} measure group dimension is not valid because it is ...
  6. The %{func/} function expects a set of members for the %d{arg/} argument. A set of tuples with more than one hierarchy was ...
  7. The %{FunctionName/} function specified at line %d{Line/}, column %d{Column/} is neither a user-defined function (UDF), nor ...
  8. The %{name/} %{typename/} was invalidated by operations in the transaction. Before another operation can be performed on ...
  9. The %{orderbypropertyid/} orderby attribute ID of the %{property/} attribute either does not exist or is not a member property. ...
  10. The %{param/} parameter is outside the valid range of parameters for this statement. Insufficient parameters were found for ...
  11. The %{partition/} partition is a remote partition, but the partition contains a ROLAP or proactive cached dimension named ...
  12. The %{property/} attribute is a user-defined grouping attribute, but the attribute's bindings to custom rollups, a unary ...
  13. The %{strAttrQName/} attribute (namespace %{strAttrNSURI/}) of the %{strQName/} element at line %d{iLine/}, column %d{iCol/} ...
  14. The %{strQName/} element at line %d{iLine/}, column %d{iCol/} (namespace %{strNSURI/}) cannot appear under %1[%{strName/}%]%[/%{strName/}%]. ...
  15. The %{strQName/} element at line %d{iLine/}, column %d{iCol/} (namespace %{strNSURI/}) is out of order under %1[%{strName/}%]%[/%{strName/}%]. ...
  16. The %{strText/} text node at line %d{iLine/}, column %d{iCol/} cannot appear inside the %{strQName/} element (namespace %{strNSURI/}) ...
  17. The %{typename/} named, %{name/}, already exists in the %{parentname/} %{parenttypename/}. It must be deleted in a separate ...
  18. The %{typename/} with the ID of '%{id/}', Name of '%{name/}' cannot be altered since it belongs to the read only database ...
  19. The %{typename/} with the ID of '%{id/}', Name of '%{name/}' cannot be overwritten since it belongs to the read only database ...
  20. The %{typename/} with the ID of '%{id/}', Name of '%{name/}' cannot be processed since it belongs to the read only database ...
  21. The %{typename/} with the name of '%{name/}', ID of '%{id/}' belongs to a read only database with the name of '%{db_name/}', ...
  22. The '%1!s!' device has a hardware sector size of %2!s!, but the block size parameter specifies an incompatible override value ...
  23. The '%1!s!' function is not allowed in the %2!s! clause when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or ...
  24. The '%1!s!' parameter of CREATE %2!s! is incompletely defined. If the parameter has more than one part, all the parts must ...
  25. The '%1!s!' procedure attempted to return a status of NULL, which is not allowed. A status of 0 will be returned instead. ...
  26. The '%1!s!' property can only be changed if the publication is enabled for heterogeneous subscriptions. The publication is ...
  27. The '%s' object that launched Query Builder is no longer open. Would you like to save this query as a .dtq file before closing? ...
  28. The '%{agg/}' aggregation in the '%{partition/}' partition does not have a valid binding associated to the source object. ...
  29. The '%{agg/}' user-defined aggregation in the '%{partition/}' partition does not have a valid binding associated to the source ...
  30. The '%{attrib/}' attribute with IsAggregatable=false must not have any relationship to '%{relattrib/}' attribute that has ...
  31. The '%{attribute/}' attribute in the '%{dimension/}' dimension has a generated dimension security expression that is not ...
  32. The '%{attribute/}' attribute in the '%{dimension/}' dimension is non aggregatable and must be set to have an aggregation ...
  33. The '%{attribute/}' attribute of the '%{dimension/}' cube dimension has the attribute hierarchy disabled, while having non-trivial ...
  34. The '%{attribute/}' attribute of the '%{dimension/}' database dimension has the attribute hierarchy disabled, while having ...
  35. The '%{collation/}' collation of the source column for the '%{measure/}' measure is either not valid or is not supported ...
  36. The '%{column/}' column does not support the DMX statement, INSERT INTO .COLUMN_VALUES. Only DISCRETE or DISCRETIZED columns ...
  37. The '%{column/}' column is not qualified. A qualified column name is required if multiple tables are specified in the FROM ...
  38. The '%{column/}' column of the '%{Name/}' mining model contains the '%{flag/}' modeling flag which is only supported for ...
  39. The '%{column/}' column of the '%{Name/}' model contains the '%{flag/}' modeling flag, which is not supported by the algorithm ...
  40. The '%{column/}' column of the '%{structure/}' OLAP mining structure can only have Content set to non-continuous types (Discretized, ...
  41. The '%{column/}' column of the '%{structure/}' OLAP mining structure cannot be bound to the parent attribute in a parent-child ...
  42. The '%{cube/}' schema (or cube) either does not exist in the '%{database/}' database or the user does not have the necessary ...
  43. The '%{cubedimension/}' dimension referenced in the binding for the OLAP mining structure, '%{structure/}' (column='%{column/}'), ...
  44. The '%{cubeid/}' cube referenced in the binding for the OLAP mining structure, '%{structure/}' (column='%{column/}'), does ...
  45. The '%{datasource/}' remote data source was encountered, but the cartridge does not support remote queries or table aliases. ...
  46. The '%{datasourceid/}' data source ID of the '%{cube/}' cube does not correspond to an existing data source in the database. ...
  47. The '%{datasourceid/}' data source ID of the '%{datasourceview/}' data source view does not correspond to an existing data ...
  48. The '%{datasourceid/}' data source ID of the '%{structure/}' mining structure does not correspond to an existing data source ...
  49. The '%{datasourceid/}' datasource specified in the '%{datasourceview/}' source DSV for the '%{dimension/}' data mining dimension ...
  50. The '%{datasourceview/}' data source view ID of the '%{name/}' mining structure does not correspond to an existing data source ...
  51. The '%{datasourceviewid/}' data source view ID of the '%{cube/}' cube does not correspond to an existing data source view ...
  52. The '%{datasourceviewid/}' data source view of the '%{dimension/}' dimension does not correspond to an existing data source ...
  53. The '%{detail/}' measure group is linked, but this group contains a non-linked measure group dimension, named %'{dimension/}'. ...
  54. The '%{detail/}' measure group is not dynamically linked, but it contains the '%{dimension/}' dynamically linked dimension. ...
  55. The '%{detail/}' regular measure group cannot be created because it uses the '%{dimension/}' linked dimension, whose 'UnknownMember' ...
  56. The '%{detailproperty/}' granularity attribute in the '%{detaildimension/}' measure group dimension does not have an attribute ...
  57. The '%{dialect/}' statement cannot be executed since it attempting to modify the contents of the read only database with ...
  58. The '%{dimension/}' data mining dimension cannot be processed because the '%{miningmodel/}' mining model on which the dimension ...
  59. The '%{dimension/}' dimension contains a member property with invalid name: '%{memb_prop_name/}' is one of the reserved words. ...
  60. The '%{dimension/}' dimension contains an attribute with invalid attribute name: '%{attribute_name/}' is one of the reserved ...
  61. The '%{dimension/}' dimension does not have data associated with the partition (it is of type many-to-many, data mining, ...
  62. The '%{dimension/}' dimension does not have data associated with the partition. The dimension is a many-to-many, data mining, ...
  63. The '%{dimension/}' dimension has no attribute for the aggregation design. The server cannot design aggregations when this ...
  64. The '%{dimension/}' dimension has proactive caching enabled for force rebuild. This setting requires that the dimension have ...
  65. The '%{dimension/}' dimension has proactive caching enabled for incremental processing, but not all the tables required by ...
  66. The '%{dimension/}' dimension has proactive caching enabled for incremental processing. This setting requires that the dimension ...
  67. The '%{dimension/}' dimension has proactive caching enabled for the OnCacheComplete online mode. This setting requires that ...
  68. The '%{dimension/}' dimension in the '%{detail/}' measure group has either zero or multiple granularity attributes. Must ...
  69. The '%{dimension/}' dimension is parent-child, and is either ROLAP or proactive cached. This combination of features is not ...
  70. The '%{dimension/}' dimension must be included in all aggregations because this dimension contains one or more non-aggregatable ...
  71. The '%{dimension/}' dimension with the '%{miningmodel/}' source mining model cannot be processed. The algorithm for the source ...
  72. The '%{dimension/}' parent-child dimension has dimension security defined on the key attribute, which is not allowed. You ...
  73. The '%{dimension/}' reference dimension specified in '%{detail/}' measuregroup of the '%{cube/}' cube is invalid because ...
  74. The '%{dimension/}' reference dimension specified in '%{detail/}' measuregroup of the '%{cube/}' cube is invalid because ...
  75. The '%{filename/}' backup file already exists. Provide a different file name, delete the existing backup file, or set the ...