Visual Studio 2010

  1. If you have not selected a build to use, you must first select your current build as the build to take. Then you can compare ...
  2. If you have previously configured a named instance in Microsoft SQL Server that you would like to use for the Team Foundation ...
  3. If you have previously configured a named instance in Microsoft SQL Server that you would like to use for the Team Foundation ...
  4. If you have previously configured a named instance in Microsoft SQL Server that you would like to use to store the project ...
  5. If you have previously configured a named instance of Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services that you would like to use for ...
  6. If you have previously configured a named instance of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services that you would like to use, ...
  7. If you have test results for this configuration, these results will now be associated with the changed test configuration. ...
  8. If you import database objects into this server project and then deploy the project, all objects will be deployed to the ...
  9. If you match a field to |0, data from that field will be stored in your publication where others might be able to read it. ...
  10. If you need this code group to be Level Final or Exclusive, you can enable these options in the new code group's property ...
  11. If you open this document in the designer, the project might be corrupted. The document is saved in a format that allows ...
  12. If you overwrite existing action recordings, this will affect any other tests that use these shared steps. You have recorded ...
  13. If you remove this region, you will break any attached pages that provide custom content for it. Do you want to continue? ...
  14. If you rename the following control: '{0}', you must manually edit any code that reference this control or it's descendents. ...
  15. If you rename this region, you will break any attached pages that provide custom content for it. Do you want to continue? ...
  16. If you save the view encrypted, you will no longer be able to alter the view definition. Do you want to save the view encrypted? ...
  17. If you save this layout page as another file, the new copy will no longer function as a layout page. Do you want to continue? ...
  18. If you select this option a new instance of Microsoft SQL Server Express will be installed and your configuration and team ...
  19. If you selected any other tests, then a test run will be created for these tests only. Contact your Team Foundation administrator ...
  20. If you update the target server project with these database objects and then deploy the project, you will also deploy those ...
  21. If you use a digital ID from a Microsoft partner, other people will be able to verify the authenticity of your signature. ...
  22. If you want to copy and paste several items, the Office Clipboard can help. You can collect up to 24 items. To paste, click ...
  23. If you want to create environments to use when you run your tests, you must register the test controller with a team project ...
  24. If you want to run tests that need to interact with the desktop, such as coded UI tests, run the test agent as an interactive ...
  25. If you want to use the test controller for load tests, you must use an account that has access to the performance counters ...
  26. If you would like to find out about resellers in your area, click here to connect to the Microsoft Visual Web Developer web ...
  27. If your account is a member of a group that is allowed to create team projects in Team Foundation Server, contact the administrator ...
  28. If your deployment utilizes SQL Server Reporting Services or SharePoint Products, you must also configure permissions in ...
  29. If your project(s) are not under source control, please ensure that all files have read/write permissions. We also recommend ...
  30. Ignore Import Library : Specifies that the import library generated by this configuration should not be imported into dependent ...
  31. Ignore Specific Library : Specifies one or more names of default libraries to ignore; separate multiple libraries with semi-colons. ...
  32. Ignored the following environments for service account update: {0}. Examine the errors shown here, if any, for more details. ...
  33. Ignoring these exceptions will put the designer in an unstable state that could result in the loss of controls. Do you want ...
  34. IInsertionPoint collection specifies duplicate lifelines. InteractionOperand/CombinedFragment can only span across distinct ...
  35. IIS cannot be reset because application pool "{0}" is not allowed to be instrumented. Data collection for IIS will not take ...
  36. IIS is not installed on this computer. To access local IIS Web sites, you must install the following IIS components: %1 In ...
  37. IIS Manager is not installed on this machine. Please install IIS Manager by going to Control Panel->Add or Remove Programs->Add/Remove ...
  38. IIS Manager is not installed on this machine. Please install IIS Manager by going to Control Panel->Programs and Features->Turn ...
  39. ILifeline is not of Lifeline object. This method can only work with Lifeline object. InsertionPoint cannot be created as ...
  40. IList implementations should also provide versions of the IList members that are strongly typed, namely they should specify ...
  41. Ill-defined _try/_except: use of the constant EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH or another constant that evaluates to zero in the ...
  42. Illegal use of user defined type method or property. Only a single property or method instance allowed in a set clause item. ...
  43. Images with external URL references will not display if the report is published to a report server without an UnattendedExecutionAccount ...
  44. Implement IDisposable on {0} because it creates members of the following IDisposable types: {1}. If {0} has previously shipped, ...
  45. Implement the IObjectConstruct interface when you want to control the object construction process by passing in parameters ...
  46. Implement the IObjectControl interface when you want to define context-specific initialization and cleanup procedures for ...
  47. implements a finalizer that only calls conditionally emitted methods or the base type finalizer. Remove the finalizer or ...
  48. Implements a Try/Catch block that handles Exception, DataException, and all the exceptions that derive from DataException. ...
  49. Implements keyword Indicates that a class or structure member is providing the implementation for a member defined in an ...
  50. Implements statement Specifies one or more interfaces, or interface members, that must be implemented in the class or structure ...
  51. Implements the OnAddInsUpdate method of the IDTExtensibility2 interface. Receives notification that the collection of Add-ins ...
  52. Implements the OnAddInsUpdate method of the IDTExtensibility2 interface. Receives notification when the collection of Add-ins ...
  53. Implements the OnBeginShutdown method of the IDTExtensibility2 interface. Receives notification that the host application ...
  54. Implements the OnConnection method of the IDTExtensibility2 interface. Receives notification that the Add-in is being loaded. ...
  55. Implements the OnDisconnection method of the IDTExtensibility2 interface. Receives notification that the Add-in is being ...
  56. Implements the OnStartupComplete method of the IDTExtensibility2 interface. Receives notification that the host application ...
  57. Implements the QueryStatus method of the IDTCommandTarget interface. This is called when the command's availability is updated ...
  58. Implicit cast between semantically different integer types: assigning 1 or TRUE to HRESULT. Consider using S_FALSE instead ...
  59. Implicit cast between semantically different integer types: comparing HRESULT to -1. Consider using SUCCEEDED or FAILED macro ...
  60. Implicit cast between semantically different integer types: comparing HRESULT to 1 or TRUE. Consider using SUCCEEDED or FAILED ...
  61. Implicit cast between semantically different integer types: comparing HRESULT to an integer. Consider using SUCCEEDED or ...
  62. Implicit cast between semantically different integer types: testing HRESULT with 'not'. Consider using SUCCEEDED or FAILED ...
  63. Implicit conversion from '|5' to '|6'; this conversion may fail because '|1' is not derived from '|2', as required for the ...
  64. Implicit conversion from '|5' to '|6'; this conversion may fail because '|1' is not derived from '|2', as required for the ...
  65. ImplicitLCSamples : This sample contains two source files showing similar source code using implicit and explicit line continuation ...
  66. implicitly declares '|3', which conflicts with a member implicitly declared for |4 '|5' in the base |6 '|7'. So the |1 should ...
  67. implicitly declares '|3', which conflicts with a member implicitly declared for |4 '|5' in the base |6 '|7'. |1 should be ...
  68. implicitly declares '|3', which conflicts with a member in the base |4 '|5', and so the |1 should be declared 'Shadows'. ...
  69. implicitly declares '|3', which conflicts with a member in the base |4 '|5', and so the |1 should not be declared 'Overloads'. ...
  70. IMPORTANT: The support for CLR code in the C++ language has changed considerably since the Visual Studio 2005 release. The ...
  71. IMPORTANT: The support for CLR code in the C++ language has changed considerably with this release of Visual Studio. The ...
  72. Importing '{0}' would change the meaning of other code in your file, including calls to extension methods. Click OK to correct ...
  73. Importing '{0}' would change the meaning of other identifiers in this file. To correct '{1}' and preserve the meaning of ...
  74. Importing '|1' would change the meaning of other identifiers in this file. To correct '|2' and preserve the meaning of other ...
  75. Importing web service with multiple services or SOAP 1.1 Bindings is not supported. Select a .wsdl or .disco that only contains ...