SQL Server 2008

  1. Remote tables are not updatable. Updatable keyset-driven cursors on remote tables require a transaction with the REPEATABLE_READ ...
  2. Remove patch examples: NOTE: You must run SetupPatch.exe from the cached uninstallation folder located at %programfiles%\Microsoft ...
  3. Removing Rule(s) from associated Best Practices and from the repository . Also removing empty Best Practices and their associated ...
  4. Removing the formula from the column leaves it with a data type that is disallowed in indexes and relationships. Do you want ...
  5. Removing this attribute from the list also removes any data associated with this attribute (such as, the filter expression) ...
  6. REMSERVER will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to ...
  7. Renaming check constraint '{0}' for article '{1}' to '{2}' because article '{3}' is already replicating an object of the ...
  8. Renaming default constraint '{0}' for article '{1}' to '{2}' because article '{3}' is already replicating an object of the ...
  9. Renaming foreign key constraint '{0}' for article '{1}' to '{2}' because article '{3}' is already replicating an object of ...
  10. Renaming index key '{0}' for article '{1}' to '{2}' because article '{3}' is already replicating an object of the same name. ...
  11. Renaming trigger '{0}' for article '{1}' to '{2}' because article '{3}' is already replicating an object of the same name. ...
  12. Repair has invalidated the differential bitmap for database %1!s!. The differential backup chain is broken. You must perform ...
  13. Repair installation errors in the program. This option fixes missing or corrupted files, shortcuts, and registry entries. ...
  14. Repair operations cannot be performed on the MSSQLSYSTEMRESOURCE database. Consult Books Online topic "Resource Database" ...
  15. Repair statement not processed. One or more files in the database are read-only and must be made writeable in order to run ...
  16. Repair: Converted forwarded record for object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), ...
  17. Repair: Deleted FILESTREAM file "%1!s!" for column ID %2!s!, for object ID %3!s!, index ID %4!s!, partition ID %5!s!, alloc ...
  18. Repair: Deleted off-row data column with ID %1!s!, for object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID ...
  19. Repair: Deleted record for object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), on page ...
  20. Repair: IAM chain for object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), has been truncated ...
  21. Repair: Page %1!s! next and %2!s! previous pointers have been set to match each other in object ID %3!s!, index ID %4!s!, ...
  22. Repair: The extent %1!s! has been allocated to object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type ...
  23. Repair: The extent %1!s! has been deallocated from object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! ...
  24. Repair: The page %1!s! has been allocated to object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type ...
  25. Repair: The page %1!s! has been deallocated from object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! ...
  26. RepeatDelay' property of custom animation is not supported by SVG animation rendering engine. Set this property to zero. ...
  27. Replace functionality of complex Data Transformation task encapsulated in Execute DTS 2000 Package task after package migration ...
  28. Replace functionality of Data Mining Prediction Query task encapsulated in Execute DTS 2000 Package task after package migration ...
  29. Replace functionality of Execute Package task (with Meta Data Services package) encapsulated in Execute DTS 2000 Package ...
  30. Replacing INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE commands with stored procedure calls is required in this publication because the selected ...
  31. Replication components are not installed on this server. Run SQL Server Setup again and select the option to install replication. ...
  32. Replication custom procedures will not be scripted for article '%1!s!' because the auto-generate custom procedures schema ...
  33. Replication database option '%1!s!' cannot be set unless the database is a publishing database or a distribution database. ...
  34. Replication database option 'sync with backup' cannot be set on the publishing database because the database is in Simple ...
  35. Replication is skipping schema version logging because the systranschemas table is not present in database '%1!s!'. This ...
  36. Replication merge admin stored procedure '%1!s!' failed for publication '%2!s!'. This could be due an active snapshot running ...
  37. Replication Monitor must connect to the Publisher to insert a tracer token into the publication database. In the following ...
  38. Replication stored procedure sp_MSupdategenhistory failed to update the generation '%1!s!'. This generation will be retried ...
  39. Replication will not script filestream partition scheme information for article '{0}' because this information is not replicated. ...
  40. Replication will not script the FILESTREAM attribute for article '{0}' because the rowguid column in the table is not published. ...
  41. Replication will not script the FILESTREAM attribute for article '{0}' because the unique constraint on the rowguid column ...
  42. Replication will not script the FILESTREAM attribute for article '{0}' because the unique constraint on the rowguid column ...
  43. Report Builder Help is not available because Report Builder is running in Local Intranet mode. Your administrator can provide ...
  44. Report history may not be created because the credentials used to run the report are not stored, the report is using user-defined ...
  45. Report parameter values must be specified before the report can be displayed. Choose filter values to display the report. ...
  46. Report parameter values must be specified before the report can be displayed. Choose parameter values in the parameters area ...
  47. Report screen In this screen you can view the result of test case execution. For each node in the object tree, the following ...
  48. Report Server only supports ODC files generated by Office 12 or higher. Make sure the ODC file is generated by Office 12 ...
  49. Report Server Web Service is not configured. Default values have been provided to you. To accept these defaults simply press ...
  50. Report viewer failed to set the report parameter defaults for this report. Select new default parameter values from the tool ...
  51. Reporting Services does not support anonymous user from a SharePoint site. To view Reporting Services reports, choose a SharePoint ...
  52. Reporting Services repair has found some problem that could not be repaired. Please view the repair logs for the details. ...
  53. Reporting Services stores all report server content and application data in a database. Use this page to create or change ...
  54. Reporting Services uses a symmetric key to encrypt credentials, connection strings, and other sensitive data that is stored ...
  55. Reporting Services uses schedules to trigger subscriptions, report cache expirations, and report snapshot executions. Enable ...
  56. Represents a collection of ExtendedProperty objects that contain information about the extended properties of the XmlSchemaCollection ...
  57. Represents the average of all Y values in the series. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify which ...
  58. Represents the data point axis label. This keyword will be replaced with the value of the AxisLabel property of the associated ...
  59. Represents the data point index in the series. This zero-based data point index can be used to uniquely identify the point ...
  60. Represents the data point label. This keyword will be replaced with the value of the Label property of the associated data ...
  61. Represents the legend text. This keyword will be replaced with the value of the LegendText property of the associated object. ...
  62. Represents the maximum of all Y values in the series. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify which ...
  63. Represents the minimum of all Y values in the series. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify which ...
  64. Represents the total (or sum) of all Y values in the series. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify ...
  65. Represents the X value of the series data point. If a series is populated with Y values only, all X value points are set ...
  66. Represents the Y value of the first point in the series. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify ...
  67. Represents the Y value of the last point in the series. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify which ...
  68. Represents the Y value of the series data point. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify which Y ...
  69. Rep[orting level[;eventguid_or_name[;eventguid_or_name[;. Optional. The level may be N or V or any combination of E, W, I, ...
  70. Request message processing failed during Web synchronization. When troubleshooting, restart the Merge Agent with a higher ...
  71. Requested column is valid, but could not be retrieved. This could be due to a forward only cursor attempting to go backwards ...
  72. Required metadata for publication '%1!s!' could not be found in the sysmergeschemachange system table. Run the Snapshot Agent ...
  73. RESERVE_DISK_SPACE cannot be specified when setting MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED. Either reduce MAXSIZE or do not specify RESERVE_DISK_SPACE. ...
  74. Resource governor configuration failed. There are active sessions in workload groups being dropped or moved to different ...
  75. Resource Monitor ( 1!s!) Worker 2!s! appears to be non-yielding on Node %3!s!. Memory freed: %4!s! KB. Approx CPU Used: kernel ...