SQL Server 2016

  1. The login you entered does not have the necessary permissions to save the security configuration on server instance '{0}'. ...
  2. The login you specified when connecting to server instance '{0}' has limited permissions for monitoring database mirroring. ...
  3. The Lookup output that handles rows with no matching entries in the reference dataset. Use this output when the NoMatchBehavior ...
  4. The Lookup output that handles rows with no matching entries in the reference dataset. Use this output when the NoMatchBehavior ...
  5. The lookup transform must contain at least one input column joined to a reference column, and none were specified. You must ...
  6. The Lookup transformation failed to retrieve any rows. The transform fails when the FailOnLookupFailure is set to TRUE and ...
  7. The Lookup transformation reference metadata contains too few columns. Check the SQLCommand property. The SELECT statement ...
  8. The machine is clustered, but the cluster is not online or cannot be accessed from one of its nodes. To continue determine ...
  9. The magnitude of the result of a function call was too big to fit in the result type, and overflowed the type of the operand. ...
  10. The main assembly has the same public key as the components installed by SQL Server Setup, you cannot use it as the main ...
  11. The main assembly has the same public key as the components installed by SQL Server Setup. You cannot use it as the main ...
  12. The Management Data Warehouse version "%s" is not supported by the current data collector. Please upgrade the Management ...
  13. The Management Data Warehouse version is incompatible with the current reports. Please contact the administrator for the ...
  14. The Management Portal for SQL Azure cannot connect to server '{0}'. To continue, use the Windows Azure Portal to update the ...
  15. The Many-to-many and Many-to-one conversion options are not valid because a single currency has been selected as the base ...
  16. The ManyToManyChildAttributeId is not valid. It must belong to the same mapping entity as ForeignId (parent attribute) and ...
  17. The map, {0}, was detected in the report. SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services does not support map report items. Either reduce ...
  18. The mapping and metadata information for EntityContainer '{0}' no longer matches the information used to create the pre-generated ...
  19. The mapping for column '%1' of article '%2', publication '%3' is not suitable for parameterized commands. Change the mapping ...
  20. The mapping of CLR type to EDM type is ambiguous because multiple CLR types match the EDM type '{0}'. Previously found CLR ...
  21. The marked transaction "%1!s!" failed. A timeout occurred while attempting to place a mark in the log by committing the marked ...
  22. The master database cannot be restored using this command. Use the Configuration Manager to restore the master database. ...
  23. The master database cannot be restored using this command. Use the Configuration Manager to restore the master database. ...
  24. The master merge started at the end of the full crawl of table or indexed view '%1!s!' failed with HRESULT = ' 2!s!'. Database ...
  25. The master server operator will be created on the master server and each of the target servers. Multiserver jobs can only ...
  26. The matching configuration has been changed by another user, Your changes cannot be saved. The new settings are about to ...
  27. The matrix {1}' contains a different number of MatrixColumn elements than the number of StaticColumn elements. If the matrix ...
  28. The matrix {1}' contains a different number of MatrixRow elements than the number of StaticRow elements. If the matrix contains ...
  29. The matrix {1}' has a MatrixRow that contains a different number of MatrixCell elements than the number of StaticColumn elements ...
  30. The maximum allow integer identity value has been reached. Consider re-building the error tolerant index to use any gaps ...
  31. The maximum amount of time, in minutes, that Database Engine Tuning Advisor will spend tuning. In general, longer times produce ...
  32. The maximum batch ID in the staging table cannot be greater than %1!s!. Please perform the necessary delete/update operation ...
  33. The Maximum insert commit size property of the OLE DB destination "%1!s!" is set to 0. This property setting can cause the ...
  34. The Maximum insert commit size property of the OLE DB destination "{0}" is set to 0. This property setting can cause the ...
  35. The maximum key length is %1!s! bytes. The secondary selective XML index '%2!s!' over path '%3!s!' has maximum length of ...
  36. The maximum number of days that a stored parameter can be stored. Valid values are 1 through 2,147,483,647. The default value ...
  37. The maximum number of snapshots that are stored for a report. Valid values are -1 and 1 through 2,147,483,647. If the value ...
  38. The maximum system-generated unique value for a duplicate group was exceeded for index with partition ID %1!s!. Dropping ...
  39. The maximum time, in seconds, that the principal server instance waits for a PING message from another instance in the mirroring ...
  40. The MAXIMUM_BUCKETS_FOR_CONTINUOUS_SPLIT parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MAXIMUM_BUCKETS_FOR_CONTINUOUS_SPLIT ...
  41. The MAXIMUM_CLUSTER_COUNT parameter is negative in the '%{modelname/}' Microsoft Sequence Clustering model. MAXIMUM_CLUSTER_COUNT ...
  42. The MAXIMUM_CONTINUOUS_INPUT_ATTRIBUTES parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MAXIMUM_CONTINUOUS_INPUT_ATTRIBUTES ...
  43. The MAXIMUM_INPUT_ATTRIBUTES parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MAXIMUM_INPUT_ATTRIBUTES must be at least ...
  44. The MAXIMUM_INPUT_ATTRIBUTES parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MAXIMUM_INPUT_ATTRIBUTES must be greater ...
  45. The MAXIMUM_ITEMSET_COUNT parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MAXIMUM_ITEMSET_COUNT must be greater than ...
  46. The MAXIMUM_ITEMSET_SIZE parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MAXIMUM_ITEMSET_SIZE must be between 0 and ...
  47. The MAXIMUM_OUTPUT_ATTRIBUTES parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MAXIMUM_OUTPUT_ATTRIBUTES must be at ...
  48. The MAXIMUM_STATES parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not supported. MAXIMUM_STATES must be 0, 2, or at most %d{Max/}'. ...
  49. The MAXIMUM_STATES parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MAXIMUM_STATES must be 0, or between 2 and %d{Max/}'. ...
  50. The MAXIMUM_STATES parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MAXIMUM_STATES must be between %d{Min/}' and %d{Max/}' ...
  51. The MAXLENGTH option value specified for the path '%1!s!' for Selective XML Index '%2!s!' is not allowed. The value should ...
  52. The MDX script contains one or more syntax errors. New calculation properties cannot be specified until the errors are resolved. ...
  53. The measure '%{deptable/}'[%{depcolumn/} depends on another measure named '%{srctable/}'[%{srccolumn/} which has an dependency ...
  54. The measure '%{deptable/}'[%{depcolumn/} depends on another measure named '%{srctable/}'[%{srccolumn/} which has an error: ...
  55. The measure group dimension with ID of '%{detaildimensionid/}', Name of '%{name/}' referenced by the '%{measure/}' measure ...
  56. The measure group has zero dimensional overlap with all of the other measure groups in the cube. Consider moving it to a ...
  57. The measure referenced by the PerspectiveMeasure '%{perspmeasure/}' in table '%{persptable/}' in perspective '%{persp/}' ...
  58. The media family on device '%1!s!' is marked as nonappendable. Reissue the statement using the INIT option to overwrite the ...
  59. The media family on device '%1!s!' was created using Microsoft Tape Format version %2!s!.%3!s!. SQL Server supports version ...
  60. The media loaded on "%1!s!" is formatted to support %2!s! media families, but %3!s! media families are expected according ...
  61. The member cannot be saved. Either enter a code or have an administrator set up automatic code generation for the entity. ...
  62. The member count of the source attribute, '{0}', is the same as the member count of the related attribute, '{1}'. This attribute ...
  63. The member {0} could not be converted to a CreateCustomModifiers delegate as the method does not have a compatible signature. ...
  64. The memory optimization advisor in this version of Management Studio does not support SQL Server 2014. Please use SQL Server ...
  65. The Merge Agent could not apply a batch of changes at the '%1' using Web synchronization. Ensure that there is sufficient ...
  66. The Merge Agent could not connect to the URL '%1' during Web synchronization. Please verify that the URL, Internet login ...
  67. The Merge Agent could not reinitialize all subscriptions to a republishing Subscriber. When troubleshooting, restart the ...
  68. The Merge Agent could not retrieve version information from the Publisher. When troubleshooting, ensure that the Publisher ...
  69. The Merge Agent encountered an error when executing code in the '%2' method implemented in the business logic handler '%1'. ...
  70. The Merge Agent encountered an error when executing code in the CommitHandler method implemented in the business logic handler ...
  71. The Merge Agent encountered an error when executing code in the HandledChangeStates property implemented in the business ...
  72. The Merge Agent encountered an error when executing code in the Initialize method implemented in the business logic handler ...
  73. The Merge Agent encountered an error when executing code in the PhaseBegin method implemented in the business logic handler ...
  74. The merge agent encountered an error while initializing the Business Logic resolver. Verify that Microsoft.SqlServer.Rep ...
  75. The Merge Agent failed after detecting that retention-based metadata cleanup has deleted metadata at the Subscriber for changes ...