Windows 8.1

  1. Usage: repadmin /u:{domain\user} /pw:{password|*} /retry[: ][: /csv Use these commands to see the help: /? Displays a list ...
  2. Usage: REPLACE DRIVE= Replaces the specified drive with the currently selected drive. DRIVE= Specifies the index of the drive ...
  3. Usage: reset export Remarks: - Restores the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security policy to the default policy. The current ...
  4. Usage: reset export Remarks: - Restores the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security policy to the default policy. The current ...
  5. Usage: reset Remarks: Resets the BranchCache service. Flushes the local and publication caches. Every configuration parameter ...
  6. Usage: RESET Resets the currently selected object of the specified type. Specifies the type of object to perform this operation ...
  7. Usage: restorepolicyexamples release = (win2k | win2003) Restores the default policies. Parameters: Tag Value release -OS ...
  8. Usage: RESYNC NOVOLCHECK REVERT_ORIGINALSIG Starts a resynchronization operation for the volumes in the recovery set. For ...
  9. Usage: rule name = policy = filterlist = filteraction = tunnel = (ip | dns) conntype = (lan | dialup | all) activate = (yes ...
  10. Usage: rule name = | id = | all policy = Deletes a rule from a policy. Parameters: Tag Value name | id | all -Name of the ...
  11. Usage: rule name = | id = | all | default policy = type = (tunnel | tranport) level = (verbose | normal) format = (list | ...
  12. Usage: rule name = | id= policy = newname = description = filterlist = filteraction = tunnel = (ip | dns) conntype = (lan ...
  13. Usage: rule srcaddr = (ip | dns | server) dstaddr = (ip | dns | server) protocol = (ANY | ICMP | TCP | UDP | RAW | ) srcport ...
  14. Usage: rule srcaddr = (ipv4 | ipv6 | ipv4-ipv4 | ipv6-ipv6 | dns | server) dstaddr = (ipv4 | ipv6 | ipv4-ipv4 | ipv6-ipv6 ...
  15. Usage: rule srcaddr = (ipv4 | ipv6 | ipv4-ipv4 | ipv6-ipv6 | dns | server) dstaddr = (ipv4 | ipv6 | ipv4-ipv4 | ipv6-ipv6 ...
  16. Usage: rule type = (transport | tunnel) srcaddr = (ipv4 | ipv6 | ipv4-ipv4 | ipv6-ipv6 | dns | server) dstaddr = (ipv4 | ...
  17. Usage: SELECT Displays or changes the currently selected object. Specifies the type of object to select. Must be one of HBAPORT, ...
  18. Usage: Set a custom replication group schedule DfsrAdmin {3} {2} {1} {0} /{4}: - Day of the week (for example, Monday or ...
  19. Usage: set allprofiles (parameter) (value) Parameters: state - Configure the firewall state. Usage: state on|off|notconfigured ...
  20. Usage: set cachesize size=]{DEFAULT| } percent=]{TRUE|FALSE} Parameters: Tag Value size - The size of the cache. Entered ...
  21. Usage: set currentprofile (parameter) (value) Parameters: state - Configure the firewall state. Usage: state on|off|notconfigured ...
  22. Usage: set domainprofile (parameter) (value) Parameters: state - Configure the firewall state. Usage: state on|off|notconfigured ...
  23. Usage: set global statefulftp|statefulpptp enable|disable|notconfigured set global ipsec (parameter) (value) set global mainmode ...
  24. Usage: set key passphrase= Parameters: Tag Value passphrase - A passphrase to use to generate the key. If a passphrase is ...
  25. Usage: set latency latency= Parameters: Tag Value latency - Minimum link latency to the branch office before SMB will use ...
  26. Usage: set localcache directory=]{DEFAULT| } Parameters: Tag Value directory - The fully qualified path to the directory ...
  27. Usage: set options netevents = ON | OFF keywords = NONE | BCAST | MCAST| BCAST+MCAST txnwatchdog = Parameters: Tag Value ...
  28. Usage: set privateprofile (parameter) (value) Parameters: state - Configure the firewall state. Usage: state on|off|notconfigured ...
  29. Usage: set publicationcache directory=]{DEFAULT| } Parameters: Tag Value directory - The fully qualified path to the directory ...
  30. Usage: set publicationcachesize size=]{DEFAULT| } percent=]{TRUE|FALSE} Parameters: Tag Value size - The size of the cache. ...
  31. Usage: set publicprofile (parameter) (value) Parameters: state - Configure the firewall state. Usage: state on|off|notconfigured ...
  32. Usage: Set replicated folder attribute(s) DfsrAdmin {1} {0} /{2}: - Replicated folder description /{3}: - File filters for ...
  33. Usage: Set replication group attribute(s) DfsrAdmin {1} {0} /{2}: - Replication group description /{3}: - Specifies whether ...
  34. Usage: set rule group= | name= dir=in|out profile=public|private|domain|any[,. program= service=service short name|any localip=any| ...
  35. Usage: set rule group= | name= type=dynamic|static profile=public|private|domain|any[,. (default=any) endpoint1=any|loca ...
  36. Usage: set rule name= profile=public|private|domain|any[,. type=dynamic|static (default=static) new name= mmsecmethods= ...
  37. Usage: set service mode=]{DISABLED|LOCAL|DISTRIBUTED|HOSTEDSERVER|HOSTEDCLIENT} location]= clientauthentication]={DOMAIN|NONE} ...
  38. Usage: set store local|gpo= |gpo= | gpo= Remarks: - Sets the policy store to a Group Policy object (GPO) identified by a ...
  39. Usage: set supplemental template=]automatic|datacenter|internet|compat|custom minrto= icw= congestionprovider=]none|ctcp|dctcp|default ...
  40. Usage: Set the replication group schedule DfsrAdmin {2} {1} {0} - Specifies whether to use the default replication group ...
  41. Usage: SETFLAG DRIVE HOTSPARE={TRUE | FALSE} Sets the specified flag to the specified value for the currently selected drive. ...
  42. Usage: show allprofiles parameter Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is on or off. ...
  43. Usage: show appid file = Parameters: Tag Value file - Specifies the DOS path for the application. Remarks: Displays the application ...
  44. Usage: show boottimepolicy file = | - Parameters: Tag Value file - Output file name. The default is 'btpol.xml'. If this ...
  45. Usage: show consec rule name= profile=public|private|domain|active|any[,. verbose Remarks: - Displays the Connection Security ...
  46. Usage: show currentprofile parameter Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is on or ...
  47. Usage: show currentprofile Remarks: - This command shows the network connections associated with currently active profiles. ...
  48. Usage: show domainprofile parameter Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is on or ...
  49. Usage: show filters file = | - protocol = localaddr = remoteaddr = localport = remoteport = appid = userid = dir = IN | OUT ...
  50. Usage: show firewall rule name= dir=in|out profile=public|private|domain|active|any[,. verbose Remarks: - Displays the Windows ...
  51. Usage: show global property Parameters: ipsec - Shows IPsec specific settings. statefulftp - Shows stateful ftp support. ...
  52. Usage: show localcache Remarks: Displays the status of the local cache. The maximum size of the cache can be configured as ...
  53. Usage: show mainmode rule name= profile=public|private|domain|active|any[,. verbose Remarks: - Displays the Main mode Security ...
  54. Usage: show mmsa (source destination)|all Remarks: - This command shows the security association, or as filtered by (source ...
  55. Usage: show netevents file = | - protocol = localaddr = remoteaddr = localport = remoteport = appid = userid = timewindow ...
  56. Usage: show options optionsfor = NETEVENTS | KEYWORDS | TXNWATCHDOG Parameters: Tag Value optionsfor - Can be either NETEVENTS, ...
  57. Usage: show privateprofile parameter Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is on or ...
  58. Usage: show publicationcache Remarks: Displays the status of the local publication cache. The maximum size of the cache can ...
  59. Usage: show publicprofile parameter Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is on or ...
  60. Usage: show qmsa (source destination)|all Remarks: - This command shows the security association, or as filtered by (source ...
  61. Usage: show rule name= profile=public|private|domain|any[,. type=dynamic|static (default=static) verbose Remarks: - Displays ...
  62. Usage: show rule name= profile=public|private|domain|any[,. type=static|dynamic verbose Remarks: - Displays all matching ...
  63. Usage: show rule name= |all profile=all|current|public|private|domain[,. type=dynamic|static (default=static) verbose Remarks: ...
  64. Usage: show rule name= |all profile=all|current|public|private|domain[,. type=dynamic|static (default=static) verbose Remarks: ...
  66. Usage: show state file = | - Parameters: Tag Value file - Output file name. The default is 'wfpstate.xml'. If this parameter ...
  67. Usage: show status detail=]{BASIC|ALL} Parameters: Tag Value detail - The level of detail to display (Optional) BASIC - Display ...
  68. Usage: show sysports file = | - Parameters: Tag Value file - Output file name. The default is 'sysports.xml'. If this parameter ...
  69. Usage: showmount -e server Show all shares exported by the NFS server. showmount -a server List both the client hostname ...
  70. Usage: SHRINK LUN SIZE= NOERR Reduces the size of the selected LUN. SIZE= Specifies the desired amount of space in megabytes ...
  71. Usage: STANDBY HBAPORT Sets the state of paths to the currently selected HBA port to standby. An HBA port must be selected ...
  72. Usage: stats type = (all | ike | ipsec) Displays details of IPsec and IKE statistics. Parameters: Tag Value type -ipsec, ...
  73. Usage: store location = (local | domain) domain = Sets the current IPsec policy storage location. Parameters: Tag Value location ...
  74. USAGE: sysprep.exe /quiet /generalize /audit | /oobe /reboot | /shutdown | /quit /unattend: /mode: If no command-line arguments ...
  75. Usage: tlntadmn computer name common options start | stop | pause | continue | -S | -K | -M | config config_options For detailed ...