SQL Server 2008

  1. New Publication Wizard must configure '{0}' as a Distributor before you can add an Oracle Publisher. Do you want to configure ...
  2. New queries assigned to process on Node %1!s! have not been picked up by a worker thread in the last %2!s! seconds. Blocking ...
  3. New re-publishing identity range pool was allocated to subscriber for article %1 with values range_begin = %2, range_end ...
  4. New sort run starting on page %1!s! found an extent not marked as shared. Retry the transaction. If the problem persists, ...
  5. New subscriber identity range was allocated to subscriber for article %1 with values range_begin = %2, range_end = %3, next_range_begin ...
  6. Next steps: - To configure each source, double-click the source. - To indicate the flow of data, drag the green output arrows ...
  7. Next time the debugger starts it will use the user credentials that have just been provided. If you are currently debugging ...
  8. No catalog entry found for partition ID %1!s! in database %2!s!. The metadata is inconsistent. Run DBCC CHECKDB to check ...
  9. No cluster networks have a bound IPv6 address which indicates IPv6 is not supported on this machine. Bind an address to the ...
  10. No columns to fuzzy group on were defined. There must be at least one input column with column properties ToBeCleaned=true ...
  11. No deployment information is available. This information will become available as soon as you initiate project deployment. ...
  12. No destination flat file name was provided. Make sure the flat file connection manager is configured with a connection string. ...
  13. No disk performance monitor data was collected for the selected time period. This report relies on data from the Server Activity ...
  14. No Excel Data Mining Add-ins were found on this computer. Verify that you have installed the Data Mining Add-ins for Office ...
  15. No feature were uninstalled during the setup execution. The requested features may not be installed. Please review the summary.txt ...
  16. No features were installed during the setup execution. The requested features may already be installed. Please review the ...
  17. No features were updated during the setup execution. The requested features may not be installed or features are already ...
  18. No features were upgraded during the setup execution. The requested features may not be installed or the features are already ...
  19. No files to transfer. This error can occur when performing a Send or Receive operation and no files are specified for the ...
  20. No instance of MSIFeatureActionNotificationHandler was provided for the MSIInstallerEngine for package '{0}'. To install ...
  21. No item by the name of '%1!s!' could be found in the current database '%2!s!', given that @itemtype was input as '%3!s!'. ...
  22. No job is associated with this subscription "{0}". The job ID is NULL or empty. Run sp_addpullsubscription_agent or sp_addmergepullsubscription_agent ...
  23. No maximum length was specified for the %1!s! with external data type %2!s!. The SSIS Data Flow Task data type "%3!s!" with ...
  24. No monospace Unicode fonts were found to preview the text. The following is a list of all non-monospace fonts installed on ...
  25. No object was found with the name "{0}", but objects with names containing "{0}" were found. Select one or more names from ...
  26. No patches were removed from any feature. The requested features may not be installed or the patch hasn't been applied to ...
  27. No peers were found for %1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!. If you encounter this error when executing the stored procedure sp_requestpeerresponse, ...
  28. No provider of type and version greater or equal to {1} found. Check the server configuration or install the provider on ...
  29. No recognized letter is contained in the parameter value for General Permission Type (%1!s!). Valid letters are in this set: ...
  30. No Report Builder models are available. To use Report Builder, at least one model must be published to the report server, ...
  31. No restrictions are placed on the aggregation designer; however, the attribute must still be evaluated to determine whether ...
  32. No route matches the destination service name for this conversation. Create a route to the destination service name for messages ...
  33. No rows were successfully inserted into the destination. This may be due to a data type mismatch between columns, or due ...
  34. No rows will be sent to error output(s). Configure error or truncation dispositions to redirect rows to the error output(s), ...
  35. No rows will be sent to the no match output. Configure the transformation to redirect rows with no matching entries to the ...
  36. No SQL Server 2008 components were found on the specified computer. Either no components are installed, or you are not an ...
  37. No temporary BLOB data storage locations are available. The data flow will fail if not enough physical memory is available. ...
  38. No temporary BLOB data storage locations were provided. The buffer manager will consider the directories in the TEMP and ...
  39. No temporary buffer storage locations were provided. The buffer manager will consider the directories in the TEMP and TMP ...
  40. No unpivot destination found. At least one input column must be mapped with a PivotKeyValue to an DestinationColumn in the ...
  41. No valid data can be set in the SQL Where clause. Can not perform safe delete/update without anything in then Where clause. ...
  42. Node configuration: node %1!s!: CPU mask: 2!s! Active CPU mask: 3!s!. This message provides a description of the NUMA configuration ...
  43. Non-ANSI '*=' and '=*' outer join operators will be removed in the next version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in ...
  44. Non-ANSI outer join operators ("*=" or "=*") are not allowed in a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. Use ...
  45. Non-ANSI outer joins (*= and =*) are not allowed when a table that contains a column set is used in a query. Change the query ...
  46. Non-fatal exception migrating the package from version {0} to version {1}. Some parts of the package may not be migrated. ...
  47. non-idle), 1 (executing), 2 (waiting for thread), 3 (between retries), 4 (idle), 5 (suspended), 7 (performing completion ...
  48. Non-NULL controlling IUnknown was specified, and either the requested interface was not IUnknown, or the provider does not ...
  49. Non-SQL Server publications do not support updatable subscriptions. The properties allow_sync_tran and allow_queued_tran ...
  50. Non-SQL Server Publishers are supported only in the Enterprise and Developer editions of SQL Server. The edition of this ...
  51. Non-SQL Server Publishers do not support a value of 1 for the parameter @thirdparty_flag. When executing the stored procedure ...
  52. Non-SQL Server Publishers must be configured in the context of the distribution database. Execute sp_adddistpublisher in ...
  53. Non-Windows user credentials were supplied for a non-http connection to Analysis Services. The Microsoft SQL Server Analysis ...
  54. None of the databases for which you are the owner are configured for publishing. Contact the administrator of this server ...
  55. None of the nodes in the failover cluster have been upgraded yet. Because of this, it is not possible for the ownership of ...
  56. None of the table columns seem fit for the current task. If you want to continue, please select the columns to be used in ...
  57. NONEMPTY=1= Set1 , Set2 =Returns subset of first set with removed empty tuples based on the cross product with a second set. ...
  58. NONEMPTYCROSSJOIN=1= Set1 , Set2 , Set3 .][, Crossjoin Count ]=Returns the cross product of two or more sets as a set, excluding ...
  59. Normally, remote instances of SQL Server are managed by an information technology (IT) administrator in your organization. ...
  60. Not all SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 7.0 tasks can be migrated to SQL Server 2008. For example, the Analysis Services Processing ...
  61. Not all tasks from SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 7.0 are migrated to SQL Server 2008. For example, the migration of the ...
  62. Not all the connections from SQL Server 2000 are migrated to the main SQL Server 2008 package. For example, Text (Source) ...
  63. Not enough memory for the configured number of locks. Attempting to start with a smaller lock hash table, which may impact ...
  64. Not enough space is available in the array to which the collection elements are being copied. Available: '{0}'. Required: ...
  65. Note: Although subscription information is deleted at the Publisher, subscription information at Subscribers must be deleted ...
  66. Note: Before users can drill to this report, the report must be bound to an entity in the data source. Contact your database ...
  67. Note: Bulk Insert through a view may result in base table default values being ignored for NULL columns in the data file. ...
  68. NOTE: Changing the account or connection settings for the Log Reader Agent may affect other publications that use this agent. ...
  69. NOTE: Changing the account or connection settings for the Log Reader Agent or Queue Reader Agent may affect other publications ...
  70. Note: Currently, this report does not have any data to show, because default trace does not contain relevant information. ...
  71. Note: If you backup the transaction logs of this database with any other job or maintenance plan, Management Studio will ...
  72. Note: Only databases that have been enabled for publication by a member of the sysadmin fixed server role are included in ...
  73. Note: Select this option when users who need to view the report might not have permissions to the underlying data used in ...
  74. Note: The password for the application role {0} cannot be retrieved from the source database due to security considerations. ...
  75. Note: The password for the application role {0} cannot be retrieved from the source database due to security considerations. ...