SQL Server 2008

  1. The attribute with ID of '%{propertyid/}', Name of '%{propertyname/}' in the %{aggregationdimension/} aggregation dimension ...
  2. The attribute with ID of '%{propertyid/}', Name of '%{propertyname/}' referenced by the %{aggregationdimension/} aggregation ...
  3. The attribute with ID of '%{propertyid/}', Name of '%{propertyname/}' referenced by the '%{detaildimension/}' measure group ...
  4. The attribute with ID of '%{propertyid/}', Name of '%{propertyname/}' referred to by the '%{aggregationdimension/}' aggregation ...
  5. The attribute, '%s{attribute/}', is not valid in the current procedure call because the attribute is not a PREDICT or a PREDICT_ONLY ...
  6. The attribute, '%{Attribute/}', of the mining model ,'%{Model/}', has a content type, %{Content/}, that is not supported ...
  7. The authoring tool has returned a Null value for an item marked with the msmConfigItemNonNullable attribute. Module table: ...
  8. The AUTODETECT_MINIMUM_SUPPORT parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. AUTODETECT_MINIMUM_SUPPORT must be greater ...
  9. The AUTO_DETECT_PERIODICITY parameter for the mining model, %{modelname/}, is not valid. AUTO_DETECT_PERIODICITY should be ...
  10. The Axis function was indirectly referenced from the context of a statement other than SELECT. Evaluation of expressions ...
  11. The Back Up Database (Differential) task allows you to specify the source databases, destination files or tapes, and overwrite ...
  12. The Back Up Database (Full) task allows you to specify the source databases, destination files or tapes, and overwrite options ...
  13. The Back Up Database (Transaction Log) task allows you to specify the source databases, destination files or tapes, and overwrite ...
  14. The Back Up Database task allows you to specify the source databases, destination files or tapes, and overwrite options for ...
  15. The background checkpoint thread has encountered an unrecoverable error. The checkpoint process is terminating so that the ...
  16. The background thread running lazy writer encountered an I/O error. Physical file: %{PhysicalFile/}. Logical file: %{LogicalFile/}. ...
  17. The backup cannot be performed because '%1!s!' was requested after the media was formatted with an incompatible structure. ...
  18. The backup data at the end of "%1!s!" is incorrectly formatted. Backup sets on the media might be damaged and unusable. To ...
  19. The backup media on "%1!s!" is part of media family %2!s! which has already been processed on "%3!s!". Ensure that backup ...
  20. The backup of the file or filegroup "%1!s!" is not permitted because it is not online. BACKUP can be performed by using the ...
  21. The backup of the system database on the device %1!s! cannot be restored because it was created by a different version of ...
  22. The backup operation has detected an unexpected file in a FILESTREAM container. The backup operation will continue and include ...
  23. The backup set cannot be restored because the database was damaged when the backup occurred. Salvage attempts may exploit ...
  24. The backup set on device '%1!s!' was terminated while it was being created and is incomplete. RESTORE sequence is terminated ...
  25. The Backup, Restore or Synchronize command cannot be executed within a user initiated transaction or in transactional batch. ...
  26. The BackupDirectory registry key is not configured correctly. This key should specify the root path where disk backup files ...
  27. The BaseEntity of the {0} is the {1}. Based on the SelectedPath, the specified DrillthroughContext can be used only if the ...
  28. The batch '{0}' cannot be found. This error occurs when the batch was not previously opened by the CreateBatch method. It ...
  29. The begin and end action at postition %1!s! are not of the same type. Specify matching actions that are the same type and ...
  30. The begin and end columns at position %1!s! are not of the same type. Specify matching columns that are the same type and ...
  31. The binary code for the script is not found. Please open the script in the designer by clicking Edit Script button and make ...
  32. The binary field is too large. The adapter attempted to read a binary field that was %1!d! bytes long, but expected a field ...
  33. The binary operation "%1!s!" failed with error code 2!8.8X!. An internal error occurred, or an out-of-memory condition exists. ...
  34. The binding is missing for the {0}. Role must have exactly one Relation binding, unless the containing Entity is bound to ...
  35. The binding of the measure group '%{measuregroupid/}' references a server measure group '%{remotemgid/}' that does not exist. ...
  36. The bindings for this relationship are not valid. To correct this issue, you can either delete and re-create the relationship, ...
  37. The blob store returned a stream that corresponds to a new blob, which has its initial position set to a value other than ...
  38. The blob store returned a stream that corresponds to an existing blob, which has its its initial position set to a value ...
  39. The Boolean property value that specifies whether the linked server supports remote procedure calls (RPCs) with output parameters. ...
  40. The boolean that indicates whether the client application allows the user to group on this attribute. This value should be ...
  41. The boolean that indicates whether the client application should display the target entity as a look-up when the containing ...
  42. The boolean that indicates whether the client application should treat the entity as a lookup table or as a full-fledged ...
  43. The boolean that indicates whether the client application shows the role to the user and whether the fields of the related ...
  44. The BottomCount function returns the last n-item rows of the table expression, ordered in ascending order by the rank expression. ...
  45. The BottomPercent function returns the smallest number of rows in increasing order such that the sum of the rank expression ...
  46. The BottomSum function returns the smallest number of rows in increasing order such that the sum of the rank expression values ...
  47. The BottomSum function returns the smallest number of rows in increasing order such that the sum of the rank expression values ...
  48. The boundary value '{0}' was not recognized as a valid {1} value. Enter the value in a supported string literal datetime ...
  49. The Broker Configuration conversation on dialog handle '%1!s!' closed due to an error. To troubleshoot this problem, investigate ...
  50. The browser has encountered an error while querying the current hierarchy and has been disabled. Click Reconnect to reload ...
  51. The browser is disabled because custom MDX expressions defined in the Advanced tab were not validated due to the following ...
  52. The buffer manager attempted to push an error row to an output that was not registered as an error output. There was a call ...
  53. The buffer manager cannot create a file to spool a long object on the directories named in the BLOBTempStoragePath property. ...
  54. The buffer manager cannot create a temporary storage file on any path in the BufferTempStoragePath property. There is an ...
  55. The buffer manager could not create a temporary file on the path "%1!s!". The path will not be considered for temporary storage ...
  56. The buffer manager detected that the system was low on virtual memory, but was unable to swap out any buffers. %1!d! buffers ...
  57. The buffer manager failed a memory allocation call for %3!d! bytes, but was unable to swap out any buffers to relieve memory ...
  58. The buffer manager has allocated %1!d! bytes, even though the memory pressure has been detected and repeated attempts to ...
  59. The buffer manager ran out of memory while trying to extend the table of buffer types. This is caused by an out-of-memory ...
  60. The bulk copy (bcp) client has sent a row length of %1!s!. This is not a valid size. The maximum row size is %2!s!. Use a ...
  61. The bulk copy (bcp) client sent a row length of %1!s!. This size is not valid. The minimum row size is %2!s!. Use a supported ...
  62. The bulk data source provider string has a syntax error near character position %1!s!. Expected '%2!s!', but found '%3!s!'. ...
  63. The Bulk Insert operation of SQL Server Destination has timed out. Please consider increasing the value of Timeout property ...
  64. The bulk load failed. The column is too long in the data file for row %1!s!, column %2!s!. Verify that the field terminator ...
  65. The bulk load failed. Unexpected NULL value in data file row %1!s!, column %2!s!. The destination column (%3!s!) is defined ...
  66. The bulk-copying of data from '{0}' has been chosen as a deadlock victim, the operation will be retried in {1} milliseconds. ...
  67. The byte order mark (BOM) value for the file "%1!s!" is 2!4.4X!, but the expected value is 3!4.4X!. The ExpectBOM property ...
  68. The byte order mark (BOM) value for the file is not valid. The ExpectBOM property was set for this file, but the BOM value ...
  69. The cabinet file '[2]' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, ...
  70. The cabinet file '[2]' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, ...
  71. The cache directory is not set, and the collector could not get an accessible temporary directory. Assign a cache directory ...
  72. The cache file is damaged, or the file was not created by using the Cache connection manager. Provide a valid cache file. ...
  73. The cache index position, %1!d!, is not valid. For non-index columns, the index position should be 0. For index columns, ...
  74. The CALCULATE command controls the aggregation of leaf cells in the cube. If deleted or modified, the data within the cube ...
  75. The CALCULATE command controls the aggregation of leaf cells in the cube. If the CALCULATE command is deleted or modified, ...