SQL Server 2008

  1. PREDICT=3= , INCLUSIVE|EXCLUSIVE|INPUT_ONLY][, INCLUDE_STATISTICS][, INCLUDE_NODE_ID][, | , ]=The TablePredict function returns ...
  2. PREDICTADJUSTEDPROBABILITY=3= , EXCLUDE_NULL|INCLUDE_NULL| ]=The PredictAdjustedProbability function returns the adjusted ...
  4. PREDICTCASELIKELIHOOD=3=[NORMALIZED|NONNORMALIZED]=The PredictCaseLikelihood function returns the likelihood of the case ...
  5. PREDICTHISTOGRAM=3= =The PredictHistogram function returns a table that contains the statistics for all states of a predictable ...
  6. PREDICTHISTOGRAM=3= =The PredictHistogram function returns a table that contains the statistics for cluster membership of ...
  7. Prediction join query is not valid because the ON clause joins a scalar input column to the '%{modelcol/}' table mining model ...
  8. Prediction join query is not valid because the ON clause joins a table input column to the '%{modelcol/}' scalar mining model ...
  9. Prediction query timeout limit is too small for this Time Series prediction request based on mining model, %{modelname/}. ...
  10. PREDICTPROBABILITY=3= , EXCLUDE_NULL|INCLUDE_NULL| ]=The PredictProbablility function returns the probability value for either ...
  11. PREDICTSEQUENCE=3= , | , ]=The PredictSequence function returns a sequence of events that is n steps long (one if not specified) ...
  12. PREDICTSUPPORT=3= , EXCLUDE_NULL|INCLUDE_NULL| ]=The PredictSupport function returns the support value for either the most ...
  13. PREDICTTIMESERIES=3= | , | , ,EXTEND_MODEL_CASES|REPLACE_MODEL_CASES|=The PredictTimeSeries function returns the next n steps ...
  14. Prefix '%1!s!' used in WITH XMLNAMESPACES clause contains an invalid XML identifier. '%2!s!'( 3!s!) is the first character ...
  15. Preparation of table '{0}' for merge replication had been chosen as a deadlock victim, the operation will be retried in {1} ...
  16. Preparing to retrieve run-time value of substitution property '{0}' in order to generate access control entries as part of ...
  17. Pretty Printer This tab holds options for printing parsed by SSMA SQL in source and target databases. It has slightly different ...
  18. Previous releases of SQL Server 2008 Business Intelligence Development Studio are installed on this computer. This feature ...
  19. Previous versions of Analysis Services gave you the option of not including data members in parent-child dimensions. Data ...
  20. Previous versions of Analysis Services supported virtual cubes, a combined view of a subset of measures and dimensions from ...
  21. Previous, RunningValue or RowNumber aggregate functions used in the data cells of the {0} '{1}' refer to grouping scopes ...
  22. Primary key cannot be created on column ' ' because it allows null values. Clear the Allow Nulls check box for each column ...
  23. Primary Server %1!s!, Database %2!s! has active log shipping secondary database(s) on the secondary. Drop the secondary database(s) ...
  24. Primary XML Index '%1!s!' already exists on column '%2!s!' on table '%3!s!', and multiple Primary XML Indexes per column ...
  25. Proactive cache settings for parent-child dimension '%{dimension/}' require infinite latency and OnCacheComplete online mode. ...
  26. Proactive caching can only be deployed to a server running Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and later Enterprise Edition or Developer ...
  27. Problems have occurred with Office PivotTable Service. Make sure that either Microsoft Office or Microsoft Office Web Components ...
  28. Problems recording information in the msdb.suspect_pages table were encountered. This error does not interfere with any activity ...
  29. Procedures with a group number cannot have parameters of XML or CLR types. Parameter '%1!s!' of procedure '%2!s!' has type ...
  30. Process %1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s! ( 4!s!) Worker 5!s! appears to be non-yielding on Scheduler %6!s!. Thread creation time: %7!s!. ...
  31. Process configuration failed to set the destination at the package path of "%1!s!". This occurs when attempting to set the ...
  32. Process ID %1!s! attempted to unlock a resource it does not own: %2!s!. Retry the transaction, because this error may be ...
  33. Processing for the database will be disabled because an error occurred while loading the '%{strRef/}' database cryptography ...
  34. Processing has been terminated. The resultset for sp_getqueuedrows is larger than 16,000, the maximum size that the procedure ...
  35. Processing the '%{modelname/}' mining model failed because either the training data is empty or there were no significant ...
  36. Processing the specified number of folds can take a long time. To reduce the time needed to perform cross-validation, specify ...
  37. Processing the specified number of folds might take a long time. To reduce the time needed to perform cross-validation, specify ...
  38. Processor affinity turned on: processor mask 1!s!. Threads will execute on CPUs per affinity mask/affinity64 mask config ...
  39. ProductName setup was interrupted. Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, please run ...
  40. ProductName Setup Wizard ended prematurely because of an error. Your system has not been modified. To install this program ...
  41. ProductShortName requires the .NET Framework version 2.0 or above. Ensure that this requirement is fulfilled before installing ...
  42. ProductShortName requires the .NET Framework version 2.0. Ensure that this requirement is fulfilled before installing ProductShortName]. ...
  43. ProductShortName Setup is preparing the Install Wizard which will guide you through the installation process. Please wait. ...
  44. Progress reporting has been disabled. All progress messages will not be displayed and will be discarded. To enable progress ...
  45. Project '{0}' was created using a previous version of the product. It must be converted to the new format used by this version. ...
  46. Properties that don't have an expression specified will be deleted from the 'Expressions' collection. Are you sure you want ...
  47. Property "Delimiters" contains an invalid escaped character sequence {0}. The valid escaped character sequence is "\", " ...
  48. Property "Symbols" contains an invalid escaped character sequence {0}. The valid escaped character sequence is "\", " ", ...
  49. Property "{0}" of "{1}" object can only be retrieved from an existing object on the server when connecting to a Microsoft ...
  50. Property mappings enable propagation of variable value changes to specified mapped object properties during package execution. ...
  51. Property {0} is not available for {1} '{2}'. This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to ...
  52. Provide a new session name. In the Workload section, select a database to which Database Engine Tuning Advisor will connect ...
  53. Provide a new session name. In the Workload section, verify that the selected database to which Database Engine Tuning Advisor ...
  54. Provider cannot keep track of all the changes. Client must refetch the data associated with the watch region by using another ...
  55. Provider implements the BlobStore class version {1} not supported by this version of Remote Blob Storage. The minimum required ...
  56. Provides a hint to the algorithm as to the periodicity of the data. This parameter takes the format of {n , n]}, where n ...
  57. Provides a hint to the algorithm as to the periodicity of the data. This parameter takes the format of {n , n]}, where the ...
  58. Provides a means of reducing the system overhead that is associated with the excessive context switching that occurs sometimes ...
  59. Provides a space for you to type the object names you want to find. You can search for multiple objects by separating each ...
  60. Provides supplemental information about the operation being performed. The contents of this column depend on the physical ...
  61. Proxy (%1!s!) is not allowed for subsystem "%2!s!" and user "%3!s!". Grant permission by calling sp_grant_proxy_to_subsystem ...
  62. Proxy authentication failed. This error occurs when login credentials are not provided, or the credentials are incorrect. ...
  63. Publication "%1!s!" "%2!s!". Therefore the compatibility level of the publication cannot be set to lower than %3!s!. To set ...
  64. Publication '%1!s!' cannot be added to database '%2!s!', because a publication with a higher compatibility level already ...
  65. Publication '%1!s!' cannot be added to database '%2!s!', because a publication with a lower compatibility level already exists. ...
  66. Publication '%1!s!' cannot be subscribed to by Subscriber database '%2!s!' because it contains one or more articles that ...
  67. Publication '%1!s!' cannot be subscribed to by Subscriber database '%2!s!' because it contains one or more articles that ...
  68. Publication '%1!s!' has the following property: '%2!s!'. SQL Server subscribers below version '%3!s!' will ignore this setting. ...
  69. Publication database: {0} Publication name: {2} Publication type: {3} Subscriber: {4} Subscription database: {5} {6}: {7} ...
  70. Publication database: {0} Publication name: {2} Publication type: {3} This publication is published by Oracle server, {0}, ...
  71. Publisher '%1!s!', publication database '%2!s!', and publication '%3!s!' could not be added to the list of synchronization ...
  72. Publisher '%1!s!', publisher database '%2!s!', publication '%3!s!' could not be removed from the list of synchronization ...
  73. Publisher: {0} Publication database: {1} Publication name: {2} Publication type: {3} Subscriber: {4} Subscription database: ...
  74. Publisher: {0} Publication database: {1} Publication name: {2} Publication type: {3} Subscriber: {4} Subscription database: ...
  75. Publisher: {0} Publication database: {1} Publication name: {2} Publication type: {3} This publication is published by server, ...