SQL Server 2008

  1. The connection "%1!s!" specifies a SQL Server instance with a version that is not supported for transfer. Only versions 7, ...
  2. The connection has been dropped because the principal that opened it subsequently assumed a new security context, and then ...
  3. The connection has been lost with Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). Recovery of any in-doubt distributed ...
  4. The connection is no longer usable because the server failed to respond to a command cancellation for a previously executed ...
  5. The connection is no longer usable because the server response for a previously executed statement was incorrectly formatted. ...
  6. The connection manager "%1!s!" has an unsupported type "%2!s!". Only "FILE" and "OLEDB" connection managers are supported. ...
  7. The connection manager "%1!s!" is an incorrect type. The type required is "%2!s!". The type available to the component is ...
  8. The connection manager "%1!s!" is not found. A component failed to find the connection manager in the Connections collection. ...
  9. The connection manager "%1!s!" will not acquire a connection because the package OfflineMode property is TRUE. When the OfflineMode ...
  10. The connection manager %1!s! is an incorrect type. The type required is %2!s!. The type available to the component is %3!s!. ...
  11. The connection manager named "{0}" is not supported by this release. Only Ado.Net connections to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 ...
  12. The connection manager state information from the clipboard for the connection manager with moniker '{0}' could not be loaded. ...
  13. The connection string cannot be found. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and, in the Analysis Server Properties ...
  14. The connection string components cannot contain unquoted semicolons. If the value must contain a semicolon, enclose the entire ...
  15. The connection string format is not valid. It must consist of one or more components of the form X=Y, separated by semicolons. ...
  16. The connection string is not valid. Press OK to build a new connection string, or press Cancel to edit the existing connection ...
  17. The connection string to repository needs to be specified in the 9.0 server properties (see . section in msmdsrv.ini file ...
  18. The connection to the Analysis Services server database using connection manager '{0}' failed to connect. Verify that the ...
  19. The connection to the database could not be created. Only connections to local database files (Sql .MDF and Jet .MDB) are ...
  20. The connection to the server on which the agent runs must impersonate the process account. The process account must be a ...
  21. The connection to the server on which the agent runs must impersonate the process account. The process account must be a ...
  22. The connection type "%1!s!" specified for connection manager "%2!s!" is not recognized as a valid connection manager type. ...
  23. The connection type of the data source has changed. Connection managers that are based upon this data source are no longer ...
  24. The connection type specified for connection manager is not a valid connection manager type. This error occurs when an attempt ...
  25. The constraint "%1!s!" was not created because one or more columns in the constraint is not published. Either include all ...
  26. The constraint is used by merge replication for identity management and cannot be dropped directly. Execute sp_changemergearticle ...
  27. The constraints of %1!s! name, "%2!s!", have been violated. The object does not support binding to actions or predicates. ...
  28. The container can not be dropped because changes exist that require a log backup. Take a log backup and then retry the ALTER ...
  29. The container cannot be set to the offline state because changes exist that require a log backup. Take a log backup and then ...
  30. The content model of type '%1!s!' contains two elements with the same name '%2!s!' and different types, nullability, or value ...
  31. The content type of the '%{column/}' column of the '%{structure/}' mining structure can only be used to classify other columns. ...
  32. The contents of the attribute with Id of '%{attributeId/}', Name of '%{attributeName/}' cannot be updated because the dimension ...
  33. The contents of the file "%1!s!" are not consistent with a transition into the restore sequence. A restore from a backup ...
  34. The Context object cannot be used since there is no available server context. This typically occurs because the AdomdServer ...
  35. The context of the output column could not be retrieved. To add an output column, select either an output or another output ...
  36. The context transaction which was active before entering user defined routine, trigger or aggregate "%1!s!" has been ended ...
  37. The continuous content type cannot be determined due to the following problem: {0} You may manually change each mining structure ...
  38. The continuous key column reference (KEY TIME, KEY SEQUENCE) is not supported in a SELECT DISTINCT statement at line %d{Line/}, ...
  39. The conversation endpoint with conversation handle '%1!s!' is in an inconsistent state. Check the SQL Server error logs and ...
  40. The conversation endpoint with ID '%1!s!' and is_initiator: %2!s! is referencing the invalid conversation handle '%3!s!'. ...
  41. The conversation endpoint with ID '%1!s!' and is_initiator: %2!s! is referencing the missing service contract with ID %3!s!. ...
  42. The conversation with ID '%1!s!' and initiator: %2!s! references a missing conversation group '%3!s!'. Run DBCC CHECKDB to ...
  43. The conversion of the result of the expression"%1!s!" from type "%2!s!" to a supported type failed with error code 3!8.8X!. ...
  44. The copy columns, "%1!s!" and "%2!s!", do not have equal data types or are not trivially convertible string types. This occurs ...
  45. The CPU architecture of installing feature(s) is different than the instance specified. To continue, add features to this ...
  46. The CPU architectures of feature(s) you selected to removed are different then Setup. To remove these features, Setup architecture ...
  47. The CPU architectures of upgrading feature(s) and this installation program are different. To upgrade these features, Setup ...
  48. The CPU platform for the {0} feature is inconsistent between the nodes of the cluster. To cluster an instance, the platform ...
  49. The CREATE %1!s! statement is missing the required parameter '%2!s!'. Validate the statement against the index-creation syntax. ...
  50. The Create command cannot be executed since it is attempting to create an object in a read only database with the name of ...
  51. The CREATE CUBE statement is not valid because none of the selected dimensions belongs to the measure group of the selected ...
  52. The CREATE DATABASE statement failed. The primary file must be at least %1!s! MB to accommodate a copy of the model database. ...
  53. The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name '%1!s!' and the index ...
  54. The CreateFolderOnSQLServer method has encountered OLE DB error code 1!8.8X! (%2!s!) The SQL statement issued has failed. ...
  55. The credentials you provided for the Analysis Services service are invalid. To continue, provide a valid account and password ...
  56. The credentials you provided for the Full-text service are invalid. To continue, provide a valid account and password for ...
  57. The credentials you provided for the Integration Services service are invalid. To continue, provide a valid account and password ...
  58. The credentials you provided for the Reporting Services service are invalid. To continue, provide a valid account and password ...
  59. The credentials you provided for the SQL Server Agent service are invalid. To continue, provide a valid account and password ...
  60. The cryptographic signature of the package failed verification due to error 1!8.8X! "%2!s!". This occurs when the signature ...
  61. The cube already contains a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) with the specified name. Provide a different name for the KPI. ...
  62. The cube attribute with ID '%{propertyid/}' and Name '%{propertyname/}' referenced by the cube dimension '%{cubedimension/}' ...
  63. The cube cannot be browsed. Either structural changes have been made to the cube that require it to be reprocessed, or the ...
  64. The cube contains a large number of measure groups. To improve performance, consider consolidating them into fewer measure ...
  65. The cube contains a semiadditive measure %{name/}. The time dimension in the relevant measure group contains more than a ...
  66. The cube dimension '{0}' is not included as a fact dimension in the measure group '{1}'. All fact dimensions in a measure ...
  67. The cube dimensions, '{0}' and '{1}', do not have distinct hierarchy and attribute hierarchy names. The HierarchyUniqueNameStyle ...
  68. The cube does not have a source. The Currency Conversion Wizard can only be run if a source is present in the data source ...
  69. The cube has been reprocessed on the server. To prevent possible browsing errors, click *$*Reconnect*$*. To hide this message, ...
  70. The cube has been updated on the server. To prevent possible browsing errors, click *$*Reconnect*$*. To hide this message, ...
  71. The cube will not be migrated because it contains the '{0}' dimension that is either linked or depends on linked objects. ...
  72. The CUBE() and ROLLUP() grouping constructs are not allowed in the current compatibility mode. They are only allowed in 100 ...
  73. The cumulative lengths of the columns specified in the exact match joins exceeds the 900 byte limit for index keys. Fuzzy ...
  74. The current action cannot be completed. The user data source credentials do not meet the requirements to run this report. ...
  75. The current amount of time, in milliseconds, elapsed from when transactions are applied at the Publisher to when they are ...