SQL Server 2008

  1. The call format VCALL cannot be used for the specified article. VCALL format can be used only for articles in publications ...
  2. The call to sp_MScdc_capture_job by the Capture Job for database '%1!s!' failed. Look at previous errors for the cause of ...
  3. The capture job cannot be used by Change Data Capture to extract changes from the log when transactional replication is also ...
  4. The Cardinality property for the {0} is One, but the default value Expression for "{1}" returns a set. The default value ...
  5. The cartridge for the '%{datasource}' datasource does not support table-aliasing, but querying a parent-child dimension requires ...
  6. The cartridge generated a statement that is not valid because more than one text statement was generated, the statement was ...
  7. The case dimension should be the same dimension referenced by the key column of the mining model on which the source dimension ...
  8. The case filter for the mining model, '%{model/}' , is invalid. The specified filter expression evaluates to the following ...
  9. The case filter is invalid because the referenced column '%{ColumnName/}' has content type KEY. You cannot filter on a key ...
  10. The cases cache of the model has been cleared by either setting ClearAfterProcessing cache mode or by issuing a direct DMX ...
  11. The cell writeback operation cannot be committed, because the '%{measuregroup/}' measure group does not have a write-enabled ...
  12. The cell writeback operation has a non-trivial slice and measure expression, on the '%{measuregroup/}' measure group. Cell ...
  13. The cell writeback operation has a non-trivial slice on the '%{cubedimension/}' dimension, which is not associated with the ...
  14. The cell writeback operation has a non-trivial slice on the '%{measuregroupdimension/}' data mining measure group dimension, ...
  15. The cell writeback operation has a non-trivial slice on the '%{measuregroupdimension/}' many-to-many measure group dimension, ...
  16. The cell writeback operation has a non-trivial slice on the '%{measuregroupdimension/}' reference measure group dimension, ...
  17. The cell writeback operation has failed because the underlying relational storage has a table whose number of columns differ ...
  18. The cell writeback operation has the non-sum measure named '%{measure/}' as the current coordinate, which is not allowed. ...
  19. The certificate '%1!s!' is not valid for endpoint authentication. The certificate must have a private key encrypted with ...
  20. The certificate specified by name in MY store cannot be found (error: %1!s!). This occurs in CPackage::LoadUserCertificateByName. ...
  21. The certificate used by server {0} for authentication is not deployed on server {1}. The Public role will be checked for ...
  22. The Change Data Capture '%1!s!' job does not exist in the system table 'msdb.dbo.cdc_jobs'. Use the stored procedure 'sys.sp_cdc_add_job' ...
  23. The Change Data Capture job table containing job information for database '%1!s!' cannot be found in the msdb system database. ...
  24. The change for the row with article nickname %1!d! (%2), rowguidcol {%3} could not be applied at the destination. Further ...
  25. The changed value in this cell was not recognized as valid. .Net Framework Data Type: {0} Error Message: {1} Type a value ...
  26. The changes contained in the message downloaded from Publisher '%1' will be applied after having collected and displayed ...
  27. The changes that were uploaded to the Publisher are being discarded since the Subscriber has been marked for reinitialization. ...
  28. The character length %1!Iu! specified for type "%2" for column %3!Iu! exceeded the maximum SQL Server allowed length of %4!d! ...
  29. The chart series {0} is missing and cannot be deserialized. You can use Chart.CallbackStateContent='All' to preserve all ...
  30. The check constraint '{0}.{1}.{2}' will not be scripted for article '{3}' because it references the unpublished column '{4}'. ...
  31. The check for a Publisher needing a new identity range allocation failed on table %1!s!. This check occurs every time the ...
  32. The checkpoint file "%1!s!" is locked by another process. This may occur if another instance of this package is currently ...
  33. The checksum function used by the merge process to perform data validation on article '%1' returned an invalid checksum value. ...
  34. The client code page %1!u! does not have a corresponding SQL Server Collation. The Table-Valued Parameter could not be sent. ...
  35. The client components on this workstation must be upgraded before a connection can be established to this instance of Analysis ...
  36. The client was unable to join a session with SPID %1!s!. This error may have been caused by an earlier operation failing ...
  37. The client was unable to reuse a session with SPID %1!s!, which had been reset for connection pooling. The failure ID is ...
  38. The client's metadata is out of sync with the engine's metadata. The reference returned by the engine is unknown in the client: ...
  39. The CLR procedure/function/type being signed refers to an assembly that is not signed either by a strong name or an assembly. ...
  40. The CLR type referenced by column "%1!s!" of table variable "%2!s!" has been dropped during the execution of the batch. Run ...
  41. The CLSID registry key indicating that the Oracle OLEDB Provider for Oracle, OraOLEDB.Oracle, has been registered is not ...
  42. The cluster disk '{0}' cannot be selected because it is mounted on the following cluster resources: {1}. Choose the root ...
  43. The cluster disk '{0}' could not be brought online. The disk must be online in order for the SQL Server failover cluster ...
  44. The cluster disk '{0}' is not owned by the local node so it cannot be used as a cluster disk. To use this disk, move it to ...
  45. The cluster disk device name '{0}' is not valid. Supported devices names include drive letters, OS object name, and volume ...
  46. The cluster disk resource '{0}' is not online. Some operations may fail if the disk cannot be brought online for disk operations. ...
  47. The cluster either has not been verified or there are errors or failures in the verification report. Refer to KB953748 or ...
  48. The cluster group '{0}' contains resource '{1}' of type '{2}' that are not permitted in a SQL cluster group. Ensure the cluster ...
  49. The cluster group cannot be determined for the instance name '{0}'. This indicates there is a problem with the product registry ...
  50. The cluster group name cannot be null or empty. To continue, specify a valid group name and retry, or remove the command ...
  51. The Cluster Group {0} is active on the node where SQL Server Setup is running. To continue, the group must be either be owned ...
  52. The Cluster Group {0} is not owned by the node where SQL Server Setup is running. To continue, run Setup again on the node ...
  53. The cluster network '{0}' does not have a bound IPv6 address which indicates IPv6 is not supported for that network. Bind ...
  54. The cluster network name '{0}' could not be taken offline. To continue, take the network name offline before you delete it. ...
  55. The cluster node name '{0}' is invalid. The specified computer is not a cluster node in this SQL Server failover cluster. ...
  56. The cluster on this computer does not have a shared disk available. To continue, at least one shared disk must be available. ...
  57. The cluster operation cannot be completed because no clustered feature is available. The failover cluster name cannot be ...
  58. The Cluster Service function call '%1!s!' failed with error code '%2!s!' while verifying the file path. Verify that your ...
  59. The clustered index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' cannot be disabled because the table has change tracking enabled. Disable change ...
  60. The clustered index '{0}.{1}.{2}' will not be scripted for article '{3}' because it references the unpublished column '{4}'. ...
  61. The clustered index on materialized view '%1!s!' may not contain nullable columns if it is to be published using the transaction-based ...
  62. The clustering method the algorithm uses can be either: Scalable EM (1), Non-scalable EM (2), Scalable K-means (3), or Non-scalable ...
  63. The ClusterProbability function returns the probability of the input case belonging to the specified (or most likely) cluster. ...
  64. The code page %1!d! specified on column "%2!s!" (%3!d!) is not supported. You must first convert this column to DT_WSTR which ...
  65. The code page %1!d! specified on output column "%2!s!" (%3!d!) is not valid. Select a different code page for output column ...
  66. The code pages do not match in a binary operation. The code page of the left operand does not match the code page of the ...
  67. The code pages do not match in a conditional operation. The code page of the left operand does not match the code page of ...
  68. The code pages for operands of binary operator "%1!s!" for type "%2!s!" must match. Currently, the code page of the left ...
  69. The code pages must match for operands of conditional operation "%1!s!" for type %2!s!. The code page of the left operand ...
  70. The code pages of the DT_STR source column "%1!s!" and the DT_STR dest column "%2!s!" do not match. This may cause unexpected ...
  71. The column "%1!s!" (%2!d!) cannot be matched to any input file column. The output column name or input column name cannot ...
  72. The column "%1!s!" at index %2!d! in the flat file connection manager was not found at index %3!d! in the column collection ...
  73. The column "%1!s!" in the pre-built index "%2!s!" was not found in the reference table/query. This happens if the schema/query ...
  74. The column '%1!s!' cannot be added to a full-text index. Full-text indexes are limited to 1024 columns. When you create a ...
  75. The column '%1!s!' does not have a valid data type for the ORDER hint specified for data source '%2!s!'. The text, ntext, ...