SQL Server 2008

  1. Snapshot isolation transaction failed in database '%1!s!' because the object accessed by the statement has been modified ...
  2. Snapshot isolation transaction failed in database '%1!s!' because the recovery was skipped for this database. You must recover ...
  3. Snapshot isolation transaction failed to start in database '%1!s!' because the ALTER DATABASE command that disallows snapshot ...
  4. Snapshot isolation transaction failed to start in database '%1!s!' because the ALTER DATABASE command which enables snapshot ...
  5. Snapshot publications cannot use the option to initialize a subscription from a backup. This option is only supported for ...
  6. Snapshots cannot be created for this report because one or more data sources for the report requires user credentials when ...
  7. Some characters that can be used to create custom date/time format strings: 'd or dd' - One or two digit day of the month, ...
  8. Some generation values are above the upper limit of %1!s! used in SQL Server 2000. Change the publication_compatibility_level ...
  9. Some ISAPI filters are configured for the Report Server or Report Manager websites. Upgrade can continue, but some functionality ...
  10. Some mining model algorithm parameters that are available in previous versions of Analysis Services are no longer supported ...
  11. Some objects are missing in the target SQL Server database. The SSMA Tester Wizard can't continue. Load the objects into ...
  12. Some of the attributes indicated by bit flag enum value are either invalid or not supported by "{0}" on this version of server. ...
  13. Some of the selected database objects will not be deleted because they are open in designers. Are you sure that you want ...
  14. Some PrimaryKey column(s) contain invalid data. Can not perform safe delete/update with insufficient primary key information. ...
  15. Some publication and article properties will be changed to support heterogeneous subscriptions. These changes will require ...
  16. Some Publisher data types can be mapped to different types at the Subscriber. For those types, choose the Subscriber data ...
  17. Some spatial objects were not displayed since their SRID is different than the SRID of the first object in the record set. ...
  18. Some subscriptions in the database '%1' are not being activated. Run the Snapshot Agent or update the status of the subscriptions. ...
  19. Some trace events have not been reported to SQL Server Profiler because the server has reached its maximum available memory ...
  20. Sort operation failed during an index build. The overwriting of the allocation page in database '%1!s!' was prevented by ...
  21. Sorts a set and returns the specified number of bottommost elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified percentage. ...
  22. Sorts a set and returns the specified number of bottommost elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified value. ...
  23. Sorts a set, and then returns the specified number of bottommost members whose cumulative total is at least the specified ...
  24. Sorts a set, and then returns the specified number of topmost members whose cumulative total is at least the specified percentage. ...
  25. Source table '%1!s!' contains one of the following reserved column names: _$start_lsn, _$end_lsn, _$seqval, _$operation, ...
  26. Source table '%1!s!.%2!s!' does not exist in the current database. Ensure that the correct database context is set. Specify ...
  27. SourceP[assword password Optional. Allows the retrieval of a package that is protected by SQL Server Authentication. This ...
  28. SourceS[erver server_name Optional. Specifies the name of the server from which to retrieve the package. If you omit the ...
  29. SourceU[ser user_name Optional. Allows the retrieval of a package that is protected by SQL Server Authentication. You use ...
  30. Spatial properties are supported only for spatial indexes. A spatial index is supported only on a column that contains a ...
  31. Specified database mirroring configuration settings : Principal network address: {0} Mirror network address: {1} Witness ...
  32. Specified Folder path '%{filename/}' is incorrect: it is not located right under the server root folder. Provide a different ...
  33. Specifies a column that contains a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression used to aggregate measures for the attribute. ...
  34. Specifies a constrained Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression defining the value of the measure. The expression will ...
  35. Specifies a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression that returns the actual value of the key performance indicator ...
  36. Specifies a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression that returns the recommended background color to be used by clients ...
  37. Specifies a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression that returns the recommended font flags (bold, italic, and so on) ...
  38. Specifies a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression that returns the recommended font size used by clients when displaying ...
  39. Specifies a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression that returns the recommended font used by clients when displaying ...
  40. Specifies a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression that returns the recommended foreground color used by clients when ...
  41. Specifies a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression that returns the status of the key performance indicator (KPI). ...
  42. Specifies a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression that returns the trend of the key performance indicator (KPI) over ...
  43. Specifies a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression that returns the weight of the key performance indicator (KPI). ...
  44. Specifies a number to use to seed the pseudo-random generator when randomly determining the holdout data for this algorithm. ...
  45. Specifies a number used in determining the number of nodes in the hidden layer. The algorithm calculates the number of nodes ...
  46. Specifies a numerical value between 0 and 1 used to detect periodicity. Setting this value closer to 1 favors discovery of ...
  47. Specifies a value between 0 and 1 that controls the blend of ARTXP and ARIMA time series algorithms. The specified value ...
  48. Specifies a value that matches one of the possible values from the input column that is marked as the pivot key by the PivotUsage ...
  49. Specifies an Analysis Services connection manager that connects to an instance of Analysis Services or to a Analysis Services ...
  50. Specifies an encoded IP address. The encodings are semicolon-delimited (;), and follow the format ; ; ; . Supported IP types ...
  51. Specifies an expression that identifies the parent group in a recursive hierarchy. This is allowed only if the group has ...
  52. Specifies an expression that stops the loop when the expression evaluates to False. The expression must evaluate to a Boolean. ...
  53. Specifies features to install, uninstall, or upgrade. The list of top-level features include SQL, AS, RS, IS, and Tools. ...
  54. Specifies filter equations that define the filter to apply. The filter equation consists of an expression, an operator, and ...
  55. Specifies how the startup mode of the report server NT service. When Manual - Service startup is manual mode (default). Automatic ...
  56. Specifies if all the source data, including the training and test sets used to process the mining structure, should be cached ...
  57. Specifies if the service will log on using the system account, rather than a user account. Most services log on to a system ...
  58. Specifies in seconds the amount of time the SQL Destination adapter will wait before terminating if there is no data available ...
  59. Specifies that a table-level lock is acquired for the duration of the data copy operation. Corresponds to the bulk insert ...
  60. Specifies that all instances are to be included in the Setup operation. This parameter is only supported when applying a ...
  61. Specifies that any constraints on the destination object are checked during the data copy operation. Corresponds to the bulk ...
  62. Specifies that any insert triggers defined on the destination object will execute during the data copy. Corresponds to the ...
  63. Specifies that Database Engine Tuning Advisor should only offer recommendations for which the estimated improvement meets ...
  64. Specifies that Database Engine Tuning Advisor will evaluate usefulness of existing physical design structures and will follow ...
  65. Specifies that Setup should install into WOW64. This command line argument is not supported on an IA64 or a 32-bit system. ...
  66. Specifies that SQL Server Setup should not manage the SQL Server services. This option should only be used in a non-Microsoft ...
  67. Specifies the action taken by the server upon encountering the maximum number of key errors specified in the KeyErrorLimit ...
  68. Specifies the action taken by the server upon encountering various types of errors during processing. These settings are ...
  69. Specifies the action taken by the server upon various types of errors during processing. These settings will be used as the ...
  70. Specifies the action taken by the server upon various types of errors during processing. This setting will be used as the ...
  71. Specifies the action taken by the server when there is a reference to a member that does not exist. This property applies ...
  72. Specifies the approximate number of distinct values in a column that the aggregation counts distinctly. Low indicates 500,000 ...
  73. Specifies the approximate number of group by keys that the aggregation produces. Low indicates 500,000 key values, Medium ...
  74. Specifies the behavior of the Distribution Agent when a conflict is detected. By default, the Distribution Agent will stop ...
  75. Specifies the caption for the unknown member in the default language. If not specified, the default value "Unknown" is used. ...