Visual Studio 2013

  1. One or more Release Management for Visual Studio 2013 or earlier products are installed. Please uninstall these prior to ...
  2. One or more rule set files that are required by the policy are out of date. Double-click this message for more information. ...
  3. One or more selected items are not up-to-date and have been deleted on the server. Reconcile will add those items back to ...
  4. One or more source control bindings for this solution are not valid and are listed below. Source control bindings can be ...
  5. One or more source control bindings for this solution are not valid and are listed below. Source control bindings can be ...
  6. One or more team projects mapped by this build definition require exclusive checkout. Changes which include these files may ...
  7. One or more tests could not be found. Would you like to continue with creating a Test Run with only those tests that can ...
  8. One or more users are currently connected. Exiting will abort these connections, which may result in data loss from Visual ...
  9. One or more virtual machines do not have logical network specified on any of its network adapters. Edit the virtual machines ...
  10. One or more Visual Studio 2013 Preview or earlier products are installed. Please uninstall these prior to installing Visual ...
  11. One or more work items could not be saved. You might have lost the connection to your server. Refresh your browser, and then ...
  12. One or more work items have been destroyed in the work item tracking database. A constraint error occurred while attempting ...
  13. One or more work items have been destroyed in the work item tracking database. The following error occurred when attempting ...
  14. One or more working folders in version control have changed. Do you want to get the latest files from version control to ...
  15. One or more XML schemas associated with this document are not registered or are missing. XML-related controls cannot be created ...
  16. One to zero or one relationships must be mapped on the key fields and only the key fields of both sides of the relationship. ...
  17. Online Templates Provider is attempting to access the Internet, but your Internet connection requires you to enter a user ...
  18. Only 'Look-up' style relationship is supported when the table is either stored in an external data source, or it is a static ...
  19. Only 'Look-up' style relationship to a look-up data type is supported. Referencing mutiple items in a look-up data source ...
  20. Only a small number of samples were collected. Consider a longer run or faster sampling rate for more significant results. ...
  21. Only changes to a single data service can be saved. To save changes to multiple data services, implement the "Saving" method. ...
  22. Only enable source server support when using symbol files from a known and trusted location. Would you like to enable source ...
  23. Only False is supported currently - Incomplete feature. Description: True if a dedicated Identity database should be created, ...
  24. Only first {0} results for selected range have been read. Please select a smaller range to see full set of details for a ...
  25. Only include optimization information essential for implementing inlined constructs. Inhibits cross-module inlining but improves ...
  26. Only one clustered index can be created on table ' '. Change the Clustered property setting on index ' ' before creating ...
  27. Only one of the DataTier configuration values UseExist, UseExistingEmpty or UpgradeExisting may be indicated. Having multiple ...
  28. Only projects that compile to executables or launchable web projects are shown. Any dynamic-link library (DLL) loaded by ...
  29. Only projects that compile to executables or launchable web projects are shown. If concurrency visualization is selected, ...
  30. Only record, union, exception and struct types may be augmented with the 'ReferenceEquality', 'StructuralEquality' and 'StructuralComparison' ...
  31. Only some of the %1 products on this computer have been upgraded to Service Pack 1. None will work correctly until all have ...
  32. Only some of the %s products on this computer have been upgraded to Service Pack 1. None will work correctly until all have ...
  33. Only tests whose priority is greater than or equal to this value will be executed. In the process parameter grid, -1 indicates ...
  34. Only tests whose priority is less than or equal to this value will be executed. In the process parameter grid, -1 indicates ...
  35. Only those application pools that have all values empty except ApplicationPool are not instrumented. If an application pool ...
  36. Only tool windows created by Add-ins (Windows.CreateToolWindow or Windows2.CreateToolWindow2) can offer Selection Objects. ...
  37. OnStartPage() is called the first time script tries to access this object. OnEndPage() is called when ASP finishes processing ...
  38. Oops. You've changed the project in such a way that we got a little confused. Sorry about that. Please save your work and ...
  39. Open Microsoft Outlook manually to check that it can open successfully. Then try to send this file again from Visual Studio. ...
  40. Open With can only be used to open multiple files if those files all have identical extensions. Reduce the selection until ...
  41. Opening a non-dataset XML schema with the Dataset Designer may alter the contents of your file, possibly removing non-dataset ...
  42. Opening the rule set will navigate away from this property page. If you have made changes to the property pages then you ...
  43. Opens the Add Service Reference dialog box that lets you create a connection to a service that returns the data for your ...
  44. Opens the Add Web Reference dialog box that lets you create a connection to a Web service that returns the data for your ...
  45. Operations executed on the User Interface thread are using {0:0.00%} of the CPU. Go the Performance Warnings menu in the ...
  46. operator '%$L' cannot be applied to an instance of a ref class%$Nuse the unary '%' operator to convert an instance of a ref ...
  47. Operator '|1' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result ...
  48. Operator '|1' is not defined for types '|2' and '|3'. You can use the 'Value' property to get the string value of the first ...
  49. Operator declaration must be one of: +, -, *, \, /, ^, , Like, Mod, And, Or, Xor, Not, >, =, , >=, CType, IsTrue, IsFalse. ...
  50. Operator is not overloadable. Operator declaration must be one of: +, -, *, \, /, ^, , Like, Mod, And, Or, Xor, Not, >, =, ...
  51. operator overload is not supported, please contact Visual Studio Microsoft Technical Support for more detailed information. ...
  52. Operator statement Declares the operator symbol, operands, and code that define an operator procedure on a class or structure. ...
  53. Optimization : Select option for code optimization; choose Custom to use specific optimization options. (/Od, /O1, /O2, /Ox) ...
  54. Optimize For Processor : Optimize code to favor a specific X86 processor; use Blended to work best across all processors. ...
  55. Optimize for Windows98 : Align code on 4KB boundaries. This improves performance on Windows 98 systems. (/OPT:WIN98, /OPT:NOWIN98) ...
  56. Optimizes the environment so you can focus on building world-class applications. This collection of settings contains customizations ...
  57. Option '-delaysign' overrides attribute 'System.Reflection.AssemblyDelaySignAttribute' given in a source file or added module ...
  58. Option '-keycontainer' overrides attribute 'System.Reflection.AssemblyNameAttribute' given in a source file or added module ...
  59. Option '-keyfile' overrides attribute 'System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFileAttribute' given in a source file or added module ...
  60. Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from '|1' to '|2'; the Visual Basic 6.0 collection type is not compatible ...
  61. Option Strict On disallows narrowing from type '|2' to type '|3' in copying the value of 'ByRef' parameter '|1' back to the ...
  62. Option Strict On does not allow narrowing in implicit type conversions between extension method '|1' defined in '|3' and ...
  63. Option Strict On requires each lambda expression parameter to be declared with an 'As' clause if its type cannot be inferred. ...
  64. Optional Boolean. For a Text field whose RichText attribute is TRUE and whose RichTextMode attribute is FullHtml, this attribute ...
  65. Optional Boolean. If a field definition already exists for the field, TRUE to force updates to field properties with the ...
  66. Optional Boolean. If FALSE, the field does not show up in a Fields enumeration when the display mode is set to New. Fields ...
  67. Optional Boolean. If FALSE, the field does not show up in a Fields enumeration when the display mode is set to New. Fields ...
  68. Optional Boolean. If TRUE, the field is completely hidden from the user interface. Setting ReadOnly to TRUE means the field ...
  69. Optional Boolean. If TRUE, the field is completely hidden from the user interface. Setting ReadOnly to TRUE means the field ...
  70. Optional Boolean. If TRUE, the field is not displayed in New or Edit forms but can be included in views. In addition, setting ...
  71. Optional Boolean. If TRUE, the field is not displayed in New or Edit forms but can be included in views. Setting the Hidden ...
  72. Optional Boolean. If TRUE, the field must not have an empty value assigned to it. If a nonempty field value is not given ...
  73. Optional Boolean. The value of this attribute determines whether the content type inherits fields from its parent content ...
  74. Optional Boolean. TRUE if a filter can be created on the field in a view that does not expand recurring events. If Filterable ...
  75. Optional Boolean. TRUE if the value is displayed as a percentage; that is, a number multiplied by 100 with a percent sign ...