SQL Server 2008

  1. Tag table's connection manager "{0}" is not supported as a data source of a tag table. Only connection type of Ado.Net SqlConnection ...
  2. Tag table's name is missing while its connection manager is specified. Either specify a tag table name or remove tag table's ...
  3. Tape '%1!s!' (family ID %2!s!, sequence %3!s!, media_set_guid %4!s!) is mounted on tape drive '%5!s!'. This is an informational ...
  4. Target object for {0} {1} is not found in the target database. Please convert the object and synchronize it to the target ...
  5. Tasks Queued represents the number of tasks that are waiting for a thread to become available for processing. Each request ...
  6. TDS reset connection protocol error. Client driver requested both ResetConnectionKeepLocalXact and ResetConnectionKeepDTCXact ...
  7. Temporary objects will be created using the specified connection. The space required for the temporary objects is proportional ...
  8. Temporary storage used by the cursor to store large object variable values referred by the cursor query is not usable any ...
  9. Terminating immediate updating or queued updating DELETE trigger because it is not the first trigger to fire. Use sp_settriggerorder ...
  10. Terminating immediate updating or queued updating INSERT trigger because it is not the first trigger to fire. Use sp_settriggerorder ...
  11. Terminating immediate updating or queued updating UPDATE trigger because it is not the first trigger to fire. Use sp_settriggerorder ...
  12. Test Case Execution screen Click Start to initiate test case execution. Progress indicators on this screen will display the ...
  13. Testing the registered server failed. Verify the server name, login credentials, and database, and then click Test again. ...
  14. Text, image, or ntext column was too large to send to the remote data source due to the storage interface used by the provider. ...
  15. Thank you for participating in our product improvement process. Microsoft treats all customer data as confidential and anonymous ...
  16. that modify what feature usage data is collected. Such updates may be automatically downloaded and installed on your machine ...
  17. The "%1!s!" cannot have a ComparisonFlags property set to non-zero because its SortKeyPosition is set to zero. An output ...
  18. The "%1!s!" cannot have a SortKeyPosition property set to non-zero because "%2!s!" is not a source output. The output column ...
  19. The "%1!s!" cannot have its IsSorted property set to TRUE because it is not a source output. A source output has a SynchronousInputID ...
  20. The "%1!s!" collection cannot be modified during package validation or execution. "%2!s!" cannot be added to the collection. ...
  21. The "%1!s!" custom property for "%2!s!" cannot be set to true. The column data type must be one of the following: DT_I1, ...
  22. The "%1!s!" failed because error code 2!8.8X! occurred, and the error row disposition on "%3!s!" at "%4!s!" specifies failure ...
  23. The "%1!s!" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "%2!s!" at "%3!s!" specifies failure ...
  24. The "%1!s!" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "%2!s!" specifies failure on truncation. ...
  25. The "%1!s!" has a value set for length, precision, scale, or code page that is a value other than zero, but the data type ...
  26. The "%1!s!" has IsSorted set to TRUE, but the SortKeyPosition on all output columns are zero. Either change the IsSorted ...
  27. The "%1!s!" has the ExpectBOM property set to TRUE for %2!s!, but the column is not NT_NTEXT. The ExpectBOM specifies that ...
  28. The "%1!s!" has the HasSideEffects property set to TRUE, but "%1!s!" is synchronous and cannot have side effects. Set the ...
  29. The "%1!s!" in the connection manager collection, Connections, of "%2!s!" does not have a value for the ID property. Verify ...
  30. The "%1!s!" is unable to make the column with lineage ID %2!d! read/write because that usage type is not allowed on this ...
  31. The "%1!s!" node cannot be found in custom default persistence. This error occurs if the default saved XML of an extensible ...
  32. The "%1!s!" on "%2!s!" has usage type READONLY, but is not referenced by an expression. Remove the column from the list of ...
  33. The "%1!s!" references "%2!s!", and that column is not the correct type. It must be DT_TEXT, DT_NTEXT, or DT_IMAGE. A reference ...
  34. The "%1!s!" references column ID %2!d!, and that column is not found on the input. A reference points to a nonexistent column. ...
  35. The "%1!s!" was unable to make the requested change to the input column with lineage ID %2!d!. The request failed with error ...
  36. The "%1!s!" XML element (in the "%2!s!" namespace) in the "%3!s!" element (in the "%4!s!" namespace) of the SOAP request ...
  37. The "%1!s!" XML element (in the "%2!s!" namespace) was expected in the "%3!s!" element (in the "%4!s!" namespace) of the ...
  38. The "%1" property was attempted to be set for column %2!Iu!. The column was either of type bit or a blob type for which this ...
  39. The "%3!s!" property is required on input column "%1!s!" (%2!d!), but is not found. The missing property should be added. ...
  40. The "context" argument for the CHANGE_TRACKING_CONTEXT WITH clause must be of type varbinary data type with a maximum length ...
  41. The "date part" parameter specified for a date function is not valid. "Date part" parameters must be static strings, and ...
  42. The "LogID" variable was not found in the scope of component: %s, logging at the collection set level. Original message: ...
  43. The "SSPROP_COL_UDT_NAME" property was not set for column %1!Iu!. This property must be set for user-defined types. InMemory ...
  44. The "table" or "DBTYPE_TABLE" type specified for column %1!Iu! is only supported as type of a command parameter. InMemory ...
  45. The "{0}" role assignment is not valid. The role assignment is either empty, specifies a user or group name that is already ...
  46. The %1 extension failed to read its configuration settings from the %2 configuration file. The extension is not available ...
  47. The %1!s! '%2!s!' does not have a login associated with it. Create a login and credential for this key to automatically access ...
  48. The %1!s! '%2!s!' is dependent on %3!s!. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. ...
  49. The %1!s! '%2!s!' on table '%3!s!' has %4!s! column names in %5!s! key list. The maximum limit for index or statistics key ...
  50. The %1!s! '%2!s!' specified for the clustered index '%3!s!' was used for table '%4!s!' even though %5!s! '%6!s!' is specified ...
  51. The %1!s! agent for Publisher (%2!s!), database (%3!s!), publication (%4!s!) cannnot be found. Create the agent with the ...
  52. The %1!s! count for object "%2!s!", index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!) is incorrect. Run ...
  53. The %1!s! does not exist in the database. It may have been removed or renamed. Use Advanced Editor to refresh the available ...
  54. The %1!s! encountered duplicate reference key values when caching reference data. This error occurs in Full Cache mode only. ...
  55. The %1!s! has a private key that is protected by a user defined password. That password needs to be provided to enable the ...
  56. The %1!s! has an invalid data type. Columns with data types DT_IMAGE, DT_TEXT and DT_NTEXT cannot be written to raw files. ...
  57. The %1!s! has been out of synchronization with the database column. The latest column has %2!s!. Use advanced editor to refresh ...
  58. The %1!s! has performed the following operations: processed %2!I64u! rows, issued %3!I64u! database commands to the reference ...
  59. The %1!s! has performed the following operations: processed %2!I64u! rows, issued %3!I64u! database commands to the reference ...
  60. The %1!s! is mapped to an external metadata column with the id %2!d!. Input columns should not be mapped to external metadata ...
  61. The %1!s! is read/write and is required to have custom property "%2!s!". Add the property, or make remove the read/write ...
  62. The %1!s! must be read/write to have custom property "%2!s!". The input or output column has the specified custom property, ...
  63. The %1!s! parameter(s) have been deprecated from this procedure. The value(s) should now be specified when calling '%2!s!'. ...
  64. The %1!s! parameters have been deprecated and should no longer be used. For more information, see the '%2!s!' documentation. ...
  65. The %1!s! processed %2!u! rows in the cache. The processing time was %3!s! seconds. The cache used %4!I64u! bytes of memory. ...
  66. The %1!s! references an external data type that cannot be mapped to a Data Flow task data type. The Data Flow task data type ...
  67. The %1!s! references column ID %2!d!, but that column is already referenced by %3!s!. Remove one of the two reference to ...
  68. The %1!s! references external data type %2!s!, which cannot be mapped to a SSIS Data Flow Task data type. The SSIS Data Flow ...
  69. The %1!s! statement conflicted with the %2!s! constraint "%3!s!". The conflict occurred in database "%4!s!", table "%5!s!"%6!s!%7!s!%8!s!. ...
  70. The %1!s! that is specified for conversation priority '%2!s!' is not valid. The value must be between 1 and %3!s! characters ...
  71. The %1!s! was found, but it does not support a required Integration Services interface (IDTSRuntimeComponent100). Obtain ...
  72. The %1!s!, "%2!s!", encountered a configuration error during initialization. Object cannot be added to the event session. ...
  73. The %{attribute/} attribute of the %{dimension/} dimension has zero values. The server cannot design aggregations for this ...
  74. The %{cartfile/} cartridge contains a provider name that is not valid in the mssqlcrt:provider element. Only a single XML ...
  75. The %{classifiedcolumn/} ClassifiedColumn id specified under %{column/} column of the %{structure/} mining structure does ...