SQL Server 2008

  1. Select a report to display in this Web Part. Do this by selecting a report in the corresponding document library list Web ...
  2. Select a status graphic and then type an MDX expression that returns a value that is between -1 and 1. This value determines ...
  3. Select a table or view from the list of tables and views available in the currently selected data source, and select the ...
  4. Select a table to review how its data types map to those in the destination. Also, select how the wizard handles conversion ...
  5. Select a trend graphic and then type an MDX expression that returns a value that is between -1 and 1. This value determines ...
  6. Select an individual server or server group containing the information to export. You can only export one server type in ...
  7. Select an input (case) table and connect the input table columns to the mining structure columns in the top portion of the ...
  8. Select one of the following options to create an empty report server database or select an existing report server database ...
  9. Select options for removing duplicates. If more than one set of options is available, each set of options can be set independently. ...
  10. Select or type a creation date to include or exclude objects created at any time on that date, or enter a starting and ending ...
  11. Select the attribute for which to define the weighted aggregation, and then select the column in the source table that contains ...
  12. Select the blocking type to monitor, or select All if you do not intend to filter processes that are blocked or that are ...
  13. Select the breakpoints in the task, For Loop, Foreach Loop, or Sequence to enable. Optionally, select the number of times ...
  14. Select the connection managers for which you want to update the connection string, and then edit the values in the Connection ...
  15. Select the count method and click Count to automatically calculate the counts for empty fields, or manually enter the object ...
  16. Select the credentials that you want to use to browse the data. You may select the credentials for a single user or for multiple ...
  17. Select the dimension you want to model as a nested table from the measure group that relates the dimension to your case dimension. ...
  18. Select the file or backup device to use for the restore operation. Backup devices can be created for files that are used ...
  19. Select the frequencies that apply to your business. The wizard will generate several hierarchies based on these selections. ...
  20. Select the instance of SQL Server at version {0} to repair. To repair Management Tools and shared features only, select "Repair ...
  21. Select the instance of SQL Server to remove. To remove Management Tools and shared features only, select "Remove shared features ...
  22. Select the instance of SQL Server to upgrade. To upgrade only Management Tools and shared features, select "Upgrade shared ...
  23. Select the mining structure from an Analysis Services project or a server running Analysis Services. All the mining models ...
  24. Select the principals to grant access to the proxy account. Members of the sysadmin role have automatic access; they do not ...
  25. Select the SQL Server instance you would like to upgrade edition or you can choose to skip upgrading the edition of an instance. ...
  26. Select the tape drive or backup device for the backup destination. You can create backup devices for frequently used tape ...
  27. Select the tape drive or backup device to use for the restore operation. Backup devices can be created for tape drives that ...
  28. Select the tape drive that contains the backup. You can only select tape drives that are physically connected to the computer ...
  29. Select the type of server to apply the edited template to, and then select the template to edit. Click Events Selection to ...
  30. Select the {0} features to install. For clustered installations, only Database Engine Services and Analysis Services can ...
  31. Select this type when changes in column values are saved in new records. Previous values are saved in records marked as outdated. ...
  32. Select to monitor jobs based on the Category field. A match will be found if the job category contains any part of the search ...
  33. Select values to create reports to compare how key factors differentiate them. You can continue to create reports for different ...
  34. SELECT via cursor failed because in XML plan provided to USE PLAN hint, neither Populate nor Fetch plans are provided, and ...
  35. Selected hierarchies will be included in the dimension. Clear the check box next to hierarchies that you do not want to include. ...
  36. Selecting multiple structures or models from different structures is not supported. Please select a single structure or models ...
  37. Selecting Objects for Test Case screen Select functions, procedures, or statements. The Tester will ignore any other selections. ...
  38. Semantic model generation relies on the number of unique instances of values within each attribute and cardinality information ...
  39. Semester over semester growth allows you to view the data for the current period as a percentage of the same period in the ...
  40. Semester over semester growth allows you to view the difference between the data for the current period and the same period ...
  41. Semester to date enables you to see data in an accumulated view from the first day of the semester to the selected period. ...
  42. Semiadditive measure %{msr/} requires Account attribute in the Account dimension. If Account has parent-child hierarchy, ...
  43. Semiadditive measure %{msr/} requires Account Type attribute in the Account dimension to be present and related to Account ...
  44. Send feature usage data to Microsoft. Feature usage data includes information about your hardware configuration and how you ...
  45. Send Windows and SQL Server Error Reports to Microsoft or your corporate report server. This setting only applies to services ...
  46. Send Windows Error and SQL Error Reports for all components and instances of SQL Server to Microsoft or your corporate error ...
  47. Sequence/Identity Sequence-to-identity conversion provides an alternative approach to simulating Oracle sequences in SQL ...
  48. Series '{0}' and Series '{1}' MUST be aligned to perform the operation. The series currently have a different number of data ...
  49. Series data points do not support values of type {0} only values of these types can be used: Double, Decimal, Single, int, ...
  50. Series group by parameter cannot be empty. It must specify the field in the data source which is used to group data into ...
  51. Series will be formatted as Normal, Histogram or Pareto after binding the data to the series. This attribute will be ignored ...
  52. Server '{0}' is neither a Publisher nor a Distributor, or you do not have permission to access replication functionality ...
  53. Server authentication failed. This error occurs when login credentials are not provided, or the credentials are incorrect. ...
  54. Server HTTP provider has stopped listening due to a failure. Error: %1!s!, state: %2!s!. The server will automatically attempt ...
  55. Server instance and database '{0}.{1}' is specified multiple times. Remove the duplicate items from the list of peers before ...
  56. Server is running low on virtual address space or machine is running low on virtual memory. Reserved memory used %1!s! times ...
  57. Server local connection provider has stopped listening on %1!s! due to a failure. Error: %2!s!, state: %3!s!. The server ...
  58. Server named pipe connections are restricted to local access only. This is an informational message only. No user action ...
  59. Server named pipe provider has stopped listening on %1!s! due to a failure. Error: %2!s!, state: %3!s!. The server will automatically ...
  60. Server process ID. This uniquely identifies a user session. This directly corresponds to the session GUID used by XML/A. ...
  61. Server resumed execution after being idle %1!s! seconds: user activity awakened the server. This is an informational message ...
  62. Server returned error code "403 - Forbidden". This error can occur when the specified resource needs "https" access, but ...
  63. Server setting 'Allow triggers to be fired which fire other triggers (nested triggers)' must exist on updatable Subscribers. ...
  64. Server shared memory provider has stopped listening due to a failure. Error: %1!s!, state: %2!s!. The server will automatically ...
  65. Server started with '-f' option. Auditing will not be started. This is an informational message only; no user action is required. ...
  66. Server startup failed due to insufficient memory for descriptor hash tables. Reduce non-essential memory load or increase ...
  67. Server startup failed due to insufficient memory for descriptor. Reduce non-essential memory load or increase system memory. ...
  68. Server Synchronization can only be deployed to a server running Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition or Developer Edition. ...
  69. Server TCP provider has stopped listening on port %1!s! due to a failure. Error: %2!s!, state: %3!s!. The server will automatically ...
  70. Server Type is either SQL Server or an OLE DB provider installed on the server. If SQL Server is selected then the Linked ...
  71. Server user '%1!s!' is not a valid user in database '%2!s!'. Add the user account or 'guest' user account into the database ...
  72. Server-level event notifications can not be delivered. Either Service Broker is disabled in msdb, or msdsb failed to start. ...
  73. Service Broker could not upgrade conversation session keys in database '%1!s!' to encrypted format (Error: %2!s!). The Service ...
  74. Service Broker could not upgrade conversation with conversation_handle '%1!s!'. Use END CONVERSATION . WITH CLEANUP to delete ...
  75. Service broker dialog '%1!s!' could not be closed because the database with id '%2!s!' is not available. Consider closing ...