Usage: %1!s! prefix= / interface= nexthop= siteprefixlength= metric= publish=]no|age|yes validlifetime= |infinite preferredlifetime= ...

Usage: %1!s! [prefix=]/ [interface=]
             [[nexthop=]] [[siteprefixlength=]]
             [[metric=]] [[publish=]no|age|yes]


       Tag                 Value
       prefix            - Prefix of route to modify.
       interface         - Interface name or index.
       nexthop           - Gateway address, if prefix is not on-link.
       siteprefixlength  - Prefix length for the entire site, if on-link.
       metric            - Route metric.
       publish           - One of the following values:
                           no: Not advertised in Route Advertisements.
                               This is the default.
                           age: Advertised in Route Advertisements
                               with a finite lifetime.
                           yes: Advertised in Route Advertisements
                               with an infinite lifetime.
       validlifetime     - Lifetime over which the route is valid.
                           The default value is infinite.
       preferredlifetime - Lifetime over which the route is preferred.
                           The default value is infinite.
       store             - One of the following values:
                           active: Change only lasts until next boot.
                           persistent: Change is persistent.  This is
                                       the default.

Remarks: Modifies route parameters.  Time values can be expressed in
         days, hours, minutes, and seconds; e.g. 1d2h3m4s.

         When publish is set to no or age, the route will be deleted
         after the end of the valid lifetime.  When publish is set to
         age, the Route Advertisement will contain the valid lifetime
         remaining until deletion.

         When publish is set to yes, the route will never be deleted,
         regardless of the validlifetime value, and every Route
         Advertisement will contain the (same) specified valid lifetime.


       %1!s! 3ffe::/16 "Internet" fe80::1 0 2 yes 5000 5000