Windows 8.1

  1. Usage: %1!s! url= Parameters: Tag Value url - Fully qualified URL. If unspecified, implies all URLs. The URL could also be ...
  2. Usage: %1!s! url= Parameters: Tag Value url - The fully qualified URL to be deleted. Remarks: This command deletes a reserved ...
  3. Usage: %1!s! url= Parameters: Tag Value url - The fully qualified URL. If unspecified, implies all URLs. Remarks: This command ...
  4. Usage: %1!s! url= recursive=]yes|no Parameters: Tag Value url - Fully qualified URL. recursive - If yes, removes all entries ...
  5. Usage: %1!s! url= state=](enabled|disabled|default) authmode=](none|certificates) Parameters: Tag Value url - Url on which ...
  6. Usage: %1!s! url= user= listen=]yes|no delegate=]yes|no | sddl= Parameters: Tag Value url - The fully qualified URL user ...
  7. Usage: %1!s! value=]0-60 Parameters: Tag Value value - Specifies the length in time, in minutes, during which auto connect ...
  8. Usage: %1!s! view=]session|requestq verbose=]yes|no Parameters: Tag Value view - View snapshot of HTTP service state based ...
  9. Usage: %1!s! wsh=]disabled|enabled|default forcews=]disabled|enabled|default Parameters: Tag Value wsh - One of the following ...
  10. Usage: %s -? -q -u -g -p -n[:WIN32|WIN64 myfile.sdb | {guid} | "name" -? - print this help text. -p - Allow SDBs containing ...
  11. Usage: %ws modifiers switch accountname Where "accountname" can be the name or domain ame of the target computer or user ...
  12. Usage: ADD PLEX LUN= NOERR ADD TPGROUP TPORTAL= NOERR Adds an existing LUN as a plex to the currently selected LUN or adds ...
  13. Usage: add rule name= dir=in|out action=allow|block|bypass program= service= |any description= enable=yes|no (default=yes) ...
  14. Usage: add rule name= endpoint1=any|localsubnet|dns|dhcp|wins|defaultgateway| | | | | endpoint2=any|localsubnet|dns|dhcp|wins|defaultgateway| ...
  15. Usage: add rule name= mmsecmethods=dhgroup1|dhgroup2|dhgroup14|dhgroup24|ecdhp256| ecdhp384:3des|des|aes128|aes192|aes256-md5|sha1|sha256 ...
  16. Usage: all format = (list | table) wide = (yes | no) Displays all policies, filter lists, and filter actions. Parameters: ...
  17. Usage: all resolvedns = (yes | no) Displays details of all policies, filters, SAs, and statistics from SPD. Parameters: Tag ...
  18. Usage: ASSOCIATE CONTROLLERS ADD , ,. ASSOCIATE PORTS ADD - , - ,. ASSOCIATE TARGETS ADD , ,. Adds or replaces the list of ...
  19. Usage: AuditPol /backup /file: This command backs up system audit policy settings and per-user audit policy settings for ...
  20. Usage: AuditPol /clear /y This command deletes per-user audit policy for all users, resets system audit policy for all subcategories ...
  21. Usage: AuditPol /get /user[: | /category:*| | ,: | . /subcategory: | ,: | . /option: /sd /r This command displays the current ...
  22. Usage: AuditPol /list /user|/category|/subcategory[: | |* /v /r This command lists audit policy categories, subcategories, ...
  23. Usage: AuditPol /remove /user[: | /allusers This command removes per-user audit policy for a specified account. Options /? ...
  24. Usage: AuditPol /resourceSACL /set /type: /success /failure /user: /access: /condition: /remove /type: /user: /type: /clear ...
  25. Usage: AuditPol /restore /file: This command restores system audit policy settings, per-user audit policy settings for all ...
  26. Usage: AuditPol /set /user[: | ][/include][/exclude /category: | ,: | . /success: | ][/failure: | /subcategory: | ,: | . ...
  27. Usage: AuditPol command Commands (only one command permitted per execution) /? Help (context-sensitive) /get Displays the ...
  28. Usage: AUTOMAGIC AUTOMAGIC SET = = . AUTOMAGIC CLEAR {ALL | .]} AUTOMAGIC APPLY Displays or changes the AUTOMAGIC flags that ...
  29. Usage: BdeHdCfg[.exe -driveinfo -target {default | unallocated | TargetDriveLetter {shrink | merge} -newdriveletter DriveLetter ...
  30. Usage: BREAK PLEX= NOERR Removes the plex from the currently selected LUN. PLEX= Specifies the index of the plex to remove. ...
  31. Usage: capture start cab = (ON | OFF) traceonly = (ON | OFF) keywords = (NONE | BCAST | MCAST | BCAST+MCAST) file = Parameters: ...
  32. Usage: capture stop Remarks: Stops an interactive capture session. Takes effect if previous command executed was 'capture ...
  34. Usage: CHAP INITIATOR SET SECRET=[ TARGET= CHAP INITIATOR REMEMBER SECRET=[ TARGET= Sets the CHAP secret for the local initiator ...
  36. Usage: CheckNetIsolation Debug -n= -p= List of arguments: -n= - AppContainer Name or Package Family Name. -p= - AppContainer ...
  37. Usage: CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt operation -n= -p= List of operations: -a - Add the AppContainer or Package Family ...
  38. Usage: CheckNetIsolation Module List Of Modules: LoopbackExempt - controls the loopback exemption of AppContainers and Package ...
  39. Usage: Cleans up propagation test files the membership DfsrAdmin {0} {1} {3}: - Age in days. Type 'DfsrAdmin {2} /?' for ...
  40. Usage: config property = (ipsecdiagnostics | ipsecexempt | ipsecloginterval | ikelogging | strongcrlcheck | bootmode | bootexemptions) ...
  41. Usage: Create a new connection DfsrAdmin {0} {1} /{3}: - Name of the connection's sending member /{4}: - Name of the connection's ...
  42. Usage: Create a new member DfsrAdmin {0} {1} /{2}: - Member keywords /{3} - Disables the creation of memberships for the ...
  43. Usage: Create a new replicated folder DfsrAdmin {1} {0} /{2}: - Replicated folder description /{3}: -File filters for the ...
  44. Usage: Create a new replication group DfsrAdmin {1} {0} /{2}: - Replication group description /{3}: - Specifies whether the ...
  46. Usage: CREATE TARGET NAME= ISCSINAME= NOERR Creates a new target. NAME= Specifies the name to assign to the new target. This ...
  47. Usage: CREATE TPGROUP NOERR Creates a new target portal group. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskRAID ...
  48. Usage: defaultrule policy = qmpfs = (yes | no) activate = (yes | no) qmsecmethods = (neg#1 neg#2 . neg#n) kerberos = (yes ...
  49. Usage: Delegate the ability to manage an existing replication group DfsrAdmin {1} {0} - Add or remove account delegation ...
  50. Usage: DELETE LUN UNINSTALL NOERR DELETE TARGET NOERR DELETE TPGROUP NOERR Deletes the currently selected LUN, target, or ...
  51. Usage: delete mmsa|qmsa (source destination)|all Remarks: - This command deletes the matching security association as specified ...
  52. Usage: delete rule name= dir=in|out profile=public|private|domain|any[,. program= service= |any localip=any| | | | | rem ...
  53. Usage: delete rule name= dir=in|out profile=public|private|domain|any[,. program= service= |any localip=any| | | | | rem ...
  54. Usage: delete rule name= type=dynamic|static profile=public|private|domain|any[,. (default=any) endpoint1=any|localsubne ...
  55. Usage: delete rule name= |all profile=any|current|public|private|domain[,. type=dynamic|static (default=static) Remarks: ...
  56. Usage: delete rule name= |all profile=any|current|public|private|domain[,. type=dynamic|static (default=static) Remarks: ...
  57. Usage: DETAIL VERBOSE Displays detailed information about the selected object of the specified type. Specifies the type of ...
  58. USAGE: Dfsutil /AddFtRoot and /AddStdRoot add new domain based and standalone roots to a namespace. Usage: dfsutil /AddFtRoot ...
  59. USAGE: Dfsutil /AddLink command adds the new DFS link to the given namespace or if the link is already exist then it adds ...
  60. USAGE: Dfsutil /Clean is a special problem repair command to remove a reference to an obsolete root from a host machine. ...
  61. USAGE: Dfsutil /DisplayMupCache displays the contents of a MUP cache. Usage: dfsutil /DisplayMupCache This command does not ...
  62. USAGE: Dfsutil /Export is a quick way to export a namespace to a file. Usage: dfsutil /Root: /Export: /Verbose /Export: - ...
  63. USAGE: Dfsutil /Import is a quick way to import a namespace from one root to another. Note that the Root has to already exist. ...
  64. USAGE: Dfsutil /ImportRoot is a quick way to replicate one DFS namespace to another. Note that the DFS namespaces specified ...
  65. USAGE: Dfsutil /Insite can be used to exclude or include folder (link) targets outside the client's site. If /Insite is enabled ...
  66. USAGE: Dfsutil /PktFlush is a special problem repair command that should only be executed on the client. The PKT Cache keeps ...
  67. USAGE: Dfsutil /PktInfo is a special problem diagnosis command that should only be executed on the client. The PKT Cache ...
  68. USAGE: Dfsutil /PurgeMupCache is a special problem repair command that should only be executed on the client. The MUP cache ...
  69. USAGE: Dfsutil /RemFtRoot removes DFS domain based roots from a namespace. Usage: dfsutil /RemFtRoot /Server: /Share: dfsutil ...
  70. USAGE: Dfsutil /RemoveLink command removes a target from a Distributed File System (Dfs) link. If the specified target is ...
  71. USAGE: Dfsutil /RemStdRoot removes standalone roots from a namespace. Usage: dfsutil /RemStdRoot /Server: /Share: /Server: ...
  72. USAGE: Dfsutil /RootScalability is an expert-only option to increase performance of large deployments of DFS namespaces. ...
  73. Usage: Dfsutil /Server: /DfsDcNameDelay: /Set Dfsutil /Server: /DfsDcNameDelay /Display Sets or displays the DfsDcNameDelay ...
  74. Usage: Dfsutil /Server: /DfsDnsConfig: /Set This can be used to set the DfsDnsConfig registry value in a DC or Root Server ...
  75. Usage: Dfsutil /Server: /InsiteReferrals: /Set Dfsutil /Server: /InsiteReferrals /Display This can be used to set or display ...