SQL Server 2008

  1. The '%{filename/}' key error log file name of the '%{name/}' %{typename/} is not valid. The file name is either too long, ...
  2. The '%{func/}' function expects a member or set of a single hierarchy for the %d{arg/} argument. A set of multiple hierarchies ...
  3. The '%{granularityproperty/}' intermediate granularity attribute of the '%{detaildimension/}' measure group dimension does ...
  4. The '%{granularitypropertyid/}' granularity attribute ID referenced by the '%{detaildimension/}' measure group dimension ...
  5. The '%{hierarchy/}' hierarchy has two levels, '%{level1/}' and '%{level2/}', that have the same source attribute '%{sourceproperty/}'. ...
  6. The '%{id/}' ID of the %{typename/} is not valid because this ID is a reserved word, contains one or more characters that ...
  7. The '%{intermediatedimension/}' intermediate dimension of the '%{detaildimension/}' measure group dimension cannot be a many-to-many, ...
  8. The '%{intermediatedimensionid/}' intermediate dimension ID of the '%{detaildimension/}' measure group dimension does not ...
  9. The '%{intermediategranularitypropertyid/};' intermediate granularity attribute ID of the '%{detaildimension/}' measure group ...
  10. The '%{level/}' level is not a parent-child level. Dimension writeback using this syntax is supported only on parent-child ...
  11. The '%{measure/}' measure has a source of type RowBinding. Therefore its aggregation type must be changed to Count or Sum. ...
  12. The '%{member/}' member specified in the WHERE clause does not belong to the expected level within the '%{hierarchy/}' hierarchy. ...
  13. The '%{mgid/}' measure group referenced in the binding for the '%{column/}' mining column of the '%{structure/}' OLAP mining ...
  14. The '%{mid/}' measure referenced in the binding for the '%{structure/}' OLAP mining structure column named '%{column/}' does ...
  15. The '%{mmdim/}' many-to-many dimension in the '%{detail/}' measure group must belong to the '%{lookupdetail/}' intermediate ...
  16. The '%{mmdim/}' many-to-many dimension in the '%{detail/}' measure group requires that the granularity of the '%{commondim/}' ...
  17. The '%{model/}' mining model has %d{cAttributes/} attributes. This number of attributes exceeds the attribute limit of %d{cAttributeLimit/} ...
  18. The '%{model/}' mining model has a column that uses the DATE data type. This data type is not supported by the PMML 2.1 specification. ...
  19. The '%{model/}' object does not contain any cases. The drillthrough store is empty either because the ProcessType enumeration ...
  20. The '%{modelname/}' model cannot be loaded from the persisted file. The file is either damaged or in a format that is not ...
  21. The '%{Name/}' mining structure column has a prediction qualifier. Prediction qualifiers, such as PREDICT or PREDICT ONLY, ...
  22. The '%{name/}' mining structure or model has sibling models and cannot be processed alone with out-of-line bindings. The ...
  23. The '%{Name/}' name does not uniquely identify the mining model or mining structure. Try to qualify this name by prefixing ...
  24. The '%{name/}' object cannot be processed with the specified bindings (the structure of the internal objects would be changed). ...
  25. The '%{name/}' structure does not contain bindings to data (or contains bindings that are not valid) and cannot be processed. ...
  26. The '%{object/}' dimension has proactive caching enabled using SQL Notification and therefore its source cannot be a named ...
  27. The '%{object/}' partition has proactive caching enabled using SQL Notification. Therefore its source cannot be a named query. ...
  28. The '%{objectname/}' object cannot be created as a session object. Session scope can only be used when creating dimensions, ...
  29. The '%{objectname/}' object cannot be restored because the object already exists. Set the AllowOverwrite setting to True ...
  30. The '%{operand/}' right operand of the measure expression of the '%{measure/}' measure cannot belong to the same measure ...
  31. The '%{parentpropertyid/}' parent attribute ID, of the '%{level/}' level either does not exist in the dimension or is not ...
  32. The '%{partition/}' MOLAP partition proactive caching object does not have a finite duration for silence interval, silence ...
  33. The '%{partition/}' partition has proactive caching enabled for force rebuild. This setting requires that the partition have ...
  34. The '%{partition/}' partition has proactive caching enabled for incremental processing, but not all of the tables required ...
  35. The '%{partition/}' partition has proactive caching enabled for incremental processing. This setting requires that the partition ...
  36. The '%{partition/}' partition has proactive caching enabled for the OnCacheComplete online mode. This setting requires that ...
  37. The '%{property/}' attribute cannot be aggregated. This non-aggregatable attribute cannot be related to the '%{parentproperty/}' ...
  38. The '%{Property/}' attribute cannot be discretized into the requested number of buckets because there are too few distinct ...
  39. The '%{property/}' attribute cannot have member properties because this attribute does not have an attribute hierarchy enabled. ...
  40. The '%{property/}' attribute must be included in all aggregations because this attribute is non-aggregatable. However, the ...
  41. The '%{property/}' attribute referred to by the '%{aggregationdimension/}' aggregation dimension of the '%{aggregation/}' ...
  42. The '%{property/}' discretized attribute in the '%{dimension/}' dimension has a name or translation binding that has an unknown ...
  43. The '%{relatedpropertyid/}' member property ID in the '%{property/}' attribute does not correspond to an existing attribute ...
  44. The '%{ServiceName/}' service which was returned by the '%{ProgID/}' data mining algorithm, does not match its '%{AlgoName/}' ...
  45. The '%{sourceproperty/}' non-aggregatable source attribute cannot belong to the '%{level/}' level because this level is not ...
  46. The '%{sourcepropertyid/}' source attribute ID of the '%{level/}' level does not correspond to an existing attribute in the ...
  47. The '%{storagelocation/}' folder specified as new partition location in '%{command/}' command can not be located under the ...
  48. The '%{storagelocation/}' storage location of the %{partition/} partition does not exist, is too long, or contains characters ...
  49. The '%{storagelocation/}' storage location of the '%{database/}' database can not be located under the server data directory. ...
  50. The '%{strLang/}' language cannot be found in the list of translations defined for the '%{strAttrID/}' attribute. Check the ...
  51. The '%{strLang/}' language has been specified more than once for the attribute with ID of '%{strAttrID/}', Name of '%{strAttrName/}'. ...
  52. The '%{strName/}' restriction is required but is missing from the request. Consider using SYSTEMRISTRICTSCHEMA to provide ...
  53. The '%{strQName/}' element at line %d{iLine/}, column %d{iCol/} ('%{strNSURI/}' namespace) appears more than once under ...
  54. The '%{strQName/}' element at line %d{iLine/}, column %d{iCol/} (namespace '%{strNSURI/}') cannot appear under %1[%{strName/}%]%[/%{strName/}% ...
  55. The '%{strQName/}' read-only element at line %d{iLine/}, column %d{iCol/} (namespace %{strNSURI/}) under %1[%{strName/}%]%[/%{strName/}% ...
  56. The '%{strRef/}' dimension referenced by the '%{strObj/}' cube permission has its Write permission set to Allowed, so no ...
  57. The '%{strRequired/}' required element is missing under %1[%{strName/}%]%[/%{strName/}%]/%{strQName/} at line %d{iLine/}, ...
  58. The '%{structure/}' OLAP mining structure cannot be processed since the operational storage mode of the '%{dimension/}' dimension ...
  59. The '%{structureCol/}' column of the '%{structure/}' mining structure cannot contain null values (the column is either modeled ...
  60. The '%{structureCol/}' source structure column for the '%{modelCol/}' mining model column is not a table or contains no nested ...
  61. The '%{strUser/}' user does not have permission to attach the database to the '%{strObject/}' server. Only server administrators ...
  62. The '%{strUser/}' user does not have permission to drill through to the parent mining structure of the '%{strObject/}' mining ...
  63. The '%{table/}' table either does not exist in the '%{cube/}' schema (or cube.), or the user does not have the necessary ...
  64. The '%{table/}' table has a many-to-many relationship to its parent table and cannot contain columns with data type Binary. ...
  65. The '%{table/}' table is based on a named query, and contains one or more computed columns. A table based on a named query ...
  66. The '%{tableid/}' table that is required for a join cannot be reached based on the relationships in the data source view. ...
  67. The '%{template/}' string is not a valid expression for the Pattern argument of the VisualTotals function. Use the asterisk ...
  68. The '%{ubo/}' usage based optimization query is not valid. For the appropriate format, refer to the product documentation. ...
  69. The 'AbortPolicy' parameter must have a value of AbortPolicy.Synchronous (Value = 0) or AbortPolicy.Asynchronous (Value = ...
  70. The 'ForeignKeyColumns' should match the 'KeyColumns' of the key structure column '{0}'. Counts are different: there are ...
  71. The 'ForeignKeyColumns' should match the 'KeyColumns' of the key structure column '{0}'. The ForeignKeyColumn #{1} has DataType ...
  72. The 'MasterDataSourceID' property of the remote database does not reference a data source that exists in the {0} database. ...
  73. The 'msrepl_tran_version' column must be in the vertical partition of the article that is enabled for updatable subscriptions; ...
  74. The 'offload_server' property cannot be NULL or empty if the pull subscription agent is to be enabled for remote activation. ...
  75. The 'ProcessingGroup' property of this dimension is set to 'ByTable'. In most cases, the default setting of 'ByAttribute' ...