SQL Server 2008

  1. Returns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using an unbiased population. (Alias for Stdev.) ...
  2. Returns the statistical variance for the population for all values in the given expression. Returns the current value of ...
  3. Returns the summation of all expression values in the most precise expression data type. If the expression result is integer, ...
  4. Returns the value of the current timestamp data type for the current database. This timestamp is guaranteed to be unique ...
  5. Returns the variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using an unbiased population. (Alias for Var function.) ...
  6. returnType - Specifies the return type of data returned by the WQL. The valid literals are Numeric, String, Bool, DateTime, ...
  7. Reverting database '%1!s!' to the point in time of database snapshot '%2!s!' with split point LSN %3!s! ( 4!s!). This is ...
  8. Review and optionally edit the command line. The updated command line is not validated, and the options that are set on other ...
  9. Review open file properties. If you make any changes to the file definitions and then save the results to a different file ...
  10. Review open table properties. If you make any changes to the table definitions and then save the results to a different table ...
  11. Review selected events and event columns to trace when using this template. To see a complete list, select the "Show all ...
  12. Review selected events and event columns to trace. To see a complete list, check the "Show all events" and "Show all columns" ...
  13. Review selected events and event columns to trace. To see a complete list, select the "Show all events" and "Show all columns" ...
  14. Review the imported calculations, actions, and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to ensure that they are correct in the context ...
  15. Right outer joins return all rows from the right table, and all rows from the left table where the joined fields match in ...
  16. Rigid relationships between attributes cannot be changed during incremental processing of a dimension. The error occurred ...
  17. Ring Buffer target could not add package "%1!s!" to the package occurrence list. Events from this package will not be kept ...
  18. ROLAP aggregations are currently enabled. To avoid errors during processing, insure that the underlying data source supports ...
  19. ROLAP partition with the Name='%{name/}' Id='%{id/}' cannot have aggregations at the (all, all, . ) level. Aggregation skipped. ...
  20. ROLAP partition with the Name='%{name/}' Id='%{id/}' cannot have aggregations built on top of server time dimensions. Aggregation ...
  21. Role name '%1!s!' is invalid. Specify a valid name. See the topic 'Identifiers' in SQL Server Books Online for object name ...
  22. Roles or users cannot be published to SQL Server 2000 within a transaction. Please re-run the wizard and specify that the ...
  23. Rollback encountered a page with a log sequence number (LSN) less than the original log record LSN. Could not undo log record ...
  24. ROLLUPCHILDREN=1= Member , String Expression =Returns a value generated by rolling up the values of the children of a specified ...
  25. Romanian, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order ...
  26. Romanian, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order ...
  27. Route {0} to service {1} contains a MIRROR_ADDRESS, please provide the connection parameters for the mirror host to get complete ...
  28. Row comparison failed during sort because of an unknown data type on a key column. Metadata might be corrupt. Contact Technical ...
  29. Row error: Object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ID %3!s!, alloc unit ID %4!s! (type %5!s!), page ID %6!s!, row ID %7!s!. ...
  30. Row#: %4d Source: "%s" Instance: "%s" Procedure: "%s" Line#: %4d Error Number: %6d Error State: %3d Error Severity: %3d Error ...
  31. rowcount_only parameter must be the value 0,1, or 2. 0=7.0 compatible checksum. 1=only check rowcounts. 2=new checksum functionality ...
  32. Rows in buffer type %1!d! are larger than the configured maximum for the entire buffer size. There will be only one row in ...
  33. Rows in buffer type %1!d! would cause a buffer size greater than the configured maximum. There will be only %2!d! rows in ...
  34. Rows in buffer type %1!d! would cause a buffer size less than allocation minimum, which is %2!d! bytes. There will be %3!d! ...
  35. Rows sent to the error output(s) will be lost. Add new data flow transformations or destinations to receive error rows, or ...
  36. Rows were given to a thread, but that thread has no work to do. The layout has a disconnected output. Running the pipeline ...
  37. Running Report Builder in partial trust is no longer supported. To start Report Builder, you must use the following full ...
  38. Running the Merge Agent process at this time would exceed the maximum number of processes allowed by this publication. The ...
  39. RunningValue or RowNumber functions used in the cells of the {0} '{1}' refer to grouping scopes in both the columns and rows ...
  40. Runs a Transact-SQL query against a target instance of SQL Server. The On Demand condition is the only supported evaluation ...
  41. s This file contains characters in Unicode format which will be lost if you save this file as %s. To keep the Unicode information, ...
  42. s! active query notification subscription(s) in database '%2!s!' owned by security identification number '%3!s!' were dropped. ...
  43. s! ASSEMBLY failed because assembly '%2!s!' is a system assembly. Consider creating a user assembly to wrap desired functionality. ...
  44. s! ASSEMBLY failed because assembly '%2!s!' was compiled with /UNSAFE option, but the assembly was not registered with the ...
  45. s! ASSEMBLY failed because method "%2!s!" on type "%3!s!" in %4!s! assembly "%5!s!" has a synchronized attribute. Explicit ...
  46. s! ASSEMBLY failed because method '%2!s!' on type '%3!s!' in %4!s! assembly '%5!s!' is storing to a static field. Storing ...
  47. s! ASSEMBLY failed because the source assembly is, according to MVID, identical to an assembly that is already registered ...
  48. s! ASSEMBLY failed because type "%2!s!" in %3!s! assembly "%4!s!" has a finalizer. Finalizers are not allowed in %5!s! assemblies. ...
  49. s! ASSEMBLY failed because type "%2!s!" in %3!s! assembly "%4!s!" has a pinvokeimpl method. P/Invoke is not allowed in %5!s! ...
  50. s! ASSEMBLY failed because type '%2!s!' in %3!s! assembly '%4!s!' has a static field '%5!s!'. Attributes of static fields ...
  51. s! ASSEMBLY for assembly '%2!s!' failed because assembly '%3!s!' failed verification. Check if the referenced assemblies ...
  52. s! ASSEMBLY for assembly '%2!s!' failed because assembly '%3!s!' is not authorized for PERMISSION_SET = %4!s!. The assembly ...
  53. s! cannot be null or empty when %2!s! is set to 0 (SQL Server Authentication). Specify a login or set security mode to 1 ...
  54. s! cannot process database '%2!s!' because it is in use by this session. It is recommended that the master database be used ...
  55. s! connection was refused. The user account of the remote server is not permitted to log in to this SQL Server: User account: ...
  56. s! could not find the default instance (%2!s!) - error %3!s!. Please specify the name of an existing instance on the invocation ...
  57. s! could not find the specified named instance (%2!s!) - error %3!s!. Please specify the name of an existing instance on ...
  58. s! failed because a CLR Procedure may only be defined on CLR methods that return either SqlInt32, System.Int32, System.Nullable ...
  59. s! failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: '%2!s!'. Verify that SET options are correct for use ...
  60. s! failed because the function '%2!s!' of class '%3!s!' of assembly '%4!s!' takes one or more parameters but CLR Triggers ...
  61. s! failed because the parameter count for the FillRow method should be one more than the SQL declaration for the table valued ...
  62. s! failed because the type '%2!s!' contains a method '%3!s!' specified by SqlUserDefinedType.ValidateMethodName that does ...
  63. s! failed. The resource governor is not available in this edition of SQL Server. You can manipulate resource governor metadata ...
  64. s! is not allowed because the column is being processed by a concurrent snapshot or is being replicated to a non-SQL Server ...
  65. s! name '%2!s!' contains an invalid XML identifier as required by FOR XML; '%3!s!'( 4!s!) is the first character at fault. ...
  66. s! of XML types constrained by different XML schema collections and/or DOCUMENT/CONTENT option is not allowed. Use the CONVERT ...
  67. s! transactions rolled back in database '%2!s!' (%3!s!). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. ...
  68. s! transactions rolled forward in database '%2!s!' (%3!s!). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. ...
  69. s! will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify ...
  70. s! will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify ...
  71. s! will be removed in the next version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify ...
  72. s!" has a non-zero SortKeyPosition, but its value (%2!ld!) is too large. It must be less than or equal to the number of columns. ...
  73. s!" has a non-zero SortKeyPosition, but its value (%2!ld!) is too large. It must be less than or equal to the number of columns. ...
  74. s!" has a virtual buffer extending from a root source. There is an exclusion group that is not zero with a synchronous input ...
  75. s!" has a virtual buffer extending from a root source. There is an exclusion group that is not zero with a synchronous input ...