SQL Server 2008

  1. The agent failed to obtain the distributor and publisher login information from the subscription database due to the following ...
  2. The agent failed to obtain the distributor's login information from the subscriber database due to the following error: '%1!s!' ...
  3. The agent failed to obtain the publisher login information from the distribution database due to the following error: '%1!s!' ...
  4. The agent failed to obtain the subscriber's linked server information from the distribution database due to the following ...
  5. The agent failed to obtain the subscriber's login information from the distribution database due to the following error: ...
  6. The agent profile creation process cannot validate the specified agent parameter value. '%1!s!' is not a valid value for ...
  7. The agent profile creation process cannot validate the specified agent parameter value. '%1!s!' is not a valid value for ...
  8. The agent profile creation process cannot validate the specified agent parameter value: the profile_id %1!s! does not exist ...
  9. The aggregate component encountered too many distinct key combinations. It cannot accommodate more than %1!u! distinct key ...
  10. The aggregate component encountered too many distinct values while calculating the count distinct aggregate. It cannot accommodate ...
  11. The Aggregate transformation has encountered %1!d! distinct values while performing a "count distinct" aggregation on "%2!s!". ...
  12. The Aggregate transformation has encountered %1!d! key combinations. It has to re-hash data because the number of key combinations ...
  13. The aggregation design operation cannot be executed since it is attempting to modify the contents of the read only database ...
  14. The aggregation design operation is currently running for the '%{aggdesign/}' aggregation design object. Usage-based optimization ...
  15. The aggregation design with an ID of '%{aggdesignid/}', of the '%{partition/}' partition, does not correspond to an existing ...
  16. The aggregation function of the %{operand/} left operand of the measure expression of the %{measure/} measure must be sum, ...
  17. The aggregation function of the %{operand/} right operand of the measure expression of the %{measure/} measure must be sum, ...
  18. The aggregation function of the '%{measure/}' measure must be sum, count, min, or max because the function has a measure ...
  19. The aggregation should not include both the '{0}' and '{1}' attributes, because there is a relationship from '{0}' to '{1}'. ...
  20. The AggregationUsage property should be set to 'Full' because either the attribute or the parent attribute (if the dimension ...
  21. The alert engine failed to register notification-callback with the eventlog process. Alert processing will now occur via ...
  22. The algorithm provider for the %{AlgoName/} data mining algorithm does not expose a mandatory interface for custom functions. ...
  23. The algorithm provider for the '%{AlgoName/}' data mining algorithm cannot be created; its ProgID is missing in the server ...
  24. The ALL permission is deprecated and maintained only for compatibility. It DOES NOT imply ALL permissions defined on the ...
  25. The ALL permission will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this permission in new development work ...
  26. The ALTER DATABASE command could not be sent to the remote server instance '%1!s!'. The database mirroring configuration ...
  27. The alter database for this partner config values may only be initiated on the current principal server for database "%1!s!". ...
  28. The ALTER DATABASE statement failed because the database collation %1!s! is not recognized by older client drivers. Try upgrading ...
  29. The ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed for table '%1!s!'. It is not possible to switch the partition of a table that has ...
  30. The alternate snapshot folder path generated by replication has been truncated. Reconfigure the publication to use a shorter ...
  31. The amount of compressed data exceeded the system limit of %1!d! bytes, retry the operation again with a smaller data set ...
  32. The amount of wait time that accumulated in a typical second during the last sample interval. A rate of 5000 ms/sec would ...
  33. The Analysis Server on '{0}' cannot be debugged. Make sure the server is started and that you are authorized to debug processes ...
  34. The Analysis Service account has been changed to {0}. If you wish to change it something else, use SQL Configuration Manager. ...
  35. The Analysis Service could not be started due to logon failure. Please use SQL Configuration Manager to set the user name ...
  36. The Analysis Service is in disabled state. Please change the start up mode to manual or automatic before starting the process. ...
  37. The Analysis Service was not found and so we have created config file on the path {0}. If you require to change the Configuration ...
  38. The Analysis Services domain group does not exists. To continue, specify a domain group for Analysis Services, then try again. ...
  39. The Analysis Services service could not be started due to a logon failure. Use the SQL Configuration Manager to set the username ...
  40. The application lock request '%1!s!' needed to modify Change Data Capture metadata was not granted. The value returned from ...
  41. The application pool specified is not valid. Make sure the specified name is not too long and doesn't contain illegal characters. ...
  42. The appropriate intermediate attributes cannot be found. The intermediate attributes should have the same number of key columns ...
  43. The area chart displays data contiguously, so it is commonly used to represent data that occurs over a continuous period ...
  44. The argument data type '%1!s!' specified for the full-text query is not valid. Allowed data types are char, varchar, nchar, ...
  45. The argument specified for the "%1!s!" parameter of stored procedure sp_db_vardecimal_storage_format is not valid. Valid ...
  46. The article %1!s! in the publication %2!s! does not have a valid conflict table entry in the system table sysarticleupdates. ...
  47. The article '%1!s!' contains the destination owner '%2!s!'. Non-SQL Server Subscribers require articles to have the destination ...
  48. The article '%1!s!' is already published in another publication, and is set to use nonoverlapping partitions with multiple ...
  49. The article '%1!s!' should enable column tracking to use the '%2!s!' resolver. The default resolver will be used to resolve ...
  50. The article cannot be created on table '%1!s!' because it has more than %2!s! columns and column-level tracking is being ...
  51. The article order specified in the @processing_order parameter of sp_addmergearticle does not reflect the primary key-foreign ...
  52. The article property 'status' cannot include bit 64, 'DTS horizontal partitions' because the publication does not allow data ...
  53. The article was dropped at the Distributor, but information at the Publisher '%1!s!' was not dropped. No action is required; ...
  54. The assembly module '%s' cannot be re-deployed because it was created outside of Visual Studio. Drop the module from the ...
  55. The associated partition function '%1!s!' generates more partitions than there are file groups mentioned in the scheme '%2!s!'. ...
  56. The associated SQL Server instance could not be found for the selected Analysis Services instance. Please input server name ...
  57. The attempt by the provider to pass remote stored procedure parameters to remote server '%1!s!' failed. Verify that the number ...
  58. The attempt to connect to the report server failed. Check your connection information and that the report server is a compatible ...
  59. The attempt to delete file "%1!s!" failed. This may occur when the file does not exist, the file name was spelled incorrectly, ...
  60. The attempt to load the XML checkpoint file "%1!s!" failed with error 2!8.8X! "%3!s!". Check that the file name specified ...
  61. The attempt to maintain the indexed view "%1!s!" failed because it contains an expression on aggregate results, or because ...
  62. The attempt to maintain the indexed view "%1!s!" failed because of the ignore_dup_key option on index "%2!s!". Drop the index ...
  63. The attempt to read column "%2!d!" data from the Microsoft.AnalysisServices.TimeDimGenerator failed with error code 2!8.8X!. ...
  64. The attempted insert or update failed because the target view either specifies WITH CHECK OPTION or spans a view that specifies ...
  65. The attempted insert or update of the partitioned view failed because the value of the partitioning column does not belong ...
  66. The attribute '%{attrName/}' in the dimension '%{dimName/}' is outside the granularity of the measure group '%{mgName/}' ...
  67. The attribute '{0}' has one or more incoming relationships. Would you like to rename these incoming relationships to match ...
  68. The attribute cannot be inserted because the dimension already contains a member with the same keys as the ones specified ...
  69. The attribute hierarchy for the %{property/} attribute cannot be created because a hierarchy with the same ID or name already ...
  70. The attribute hierarchy must be enabled for the AccountType attribute. Set the AttributeHierarchyEnabled property to True. ...
  71. The attribute ID of '%{attrId/}' for linked subcube with the ID of '%{cubeId/}' and dimension ID of %{dimId/}' can not be ...
  72. The attribute key cannot be found when processing: %1[Table: '%{Table/}', Column: '%{Column/}', Value: '%{Value/}'%]%[; Table: ...
  73. The attribute key was converted to an unknown member because the attribute key was not found. Attribute %{Property/} of Dimension: ...
  74. The attribute with ID of '%{propertyid/}', Name '%{propertyname/}' of referenced by the '%{cubedimension/}' cube dimension, ...
  75. The attribute with ID of '%{PropertyId/}', Name of '%{PropertyName/}' cannot be discretized because there are too few distinct ...