Windows 8.1

  1. Usage: %1!s! name= routing=](enabled|disabled|default) Parameters: Tag Value name - Interface name or index. routing - Whether ...
  2. Usage: %1!s! name= source=]dhcp | source= static addr=]IP address mask=]IP subnet mask gateway= |none gwmetric=]integer Parameters: ...
  3. Usage: %1!s! name= source=]dhcp|static addr= |none Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface. source - One of ...
  4. Usage: %1!s! name= source=]dhcp|static addr= |none register=]none|primary|both Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the ...
  5. Usage: %1!s! name= source=]dhcp|static address= / mask= gateway= |none gwmetric= type=]unicast|anycast subinterface= store=]active|persistent ...
  6. Usage: %1!s! name= source=]dhcp|static address= |none Parameters: Tag Value name - The name or index of the interface. source ...
  7. Usage: %1!s! name= source=]dhcp|static address= |none register=]none|primary|both validate=]yes|no Parameters: Tag Value ...
  8. Usage: %1!s! name= source=]dhcp|static address= |none register=]none|primary|both validate=]yes|no Parameters: Tag Value ...
  9. Usage: %1!s! name= source=]dhcp|static address= |none register=]none|primary|both validate=]yes|no Parameters: Tag Value ...
  10. Usage: %1!s! name= ssid= interface= Parameters: Tag Value ssid - SSID of the wireless network. name - Name of the profile ...
  11. Usage: %1!s! name= start= end= mask= Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface where network address translation ...
  12. Usage: %1!s! name= start= Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface for which you want to delete an address ...
  13. Usage: %1!s! name= state=]enable|disable Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface to be added. state - One ...
  14. Usage: %1!s! name= staticgroup= joinmode=]hostjoin|mgmonlyjoin Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of a specified interface ...
  15. Usage: %1!s! name= staticgroup= Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface configured where the static group ...
  16. Usage: %1!s! name= user=][DomainName\]UserName pwd=][Password | Parameters: Tag Value name - Name of the machine on which ...
  17. Usage: %1!s! name=]( |default) state=](enabled|disabled|automatic|default) interval= Parameters: Tag Value name - Name of ...
  18. Usage: %1!s! name=]( |default) state=](enabled|disabled|default) interval= Parameters: Tag Value name - Name of the ISATAP ...
  19. Usage: %1!s! name=]string mode=]enable|disable Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the specific interface where you ...
  20. Usage: %1!s! name=]string Parameters: Tag Value name - Name of a specific interface to show current parameter settings. Remarks: ...
  21. Usage: %1!s! name=]string Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of a specific interface. Remarks: Displays DNS server configuration ...
  22. Usage: %1!s! name=]string Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of a specific interface. Remarks: Displays the IP address ...
  23. Usage: %1!s! name=]string Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of a specific interface. Remarks: Displays the IP address ...
  24. Usage: %1!s! name=]string Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of a specific interface. Remarks: Displays the offload information ...
  25. Usage: %1!s! name=]string Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of a specific interface. Remarks: Displays WINS server configuration ...
  26. Usage: %1!s! name=]string Parameters: Tag Value name - The name or index of a specific interface. Remarks: Displays DNS server ...
  27. Usage: %1!s! name=]string Parameters: Tag Value name - The name or index of a specific interface. Remarks: Displays WINS ...
  28. Usage: %1!s! namespace= Parameters: Tag Value namespace - The namespace for which the policy applies. Remarks: Shows entries ...
  29. Usage: %1!s! namespace= Parameters: Tag Value namespace - The namespace for which the policy applies. Remarks: shows the ...
  30. Usage: %1!s! NetDMA is not supported in this version of Windows. Changing NetDMA settings will have no effect. Please refer ...
  31. Usage: %1!s! npi= client= provider= store=]active|persistent Parameters: Tag Value npi - The NPI guid or name. client - The ...
  32. Usage: %1!s! npi= client= provider= type=]block|singleclient store=]active|persistent Parameters: Tag Value npi - The NPI ...
  33. Usage: %1!s! operator=]matching|shorterthan|longerthan dest= mask= view=]unicast|multicast|both proto=]autostatic|local|netmgmt|nondod|rip|static ...
  34. Usage: %1!s! operator=]matching|shorterthan|longerthan dest= mask= view=]unicast|multicast|both proto=]autostatic|local|netmgmt|nondod|rip|static ...
  35. Usage: %1!s! Parameters: none Remarks: Installs the IP protocol. Restarting computer is required for this action to take ...
  36. Usage: %1!s! Parameters: none Remarks: Removes all user configured settings and resets all TCP parameters to their default ...
  37. Usage: %1!s! Parameters: none Remarks: Removes all user configured settings. Restarting computer is required before the default ...
  38. Usage: %1!s! Parameters: none Remarks: Uninstalls the IP protocol. Restarting computer is required for this action to take ...
  39. Usage: %1!s! Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the specific interface for which you want to view DHCP allocator parameters. ...
  40. Usage: %1!s! Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the specific interface for which you want to view DNS proxy parameters. ...
  41. Usage: %1!s! pattern= mask= Parameters: Tag Value pattern - Pattern on which to break in the debugger. mask - Mask that specified ...
  42. Usage: %1!s! permission=]allow|block Parameters: Tag Value permission - Select allow or block network list. Remarks: Shows ...
  43. Usage: %1!s! permission=]allow|block|denyall ssid= networktype=]infrastructure Parameters: Tag Value permission - Permission ...
  44. Usage: %1!s! permission=]allow|block|denyall ssid= networktype=]infrastructure Parameters: Tag Value permission - Permission ...
  45. Usage: %1!s! permission=]allow|block|denyall ssid= networktype=]infrastructure|adhoc Parameters: Tag Value permission - Permission ...
  46. Usage: %1!s! permission=]allow|block|denyall ssid= networktype=]infrastructure|adhoc Parameters: Tag Value permission - Permission ...
  47. Usage: %1!s! prefix= / interface= nexthop= siteprefixlength= metric= publish=]no|age|yes validlifetime= |infinite preferredlifetime= ...
  48. Usage: %1!s! prefix= / interface= nexthop= siteprefixlength= metric= publish=]no|age|yes validlifetime= |infinite preferredlifetime= ...
  49. Usage: %1!s! prefix= / interface= nexthop= siteprefixlength= metric= publish=]no|age|yes validlifetime= |infinite preferredlifetime= ...
  50. Usage: %1!s! prefix= / interface= nexthop= siteprefixlength= metric= publish=]no|age|yes validlifetime= |infinite preferredlifetime= ...
  51. Usage: %1!s! prefix= / interface= nexthop= store=]active|persistent Parameters: Tag Value prefix - Prefix of route to delete. ...
  52. Usage: %1!s! prefix= / interface= nexthop= store=]active|persistent Parameters: Tag Value prefix - Prefix of route to delete. ...
  53. Usage: %1!s! prefix= / precedence= label= store=]active|persistent Parameters: Tag Value prefix - Prefix for which to add ...
  54. Usage: %1!s! prefix= / precedence= label= store=]active|persistent Parameters: Tag Value prefix - Prefix for which to add ...
  55. Usage: %1!s! prefix= / store=]active|persistent Parameters: Tag Value prefix - Prefix for which to add a policy. store - ...
  56. Usage: %1!s! proto= autostatic|local|netmgmt|nondod|rip|static preflevel= Parameters: Tag Value proto One of the following ...
  57. Usage: %1!s! proto=]autostatic|local|netmgmt|nondod|rip|static Parameters: Tag Value proto - One of the following values: ...
  58. Usage: %1!s! proto=]autostatic|local|netmgmt|nondod|rip|static preflevel= Parameters: Tag Value proto - One of the following ...
  59. Usage: %1!s! protocol=]tcp|udp startport= numberofports= store=]active|persistent Parameters: Tag Value protocol - One of ...
  60. Usage: %1!s! protocol=]tcp|udp startport= numberofports= store=]active|persistent Parameters: Tag Value protocol - One of ...
  61. Usage: %1!s! protocol=]tcp|udp startport= numberofports= store=]active|persistent Parameters: Tag Value protocol - One of ...
  62. Usage: %1!s! protocol=]tcp|udp store=]active|persistent Parameters: Tag Value protocol - One of the following values: tcp: ...
  63. Usage: %1!s! protocol=]tcp|udp store=]active|persistent Parameters: Tag Value protocol - One of the following values: tcp: ...
  64. Usage: %1!s! proxy-server= bypass-list= Parameters: Tag Value proxy-server - proxy server for use for http and/or https protocol ...
  65. Usage: %1!s! querytimeout=]integer][dnsmode=]enable|disable loglevel=]none|error|warn|info Parameters: Tag Value querytimeout ...
  66. Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Adds an RPC firewall filter. A rule and one or more conditions must be added before adding a filter. ...
  67. Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Commits changes to the running configuration that were made while in offline mode. No action is taken ...
  68. Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Creates a script that contains the current configuration. If saved to a file, this script can be used ...
  69. Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Creates a script that contains the current configuration. If saved to a file, this script can be used ...
  70. Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Discards changes made while in the offline mode. This does not affect changes made while in online ...
  71. Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Displays all configured IP protocols. The information displayed for this command consists of: Field ...
  72. Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Displays Netshell helpers installed below IP routing as follows: Field Description - - Command The ...
  73. Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Displays preference levels for all protocols. The information displayed for this command consists of: ...
  74. Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Displays the configured multicast scope boundaries. The information displayed for this command consists ...
  75. Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Displays the DHCP allocator global configuration. The information displayed for this command consists ...