Windows 8.1

  1. Usage: Dfsutil /Server: /LdapTimeoutValueInSeconds: /Set Dfsutil /Server: /LdapTimeoutValueInSeconds /Display This can be ...
  2. Usage: Dfsutil /Server: /PreferLogonDc: /Set Dfsutil /Server: /PreferLogonDc /Display This can be used to set or display ...
  3. Usage: Dfsutil /Server: /ProviderCacheTimeoutInMinutes /Display Dfsutil /Server: /ProviderCacheTimeoutInMinutes: /Set Displays ...
  4. Usage: Dfsutil /Server: /SiteCostedReferrals: /Set Dfsutil /Server: /SiteCostedRefferals /Display This can be used to set ...
  5. Usage: Dfsutil /Server: /SyncIntervalinSeconds: /Set Dfsutil /Server: /SyncIntervalinSeconds /Display This can be used to ...
  6. USAGE: Dfsutil /SiteCosting can be used to make sure inter-site costs are evaluated when a client accesses replicas on another ...
  7. USAGE: Dfsutil /SiteName lets you view the site information for the specified machine. Usage: dfsutil /SiteName: This command ...
  8. USAGE: Dfsutil /SpcFlush is a special problem repair command that should only be executed on the client. The SPC Cache keeps ...
  9. USAGE: Dfsutil /SpcInfo is a special problem diagnosis command that should only be executed on the client. The SPC Cache ...
  10. USAGE: Dfsutil /State command changes the state of the DFS root, link, root target or link target to either online or offline ...
  11. USAGE: Dfsutil /TargetFailback is an expert-only option to make sure clients failback to target servers that are closer to ...
  12. USAGE: Dfsutil /TargetPriority can be used to display the TargetPriority value of a specific target server of a DFS root ...
  13. USAGE: Dfsutil /TTL command sets or displays the timeout value of the root or link. Usage: dfsutil /Path: {/TTL: /Set}|{/TTL ...
  14. USAGE: Dfsutil /UnmapFtRoot deletes DFS references to an obsolete domain based root replica. This is a special problem repair ...
  15. USAGE: Dfsutil /View lets you view the DFS information. Usage: dfsutil /Root: /View /Verbose /Root: - DFS namespace to operate ...
  16. USAGE: Dfsutil /ViewDfsDirs lists all existing DFS reparse directories in a volume. Those directories can also be deleted ...
  17. USAGE: Dfsutil is an administrative tool to perform operations on DFS namespaces. Usage: dfsutil /OPTIONS /Root: /View /Verbose ...
  18. Usage: DISKRAID /? | /s /v Launches the DiskRAID application. /? specifies that DiskRAID should display this usage text. ...
  19. Usage: DISSOCIATE CONTROLLERS , ,. DISSOCIATE PORTS - , - ,. DISSOCIATE TARGETS , ,. Specifies the specified controllers, ...
  20. Usage: djoin.exe /OPTIONS /PROVISION - Provision a computer account in the domain /DOMAIN - of the domain to join /MACHINE ...
  21. Usage: DnsCmd /%1!S! . Tests remote DNS server IP addresses Context can be one of: /DnsServers- test that IPs are DNS servers ...
  22. Usage: DnsCmd /%1!S! Options Configures DNS server and client using the current DNS client settings Options can be one or ...
  23. Usage: DnsCmd /AgeAllRecords /Tree /f - - FQDN of a zone - name or node or subtree in which to enable aging - "@" for zone ...
  24. Usage: DnsCmd /Config Server : /RpcProtocol /LogLevel /LogFilePath /LogIPFilterList /LogFileMaxSize /EventlogLevel /NoRecursion ...
  25. Usage: DnsCmd /CreateBuiltinDirectoryPartitions Option must be one of: /Domain - Creates the built-in domain-wide DNS directory ...
  26. Usage: DnsCmd /CreateDelegationInParent Flags /NewForest - promoting first DC in new forest /NewTree - promoting first DC ...
  27. Usage: DnsCmd /EnumRecords - FQDN of zone node to enumerate /RootHints for roots-hints enumeration /Cache for cache enumeration ...
  28. Usage: DnsCmd /EnumTrustAnchors /v - The name of a trust point, given by /EnumTrustPoints. If not given, all valid DNSKEY ...
  29. Usage: DnsCmd /EnumTrustPoints - optional name of a trust point or node. When provided, the named trust point will be enumerated ...
  30. Usage: DnsCmd /EnumZones . Filters: /Primary - primary zones /Secondary - secondary zones /Forwarder - conditional forwarding ...
  31. Usage: DnsCmd /Info - server property to view Examples: BootMethod RpcProtocol LogLevel EventlogLevel NoRecursion ForwardDelegations ...
  32. Usage: DnsCmd /NodeDelete /Tree /f - | /RootHints | /Cache - FQDN of a zone - FQDN of a node (with a '.' at the end) OR node ...
  33. Usage: DnsCmd /OfflineSign /DeleteKey /Cert /FriendlyName /Subject /Issuer /Serial - friendly name of the certificate - subject ...
  34. Usage: DnsCmd /OfflineSign /GenKey /Alg /Flags /Length /Zone /SSCert /FriendlyName /ValidFrom /ValidTo - the key algorithm ...
  35. Usage: DnsCmd /OfflineSign /ImportKey /BindKey /Flags /Zone /SSCert /FriendlyName /ValidFrom /ValidTo - the private key file ...
  36. Usage: DnsCmd /OfflineSign /SignZone /Input /Output /Zone /KeySetDir /GenKeySet /SoaSerial /Dnskey /Ds /NsecType /Nsec3HashAlg ...
  37. Usage: DnsCmd /RecordAdd /Aging /OpenAcl /CreatePTR A CNAME,DNAME NS,MB,MD PTR,MF,MG,MR MX,RT,AFSDB SRV SOA AAAA TXT X25,HINFO,ISDN ...
  38. Usage: DnsCmd /RecordDelete /f NOTE: Deletion of RRSIG, NSEC, NSEC3, or NSEC3PARAM records is not supported. - FQDN of a ...
  39. Usage: DnsCmd /ResetForwarders . /[No]Slave /TimeOut - where to forward unsolvable DNS queries /Slave - do not recurse if ...
  40. Usage: DnsCmd /ResetListenAddresses . - an IP address belonging to the DNS server Default: listen to all server IP Address(es) ...
  41. Usage: DnsCmd /RetrieveRootTrustAnchors /f /f - Execute without asking for confirmation Retrieves root trust anchors via ...
  42. Usage: DnsCmd /SbsDeleteA - server name (DNS, netBIOS or IP) - full DNS name of ISP's zone - client name (not FQDN) - client ...
  43. Usage: dnscmd /SbsRegister - server name (DNS, netBIOS or IP) - full DNS name of ISP's zone - client name (not FQDN) - client ...
  44. Usage: DnsCmd /Statistics | /Clear - ID of particular stat desired. (ALL is the default) %1!08lx! - Time %2!08lx! - Query ...
  45. Usage: DnsCmd /TrustAnchorAdd - name of node for which a record will be added - DNSKEY or DS - data for the DNSKEY including ...
  46. Usage: DnsCmd /TrustAnchorDelete /f - name of node from which a record will be deleted - DNSKEY or DS - data for the DNSKEY ...
  47. Usage: DnsCmd /TrustAnchorsResetType : /DsPrimary /DP /forest - store in Active directory and replicate to all DNS servers ...
  48. Usage: DnsCmd /WriteBackFiles - FQDN of a zone whose datafile to be written back Default: write back datafile for all dirty ...
  49. Usage: DnsCmd /ZoneAdd - FQDN of zone : /DsPrimary /dp - DS integrated primary zone /Primary /file - standard file backed ...
  50. Usage: DnsCmd /ZoneAddSKD /Alg /Length /KSP /Flags /StoreKeysInAD /DoNotStoreKeysInAD /InitialRolloverOffset /DNSKEYSignatureValidityPeriod ...
  51. Usage: DnsCmd /ZoneChangeDirectoryPartition - FQDN of zone to move to new partition - FQDN of new directory partition or ...
  52. Usage: DnsCmd /ZoneDelete /DsDel /f /DsDel - Delete Zone from DS /f - Execute without asking for confirmation Default: delete ...
  53. Usage: DnsCmd /ZoneInfo - zone property to view Examples: AllowUpdate DsIntegrated Aging RefreshInterval NoRefreshInterval ...
  54. Usage: DnsCmd /ZoneModifySKD /DNSKEYSignatureValidityPeriod /DSSignatureValidityPeriod /StandardSignatureValidityPeriod /RolloverPeriod ...
  55. Usage: DnsCmd /ZoneModifySKD /DNSKEYSignatureValidityPeriod /DSSignatureValidityPeriod /StandardSignatureValidityPeriod /RolloverPeriod ...
  56. Usage: DnsCmd /ZonePokeKeyRollover Pokes a KSK rollover that is waiting for parental DS update. If a server hosting a securely ...
  57. Usage: DnsCmd /ZonePrint /Detail - name of the zone (use .Cache for DNS server cache) /Detail - explicit RPC node contents ...
  58. Usage: DnsCmd /ZoneResetMasters /Local /Local - Set the local master list for DS integrated zones. - List of one or more ...
  59. Usage: DnsCmd /ZoneResetScavengeServers - list of one or more IP addresses of servers to scavenge this zone; if no addresses ...
  60. Usage: DnsCmd /ZoneResetSecondaries . . : /NoXfr - no zone transfer /NonSecure - transfer to any IP /SecureNs - transfer ...
  61. Usage: DnsCmd /ZoneResetType - FQDN of zone : /DsPrimary /Primary /file /Secondary /file /Stub /file /DsStub /Forwarder /file ...
  62. Usage: DnsCmd /ZoneSeizeKeymasterRole /DisableKeyChecks Forcefully transfers the key master role for the zone named to the ...
  63. Usage: DnsCmd /ZoneSetSKDState /ActiveKey ]|[/StandbyKey ]|[/NextKey - GUID identifying the SKD to set state for - signing ...
  64. Usage: DnsCmd /ZoneSign Generates keys and adds DNSSEC records to the zone using the zone signing parameters and Signing ...
  65. Usage: DnsCmd /ZoneTransferKeymasterRole Gracefully transfers the key master role for the zone named to the DNS server specified ...
  66. Usage: DnsCmd /ZoneUnsign Removes all DNSSEC records from the zone. CAUTION: unsigning a zone may cause name resolution failures ...
  67. Usage: drvload INF INF . INF A path to a driver's .INF file. Wildcards are not processed. Examples: drvload c:\drivers\device1.inf ...
  68. Usage: EhPrivjob /v /wait:ss /OCURActivate | /OCURDiscovery | /DRMInit | /DoUpdateRecordPath | /OCURUnregister | /DoConfigureInternetTimeService] ...
  69. Usage: evntcmd options filename options options: -?,-h usage help; -s sysname target 'sysname' for configuration; -v number ...
  70. Usage: Execute a series of bulk commands using a file DfsrAdmin {0} /{1}: - Name of the bulk file /{2}: - Name of the domain ...
  71. Usage: export Remarks: - Exports the current policy to the specified file. Example: netsh advfirewall export "c:\advfirewallpolicy.wfw ...
  72. Usage: export Remarks: - Exports the current policy to the specified file. Example: netsh advfirewall export "c:\advfirewallpolicy.wfw" ...
  73. Usage: Export the connection schedule to a file DfsrAdmin {2} {0} {1} /{3}: - Export the connection schedule to this file ...
  74. Usage: Exporting the replication group schedule DfsrAdmin {1} {0} Schedule /{2}: - Name of the export file Type 'DfsrAdmin ...
  75. Usage: exportkey outputfile= passphrase]= Parameters: Tag Value outputfile - The directory path and name of the file to which ...