Windows 8.1

  1. Unable to convert graphic. The installed WordPerfect graphics filter is an old version. Continue with document conversion? ...
  2. Unable to convert input to the target type {0} passed to the ForEach() operator. Please check the specified type and try ...
  3. Unable to convert the PIN to a storable form. Please make sure the default system locale is the same as the current input ...
  4. Unable to convert the string "%s" to a storable form. Please make sure the default system locale is the same as the current ...
  5. Unable to copy component files to the application definition file directory. An error occurred writing to the directory or ...
  6. Unable to copy the virtual desktop to the export location. Check if the export location exists and it is configured with ...
  7. Unable to create log file %2. Make sure that the logging directory is correct and this computer has write access to that ...
  8. Unable to create offline join information. Please ensure you have access to the specified path location and permissions to ...
  9. Unable to create the CAU clustered role because a Network Name resource could not be created. This can occur if a computer ...
  10. Unable to create the centralized binary log file. Make sure that the logging directory is correct and this computer has write ...
  11. Unable to create the centralized W3C log file. Make sure that the logging directory is correct and this computer has write ...
  12. Unable to create the folder "%1". However, the user account has been updated with the new home folder value. You will need ...
  13. Unable to create the log file for site W3SVC%2. Make sure that the logging directory for the site is correct and this computer ...
  14. Unable to create the query engine's first request item due to error %2. It's possible that the MSFTESQL service account is ...
  15. Unable to decompress the MS DTC log file. Please ensure that there is sufficient available disk space on the MS DTC log device.%0 ...
  16. Unable to delete the collection {0}. Check the status of the RD Connection Broker server and the RD Session Host server in ...
  17. Unable to delete the virtual disk snapshot without dismounting it or disconnecting all initiators to the exported virtual ...
  18. Unable to delete the virtual disk without first deleting all dependent snapshot virtual disks and disconnecting all iSCSI ...
  19. Unable to determine if a static IP address is configured in the guest operating system contained in the virtual hard disk ...
  20. Unable to determine if a static IP address is configured in the guest operating system contained in the virtual hard disk ...
  21. Unable to determine if the virtual machine on {0} is joined to a domain. After starting the virtual machine, you should join ...
  22. Unable to determine the computer name of virtual machine {0}. This may be due to networking issues, or that the virtual machine ...
  23. Unable to determine the domain hosted by the Active Directory Domain Controller (%d). Please use the connection menu to specify ...
  24. Unable to determine the operation mode of the remote installation server. Check that the server is accessible and that you ...
  25. Unable to determine the version of the integration services on the following virtual machines. To determine the version of ...
  26. Unable to determine whether the Windows Firewall on node {0} is configured to allow cluster network communication. A query ...
  27. Unable to determine whether the Windows Firewall on node {0} is configured to allow cluster network communication. The Windows ...
  28. Unable to determine whether this Active Directory domain controller is an operations master. Before removing AD DS from this ...
  29. Unable to discover all remote nodes. {0} The IP address of the current node is {1}. Please logon to each remote node to identify ...
  30. Unable to display search results because too many entries in the directory service match your search criteria. You can narrow ...
  31. Unable to display the complete search results because either too many entries in the directory service match your search ...
  32. Unable to display the group selection dialog at this time. Try entering the name of the group directly into the edit box. ...
  33. Unable to display the privacy policy of due to a syntax error in its policy. To view the privacy policy, contact the Web ...
  34. Unable to display Toast for the Notification Id : %1 as the number of Toasts displayed has reached the max display limit. ...
  35. Unable to erase password option %1 from the answer file %2. The file may still contain passwords. You should ensure that ...
  36. Unable to establish a connection to the server. Ensure Windows Media Services is started and the HTTP Server control protocol ...
  37. Unable to establish a multi-transport connection; the connection will use TCP. Consult the product documentation to enable ...
  38. Unable to establish Dial-Up Network connection. Please go to 'Dial-Up Networking' and make sure your connections are configured ...
  39. Unable to execute the test. Please verify that the module name and selection criteria for the test is correctly set in the ...
  40. Unable to export policy with error 1!x!. Make sure that the file name is correct and the file is accessible. The firewall ...
  41. Unable to filter RemoteApps for the requesting user. The user's string-format SID could not be converted to a binary-format ...
  42. Unable to filter RemoteApps for user %2. There was an error initializing the server context from the user's SID. Check that ...
  43. Unable to find a detailed error description. Unknown facility code of: 1!02X! (%1!02d!L) Facility error: 2!X! (%2!02d!L) ...
  44. Unable to find any subsystem from the Virtual Disk Service (VDS) hardware provider(s) installed on the computer. To provision ...
  45. Unable to find plugin methods WSManPluginShell, WSManPluginCommand, WSManPluginSend, WSManPluginRecieve in the Managed plugin ...
  46. Unable to find the %1!s! Procedure name in the registry for service "%2!s!". Check the application event log to make sure ...
  47. Unable to find the ldap displayName for the SourceAttribute {0}. We need that information to verify if SourceAttribute belongs ...
  48. Unable to find the object. Check your administrative credentials. There could be a network problem. Active Directory Domain ...
  49. Unable to find the password in the Windows registry. Refer to the product troubleshooting documentation or contact support. ...
  50. Unable to find valid registry value "%1!s!" in the registry for service "%2!s!". Check the application event log to make ...
  51. Unable to find Virtual Disk Service (VDS) or any VDS hardware providers installed on the computer. To provision storage using ...
  52. Unable to generate RSoP Data. In logging mode, likely causes are Group Policy has never successfully processed for the computer ...
  53. Unable to get consistent delay measurements. Make sure the microphone is held steady in one spot. This may also be caused ...
  54. Unable to get system configuration information. The first four bytes (DWORD) of the Data section contains the status code. ...
  55. Unable to get the Dial-Up Network information needed to dial '%s'. Please check the properties for this connection in the ...
  56. Unable to get the Key Master for the zone %1 on server %2. Please check if the server is valid and hosts a primary copy of ...
  57. Unable to get the list of checkpoints for virtual machine '%1'. The checkpoints for this virtual machine may not work properly. ...
  58. Unable to import policy (error 1!x!). Make sure that the file name is correct, that the file is accessible, and that it is ...
  59. Unable to import the static IP addresses from the specified file. This could be either because the file format is incorrect ...
  60. Unable to Initialize COM library. An instance of EapHostAuthenticatorInvokeConfigUI() is already running. CoInitializeEx ...
  61. Unable to Initialize COM library. The wrong concurrency model was specified for EapHostAuthenticatorInvokeConfigUI(). COM ...
  62. Unable to initialize the RemoteFX host mode module. Restart the computer to resolve the issue. If the issue is not resolved, ...
  63. Unable to install %1 because %2 framework dependencies were specified. The maximum number of allowed framework dependencies ...
  64. Unable to install %1 because %2 resource dependencies were specified. The maximum number of allowed resource dependencies ...
  65. Unable to install %1 because the same package %2 is specified multiple times. Each package specified needs to be unique. ...
  66. Unable to install counter strings because the %1!s! key could not be opened or accessed. The first DWORD in the Data section ...
  67. Unable to join the virtual desktop to the domain. The maximum number of computer accounts allowed to join this domain has ...
  68. Unable to launch the "Add Role and Feature wizard". Please launch the wizard by clicking "Add Roles and Features" menu under ...
  69. Unable to launch the online Help link '{0}'. This may be caused by incorrect browser settings or not having a browser installed. ...
  70. Unable to load DNSSEC settings for zone %1 from the Key Master %2. Do you want to load DNSSEC settings from DNS server %3? ...
  71. Unable to load the interface %1 from the registry. There are no routing enabled ports available for use by this demand dial ...
  72. Unable to load the specified offline registry hive. Please ensure you have access to the specified path location and permissions ...
  73. Unable to locate the close procedure "%1!s!" in DLL "%2!s!" for the "%3!s!" service. Performance data for this service will ...
  74. Unable to locate the collect procedure "%1!s!" in DLL "%2!s!" for the "%3!s!" service. Performance data for this service ...
  75. Unable to locate the open procedure "%1!s!" in DLL "%2!s!" for the "%3!s!" service. Performance data for this service will ...