SQL Server 2008

  1. Table error: %1!s! page %2!s! (object ID %3!s!, index ID %4!s!, partition ID %5!s!, alloc unit ID %6!s! (type %7!s!)) is ...
  2. Table error: A FILESTREAM directory ID %1!s! exists for a column of object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, ...
  3. Table error: A FILESTREAM directory ID %1!s! exists for a partition, but the corresponding partition does not exist in the ...
  4. Table error: alloc unit ID %1!s!, page %2!s! contains an incorrect page ID in its page header. The PageId in the page header ...
  5. Table error: Allocation page %1!s! has invalid %2!s! page header values. Type is %3!s!. Check type, alloc unit ID and page ...
  6. Table error: Cannot find the FILESTREAM file "%1!s!" for column ID %2!s! (column directory ID %3!s!) in object ID %4!s!, ...
  7. Table error: Could not check object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!) due to ...
  8. Table error: Cross object linkage. Page %1!s!->next in object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, AU ID %5!s! (type ...
  9. Table error: Cross object linkage: Page %1!s!, slot %2!s!, in object ID %3!s!, index ID %4!s!, partition ID %5!s!, alloc ...
  10. Table error: Cross object linkage: Parent page %1!s!, slot %2!s! in object %3!s!, index %4!s!, partition %5!s!, AU %6!s! ...
  11. Table error: Extent %1!s! in object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!) is beyond ...
  12. Table error: IAM chain linkage error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). ...
  13. Table error: IAM page %1!s! for object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!) is ...
  14. Table error: Multiple IAM pages for object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!) ...
  15. Table error: Object ID %1!s! has inconsistent metadata. This error cannot be repaired and prevents further processing of ...
  16. Table error: object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s! processing encountered file name "%4!s!" twice in the column ...
  17. Table error: object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s! processing encountered file name "%4!s!" twice in the column ...
  18. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!) B-tree level mismatch, ...
  19. Table error: object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!) B-tree level mismatch, ...
  20. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!) contains an anti-matter ...
  21. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!, row %7!s!. ...
  22. Table error: object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!, row %7!s!. ...
  23. Table error: object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!, row %7!s!. ...
  24. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!. %7!s! is ...
  25. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!. Test (%7!s!) ...
  26. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!. Test (%7!s!) ...
  27. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!. Test (%7!s!) ...
  28. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!. Test (%7!s!) ...
  29. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page %6!s!. Test (%7!s!) ...
  30. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page ID %6!s! contains ...
  31. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). B-tree chain linkage ...
  32. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). B-tree page %6!s! has ...
  33. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). Duplicate keys on page ...
  34. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). Index node page %6!s!, ...
  35. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). Keys out of order on ...
  36. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). Page %6!s! is missing ...
  37. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). Page %6!s! is missing ...
  38. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). Page %6!s! was not seen ...
  39. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). Page %6!s!, slot %7!s!, ...
  40. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). Parent node for page ...
  41. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The high key value on ...
  42. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The low key value on ...
  43. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The next pointer of %6!s! ...
  44. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The off-row data node ...
  45. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The off-row data node ...
  46. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The off-row data node ...
  47. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The off-row data node ...
  48. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The off-row data node ...
  49. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The off-row data node ...
  50. Table error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!). The previous link %6!s! ...
  51. Table error: object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!. A row should be on partition number %4!s! but was found ...
  52. Table error: page %1!s! allocated to object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!) ...
  53. Table error: Page %1!s! is empty in object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!). ...
  54. Table error: Page %1!s!, Object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!). Unexpected ...
  55. Table error: page %1!s!, whose header indicates that it is allocated to object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, ...
  56. Table error: table '%1!s!' (ID %2!s!). Data row does not have a matching index row in the index '%3!s!' (ID %4!s!). Possible ...
  57. Table error: table '%1!s!' (ID %2!s!). Index row in index '%3!s!' (ID %4!s!) does not match any data row. Possible extra ...
  58. Table error: The FILESTREAM directory ID %1!s! exists for column ID %2!s! of object ID %3!s!, index ID %4!s!, partition ID ...
  59. Table error: The FILESTREAM directory ID %1!s! for column ID %2!s! of object ID %3!s!, index ID %4!s!, partition ID %5!s! ...
  60. Table error: The FILESTREAM directory ID %1!s! for object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s! is in filegroup %5!s!, ...
  61. Table error: The orphaned file "%1!s!" was found in the FILESTREAM directory ID %2!s! for object ID %3!s!, index ID %4!s!, ...
  62. Table hints in the definitions of indexed views are ignored in 80 compatibility mode and are not allowed in 90 mode or later. ...
  63. Table partitioning scheme information will not be scripted for article '{0}' because the partition scheme references the ...
  64. Table {0} does not have a clustered primary key. Creation of an Spatial index requires a clustered primary key on the table. ...
  65. Table {0} does not have a clustered primary key. Creation of an XML index requires a clustered primary key on the table. ...
  66. Table {0} is not accessible from MS SQL Server through the linked server {1}. Please check the linked server and the permissions.| ...
  67. Table {0} must be converted and saved to the target database before you migrate its data. Verify that you have already converted ...
  68. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 5!s! (user-defined table type). The specified ...
  69. Table-valued parameter '{0}': data type (user-defined table type) has a non-zero length database name specified. Database ...
  70. Table-Valued Parameter Rowset column data was bound as DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN but the object provided in the data buffer did not ...
  71. Table-Valued Parameter Rowset column data was bound as DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN for a text/ntext/image column but no length was provided. ...
  72. Table-Valued Parameter Rowset column data was bound as DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN with length %1!Iu!. Only %2!Iu! bytes of data could ...
  73. Table-Valued Parameter Rowset column data was bound as DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN. A failure occurred during the call to ISequentialStream::Read ...
  74. Tables Data Generation Options screen Configuration tab You can view columns of tables used by tested objects. To configure ...
  75. Tag table is specified but its connection manager is missing. Either specify a connection manager for the tag table or remove ...