SQL Server 2008

  1. Manual failover is possible only when the operating mode is High safety (synchronous). To failover manually, change the operating ...
  2. Many system tables that were undocumented in prior releases have changed or no longer exist; therefore, using these tables ...
  3. Many-to-many dimension %{name/} is included in the local cube, but none of the measures from its intermediate measure group ...
  4. Many-to-many dimension %{name/} is included in the local cube, but there are dimensions common to its measure group %{mg_name/} ...
  5. Many-to-many: Facts are recorded in local currencies. The conversion is applied at the cube level with multiple target currencies. ...
  6. Many-to-one: Facts are recorded in local currencies. The conversion is applied at the cube level to the corporate currency. ...
  7. Map logins and users to management data warehouse administrator, reader, and writer roles. The reader role is used for reports, ...
  8. Mappings will be replaced with defaults for all data type usage categories. Do you want to restore defaults and overwrite ...
  9. Market Basket data for use with the Associate task on the Data Mining ribbon and the Shopping Basket Analysis Table Analysis ...
  10. Master can only be restored and fully recovered in a single step using a full database backup. Options such as NORECOVERY, ...
  11. Materialized view articles cannot be created for publications with the properties allow_sync_tran, allow_queued_tran, or ...
  12. Maximum allowed file path length is exceeded. The file path length should not exceed %d characters, excluding the extension. ...
  13. Maximum event size is smaller than configured event session memory. Specify a larger value for maximum event size, or specify ...
  14. Maximum number of columns in an index cannot be more than {0} and must be greater than 0. Please verify the value for option ...
  15. Maximum number of key columns in index cannot be more than maximum number of columns in index. Please verify values for options ...
  16. Maximum size of primary index of table '%1!s!' is %2!s! bytes. CREATE XML INDEX requires that such size should be limited ...
  17. MaximumLength descriptor in the descriptor file on path {0} is invalid. The schema table does not contain a column with the ...
  18. MDX execution succeeded but the results of execution could not be recognized as a cell set. *$*Click here*$* to hide this ...
  19. Measure expressions can only be deployed to a server running Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition or Developer Edition. ...
  20. Measure groups containing semi-additive measures should have full or unrestricted aggregation usage specified for the granularity ...
  21. Member from dimension '%{name/}' could not be found. This may be because of a stale dimension cache. Re-running the query ...
  22. Members in a changing dimension move over time to different locations within a hierarchy. To enable Analysis Services to ...
  23. Members in the group have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the log on account for SQL Server FullText ...
  24. Members in the group have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the log on account for the associated instance ...
  25. Members in the group have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the log on account for the associated instance ...
  26. Members in the group have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the log on account for the associated instance ...
  27. Members in the group have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the log on account for the associated instance ...
  28. Members in the group have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the log on account for the associated instance ...
  29. Members in the group have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the login account for the specified instance ...
  30. Members in the group have the required access and privileges to be assigned as the logon account for the associated instance ...
  31. Members in this group have the access and privileges to be assigned as the login account for service broker external activator ...
  32. Memory cannot be allocated for the expression "%1!s!". There was an out-of-memory error while creating an internal object ...
  33. Memory cannot be allocated for the Expression objects. An out-of-memory error occurred while creating the array of Expression ...
  34. Merge completed after processing %1!d! data change(s) (%2!d! insert(s), %3!d! update(s), %4!d! delete(s), %5!d! conflict(s)) ...
  35. Merge data definition language (DDL) error: Dropping a column used in a row filter or a join filter is not allowed. To drop ...
  36. Merge replication creates a conflict table for each article in a publication, with a name in the form conflict_PublicationName_ArticleName. ...
  37. Merge replication does not allow filters that reference dynamic functions that take one or more parameters. Check the function ...
  38. Merge replication stores publication and subscription metadata in system tables in the publication and subscription databases. ...
  39. Merge replication upgrade is not complete until the snapshot agent is run for the publisher and the merge agent run for all ...
  40. Merge Replication WebSync reconciler failed to synchronize because an invalid internal phase transition from %1!s! to %2!s! ...
  41. Merge table articles do not support different values for the @source_object and @destination_object parameters of sp_addmergearticle. ...
  42. Messages are delayed on dialog {0}:{1} to service {2} and broker instance {3}. The messages encountered the following routing ...
  43. Messages on conversation handle {0} (conversation id {1}) from service {2} to service {3} cannot be transmitted dues to the ...
  44. Metadata inconsistency. Filegroup id %1!s! specified for table '%2!s!' does not exist. Run DBCC CHECKDB or CHECKCATALOG. ...
  45. Metadata stored on disk for computed column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' did not match the column definition. In order to avoid ...
  46. Method "%1!s!" of type "%2!s!" in assembly "%3!s!" is marked as a mutator. Mutators cannot be used in the read-only portion ...
  47. Method "%1!s!" of type "%2!s!" in assembly "%3!s!" is not marked as a mutator. Only mutators can be used to update the value ...
  48. Method "{0}" can only be called if the object is constructed with an opened SqlConnection. Otherwise SqlDataReader would ...
  49. Method '%1!s!' of type '%2!s!' in assembly '%3!s!' cannot be marked as a mutator. A mutator method must be non-static, public, ...
  50. Microsoft .NET Framework %1!d!.%2!d! installation has failed. SQL Server 2008 Setup requires .NET Framework %3!d!.%4!d! to ...
  51. Microsoft .NET Framework %1!d!.%2!d! SP%3!d! installation has failed. SQL Server 2008 Setup requires .NET Framework %4!d!.%5!d! ...
  52. Microsoft Corporation; Microsoft SqlServer v10; 2007 Microsoft Corporation; All Rights Reserved; http://www.microsoft.com/sql/support; ...
  53. Microsoft Corporation; Microsoft SqlServer v10;Microsoft Corporation; All Rights Reserved; http://www.microsoft.com/sql/support; ...
  54. Microsoft Corporation;Microsoft SqlServer v10; 2007 Microsoft Corporation; All Rights Reserved; http://www.microsoft.com/sql/support; ...
  55. Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) initialization failed due to insufficient memory. It may be necessary ...
  56. Microsoft Management Console executable module could not be located on this computer. Make sure it is properly installed ...
  57. Microsoft recommends enabling feature usage reporting. If you enable reporting, SQL Server Migration Assistant will automatically ...
  58. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services attempts to preserve the unique names of members during migration, but there ...
  59. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services does not support command objects on cube roles and will not migrate commands ...
  60. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services does not support command objects on database roles and will not migrate commands ...
  61. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services no longer supports hidden or disabled levels in hierarchies. Hidden or disabled ...
  62. Microsoft SQL Server connection and database in which the fuzzy lookup reference table is located and where the fuzzy match ...
  63. Microsoft SQL Server could not save the information to synchronize the subscription through a Web server to the registry. ...
  64. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is unable to access replication components because replication is not installed on ...
  65. Microsoft SQL Server Replication encountered one or more errors retrieving the list of errors. The list of errors may not ...
  66. Microsoft SQL Server Replication encountered the following error while validating the subscription properties for '%1'. You ...
  67. Microsoft SQL Server Service Broker External Activator. The following commandline options are supported: /? | /help Displays ...
  68. Microsoft SSIS Service configuration file is incorrect. Error reading config file: %1 Loading server with default settings. ...
  69. Microsoft SSIS Service: Registry setting specifying configuration file does not exist. Attempting to load default config ...
  70. Microsoft SSIS Service: stopping running package. Package instance ID: %1 Package ID: %2 Package name: %3 Package description: ...
  71. Microsoft would like your permission to collect information about feature usage and serious errors. This information is used ...
  72. Microsoft would like your permission to collect information about feature usage and serious errors. This information is used ...
  73. Microsoft.SqlServer.MSMQUtil.dll failed to load. Make sure that the assembly is installed in the GAC (Global Assembly Cache). ...
  74. Migration for Script Task "{0}" can not be done on 64 bit platforms. Execute the package under WOW64 on 64 bit platforms ...
  75. Migration for VSA scripts can not be done on 64 bit platforms due to lack of Visual Tools for Applications designer support. ...