Visual Studio 2013

  1. Non-directional relationships are not supported. The "Is Navigable" property of the "Second Role" on the following relationship ...
  2. Non-generic strongly typed collections should implement one of the generic collection interfaces. This will allow better ...
  3. Non-integer passed as _Param_(%1$d) when an integer is required in call to '%2$ls' Actual type: '%3$ls': if a pointer value ...
  4. Non-primitive numeric literal constants cannot be used in pattern matches because they can be mapped to multiple different ...
  5. Non-private static constructors can cause unexpected behaviors, particularly when executed multiple times. This violation ...
  6. None of the accessible 'Main' methods with the appropriate signatures found in '|1' can be the startup method since they ...
  7. None of the build configurations you selected are supported on the local machine. To run local validation, select at least ...
  8. None of the existing team project collection is configured to use SCVMM. To do so, click the Team Project Collections node, ...
  9. None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: ...
  10. None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: ...
  11. None of the types '{0}' support the operator '{1}'. Consider opening the module 'Microsoft.FSharp.Linq.NullableOperators'. ...
  12. NonSerialized' attribute will not have any effect on this member because its containing class is not exposed as 'Serializable'. ...
  13. nonstandard extension used : '%$I' : loop control variable declared in the for-loop is used outside the for-loop scope; it ...
  14. Normalizes a vector input. A normalized vector retains the direction of the original vector, but not its magnitude. You can ...
  15. Not all collection level administration is exposed in the web experience. For all administration operations at the collection ...
  16. Not all the agents are ready. To manually check the status, use the 'Refresh' button on the Manage Test Controller dialog. ...
  17. Not updating Reporting Services content manager role since reporting services is remote. You need to manually update that ...
  18. Note : It is highly recommended that you regularly check for and install updates for Office 2003. To search for operating ...
  19. Note : It is highly recommended that you regularly check for and install updates for your operating system. To search for ...
  20. Note : It is highly recommended that you regularly check for and install updates for your operating system. To search for ...
  21. Note : It is highly recommended that you regularly check for and install updates for your operating system. To search for ...
  22. Note that if you choose to recover the auto-saved documents, you must explicitly save them to overwrite the original documents. ...
  23. Note that some versions of Visual Studio require a repository with the same name as the team project for full Team Explorer ...
  24. Note that some versions of Visual Studio will only provide full Team Explorer integration with a repository that has the ...
  25. Note, there may be personally identifiable information contained within these log files. If you have any questions or concerns, ...
  26. NOTE: Because a project name containing Unicode characters was used, Visual C++/ATL and Visual C++/CLR is not available as ...
  27. Note: Coded UI Test Builder will connect to an emulator instance running on this machine. Before proceeding, ensure that ...
  28. Note: Completed builds may be exempted from their associated retention policy in the view of builds by selecting Retain Indefinitely ...
  29. Note: Except for the home page setting, all changes made to Internet Explorer options will affect both Internet Explorer ...
  30. Note: If these values are left blank, additional configuration will be required when deploying the web project. For Web Deploy ...
  31. Note: It is highly recommended that you regularly check for and install updates for your operating system available at h ...
  32. Note: Lambda-lifting optimizations have not been applied because of the use of this local constrained generic function as ...
  33. NOTE: One or more referenced assemblies could not be found. Use the '/directory' or '/reference' switch to specify additional ...
  34. Note: This page sets options for all languages. To change options for only one language, select the desired language from ...
  35. NOTE: This wizard does not add any files to the project after it has been created. The "Project from Existing Source Code" ...
  36. Note: To clone and use this repository from Git tools outside Visual Studio, you need to ensure alternate credentials are ...
  37. Note: You have chosen to use Negotiate (Kerberos) with Integrated Windows authentication. Manual configuration steps by a ...
  38. NOTES = (1) The Exists column indicates whether the listed account exists in Windows. For the List mode of the command, this ...
  39. Notifies the parent window of a Microsoft Rich Edit control that an unsupported Rich Text Format (RTF) keyword was received ...
  40. Notifies the toolbar's parent window whether a button may be deleted from a toolbar while the user is customizing the toolbar ...
  41. Notifies the toolbar's parent window whether a button may be inserted to the left of the specified button while the user ...
  42. Notify Before Move : Specifies that the slider will notify the parent before repositioning the slider due to user action. ...
  43. Now developers and operations staff can collaborate on code running in production with Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 Update ...
  44. NULL application name with an unquoted path in call to '%1$ls': results in a security vulnerability if the path contains ...
  45. Number of Search Results = {0} Results = {1} Index of Previous = {2} Index of Next = {3} Current Selection in Search Results ...
  46. Numeric entity "{0}" is out of range. The value specified is not a valid Unicode value. Valid ranges: #x20-#xD7FF, #xE000-#xFFFD, ...
  47. Numeric entity is out of range. The value specified is not a valid Unicode value. Valid ranges: #x20-#xD7FF, #xE000-#xFFFD, ...
  48. Object construction expressions (i.e. record expressions with inheritance specifications) may only be used to implement constructors ...
  49. Object constructors cannot directly use try/with and try/finally prior to the initialization of the object. This includes ...
  50. Object File Name : Specifies a name to override the default object file name; can be file or directory name. (/Fo[name]) ...
  51. Object {0} can be disposed more than once in method {1}. To avoid generating a System.ObjectDisposedException you should ...
  52. Objects must be initialized by an object construction expression that calls an inherited object constructor and assigns a ...
  53. Occurrences were found in an open designer or editor that does not support the Replace operation. Use Find to locate occurrences ...
  54. OccurrenceSpecification has no intersection with the passed in lifeline {0}. InsertionPoint cannot be created as expected. ...
  55. Occurs when an external data-parsing or validation operation throws an exception, or when an attempt to commit data to a ...
  56. Occurs when the collection of DocumentPageView items that is associated with this viewer (represented by the PageViews property) ...
  57. Occurs when the command that is associated with this CommandBinding initiates a check to determine whether the command can ...
  58. Occurs when the command that is associated with this CommandBinding initiates a check to determine whether the command can ...
  59. Occurs when the cursor is requested to display. This event is raised on an element each time the mouse pointer moves to a ...
  60. Occurs when the DataRepeater.VirtualMode property of the DataRepeater is true and an item value has changed and requires ...
  61. Occurs when the DataRepeater.VirtualMode property of the DataRepeater is true and the DataRepeater requires a value for an ...
  62. Occurs when the FrameworkContentElement is initialized. This coincides with cases where the value of the IsInitialized property ...
  63. Occurs when the FrameworkElement is initialized. This coincides with cases where the value of the IsInitialized property ...
  64. Occurs when the stylus moves over this element. The stylus must move while on the digitizer to raise this event; otherwise, ...
  65. Occurs when the stylus moves over this element. To raise this event, the stylus must move while it is on the digitizer; otherwise, ...
  66. Occurs when the stylus moves while over the element. The stylus must move while being detected by the digitizer to raise ...
  67. Occurs when the stylus moves while over the element. To raise this event, the stylus must move while being detected by the ...
  68. of the selected messages were suppressed: {1} suppressed in source {2} suppressed in project suppression file {3} could not ...
  69. of {1} work items were published successfully. An error occurred while publishing links (adding {2} and removing {3}). Correct ...
  70. of {1} work items were published successfully. Review and resolve the following issues to publish the remaining work items. ...
  71. Omits the specified object from the output library. LIB creates an output library by combining all objects (whether in object ...
  72. On Error GoTo statement Enables the error-handling routine that starts at the line specified in the line argument. The specified ...
  73. On Error Resume Next statement When a run-time error occurs, execution transfers to the statement following the statement ...
  74. On method {0}, correct the casing of '{1}' in generic type parameter name {2} by changing it to '{3}'. '{3}' is an abbreviation ...
  75. On method {0}, replace the term '{1}' in generic type parameter name {2} with an appropriate alternate or remove it entirely. ...