PREDICTHISTOGRAM=3==The PredictHistogram function returns a table that contains the statistics for cluster membership of the input case. The table contains the following columns: the specified column, $Support, $Probability, $ProbabilityVariance, $ProbabilityStdev, $Variance, $Stdev, $Cluster, and $Distance.
PREDICTADJUSTEDPROBABILITY=3= , EXCLUDE_NULL|INCLUDE_NULL| ]=The PredictAdjustedProbability function returns the adjusted ...
PREDICTCASELIKELIHOOD=3=[NORMALIZED|NONNORMALIZED]=The PredictCaseLikelihood function returns the likelihood of the case ...
PREDICTHISTOGRAM=3= =The PredictHistogram function returns a table that contains the statistics for all states of a predictable ...
PREDICTHISTOGRAM=3= =The PredictHistogram function returns a table that contains the statistics for cluster membership of ...
Prediction join query is not valid because the ON clause joins a scalar input column to the '%{modelcol/}' table mining model ...
Prediction join query is not valid because the ON clause joins a table input column to the '%{modelcol/}' scalar mining model ...
Prediction query timeout limit is too small for this Time Series prediction request based on mining model, %{modelname/}. ...
PREDICTPROBABILITY=3= , EXCLUDE_NULL|INCLUDE_NULL| ]=The PredictProbablility function returns the probability value for either ...