SQL Server 2016

  1. The '%{strName/}' restriction is required but is missing from the request. Consider using SYSTEMRESTRICTSCHEMA to provide ...
  2. The '%{strQName/}' element at line %d{iLine/}, column %d{iCol/} ('%{strNSURI/}' namespace) appears more than once under ...
  3. The '%{strQName/}' element at line %d{iLine/}, column %d{iCol/} (namespace '%{strNSURI/}') cannot appear under %1[%{strName/}%]%[/%{strName/}% ...
  4. The '%{strQName/}' read-only element at line %d{iLine/}, column %d{iCol/} (namespace %{strNSURI/}) under %1[%{strName/}%]%[/%{strName/}% ...
  5. The '%{strRef/}' dimension referenced by the '%{strObj/}' cube permission has its Write permission set to Allowed, so no ...
  6. The '%{strRef/}' table referenced by the '%{strObj/}' cube permission has its Write permission set to Allowed, so no attribute ...
  7. The '%{strRequired/}' required element is missing under %1[%{strName/}%]%[/%{strName/}%]/%{strQName/} at line %d{iLine/}, ...
  8. The '%{strRoleName/}' role includes domain account that does not exist. The following domain user account is no longer valid ...
  9. The '%{structure/}' OLAP mining structure cannot be processed since the operational storage mode of the '%{dimension/}' dimension ...
  10. The '%{structureCol/}' column of the '%{structure/}' mining structure cannot contain null values (the column is either modeled ...
  11. The '%{structureCol/}' source structure column for the '%{modelCol/}' mining model column is not a table or contains no nested ...
  12. The '%{strUser/}' user does not have permission to attach the database to the '%{strObject/}' server. Only server administrators ...
  13. The '%{strUser/}' user does not have permission to drill through to the parent mining structure of the '%{strObject/}' mining ...
  14. The '%{table/}' table either does not exist in the '%{cube/}' schema (or cube.), or the user does not have the necessary ...
  15. The '%{table/}' table has a many-to-many relationship to its parent table and cannot contain columns with data type Binary. ...
  16. The '%{table/}' table is based on a named query, and contains one or more computed columns. A table based on a named query ...
  17. The '%{tableid/}' table that is required for a join cannot be reached based on the relationships in the data source view. ...
  18. The '%{template/}' string is not a valid expression for the Pattern argument of the VisualTotals function. Use the asterisk ...
  19. The '%{ubo/}' usage based optimization query is not valid. For the appropriate format, refer to the product documentation. ...
  20. The 'AbortPolicy' parameter must have a value of AbortPolicy.Synchronous (Value = 0) or AbortPolicy.Asynchronous (Value = ...
  21. The 'All Features With Defaults' role is not a feature mandatory role. This role selects all features that are valid for ...
  22. The 'CREATE CUBE' statement is not valid because none of the selected dimensions belongs to the measure group of the selected ...
  23. The 'ForeignKeyColumns' should match the 'KeyColumns' of the key structure column '{0}'. Counts are different: there are ...
  24. The 'ForeignKeyColumns' should match the 'KeyColumns' of the key structure column '{0}'. The ForeignKeyColumn #{1} has DataType ...
  25. The 'MasterDataSourceID' property of the remote database does not reference a data source that exists in the {0} database. ...
  26. The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. For more information, see http://go.micr ...
  27. The 'msrepl_tran_version' column must be in the vertical partition of the article that is enabled for updatable subscriptions; ...
  28. The 'offload_server' property cannot be NULL or empty if the pull subscription agent is to be enabled for remote activation. ...
  29. The 'ProcessingGroup' property of this dimension is set to 'ByTable'. In most cases, the default setting of 'ByAttribute' ...
  30. The 'Property Name' field is empty. Specify a property name of 1 to {0} characters that is unique within the search property ...
  31. The 'Property Set GUID' field must contain the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the property set to which the specified ...
  32. The 'schema_option' property for a merge article cannot be changed after a snapshot is generated for the publication. To ...
  33. The 'sessionCatalogItems' property is not specified or its content not valid or supported by this version of Reporting Services. ...
  34. The 'sessionCatalogItems' property must contain at most one item. Publishing multiple items in a session is not supported. ...
  35. The 'Source database' field cannot be null or empty. Specify the name of a database from which you want to copy a search ...
  36. The 'Source search property list' field cannot be empty. Specify the name of the search property list that you want to copy. ...
  37. The 'Source search property list' field cannot be null or empty. Specify the name of the search property list that you want ...
  38. The 'SQL IO Simulator' is designed to stress disk and memory subsystems. The simulator mimics algorithms and problem identification ...
  39. The 'status' value must be 'no column names', 'include column names', 'string literals', 'parameters', 'DTS horizontal partitions' ...
  40. The '{0} {1}' argument of type '{2}' is not valid because it is not comparable. Only primitive, entity, row, and reference ...
  41. The '{0}' #{1} has NullProcessing set to 'UnknownMember', but the dimension doesn't have UnknownMember set to 'Visible' or ...
  42. The '{0}' and '{1}' measure groups have the same dimensionality and granularity. Consider unifying them to improve performance. ...
  43. The '{0}' attribute is used to relate this dimension to the '{1}' measure group in the '{2}' cube. Please review this relationship ...
  44. The '{0}' attribute is used to relate this dimension to {1}. Please review these relationships in the Dimension Usage tab ...
  45. The '{0}' column is used in the data relationship between the case and the nested table. It usually does not contribute useful ...
  46. The '{0}' cube could not be retrieved from the server. Verify that the server is running and that the cube is processed. ...
  47. The '{0}' database already exists on the '{1}' server. If you proceed with deployment, the database will be overwritten. ...
  48. The '{0}' database on '{1}' has changed since the last time the project was deployed. If you proceed with deployment, the ...
  49. The '{0}' default measure, that was defined on the perspective or inherited from the cube, is not included in the perspective. ...
  50. The '{0}' dimension cannot be used unless one of the following tables is included in a new dimension: {1}. Either select ...
  51. The '{0}' dimension cannot be used unless the '{1}' table is included in a new dimension. Either select the '{1}' table or ...
  52. The '{0}' dimension must be used by all measure groups that use the account dimension. Select another dimension or ensure ...
  53. The '{0}' dimension should use MOLAP storage mode because the measure group contains semi-additive measures. Also, if proactive ...
  54. The '{0}' entity represents a dimension. Therefore, the identifying fields for this entity must belong to the same entity. ...
  55. The '{0}' entity represents a measure group only. Therefore, the identifying fields for this entity must belong to entities ...
  56. The '{0}' expression with an input of type '{1}' and a check of type '{2}' is not supported. Only entity types and complex ...
  57. The '{0}' mining model has been changed and the data mining query you have built is no longer valid. Do you wish to start ...
  58. The '{0}' mining model has been deleted and the data mining query you have built is no longer valid. Select a different mining ...
  59. The '{0}' mining model must be processed before you can browse its content. It could take some time to process the mining ...
  60. The '{0}' mining structure does not include a test set. You need a test set to create a classification matrix. Create a test ...
  61. The '{0}' mining structure does not include a test set. You need a test set to create an accuracy chart. Create a test set ...
  62. The '{0}' mining structure has already been processed. Are you sure you want to re-process the mining structure and all the ...
  63. The '{0}' object '{1}.{2}.{3}' may not be replicated successfully because it references the object '{4}.{5}' which is not ...
  64. The '{0}' object '{1}.{2}.{3}' will not be scripted for article '{4}' because it references the object '{5}.{6}' which is ...
  65. The '{0}' object '{1}.{2}.{3}' will not be scripted for article '{4}' because it references the unpublished object '{5}.{6}'. ...
  66. The '{0}' parameter cannot be null, the empty string, or a string consists solely of blank spaces if standard security is ...
  67. The '{0}' parameter must have a value of 'dbnmpntw'(Named Pipes), 'dbmsrpcn'(Multiprotocol), 'dbmsadsn'(Apple Talk), 'dbmsgnet'(VIA), ...
  68. The '{0}' process is not controlled by the update wizard. You have to manually stop this process to avoid a computer restart. ...
  69. The '{0}' property has NullProcessing set to 'UnknownMember', but this is only allowed on KeyColumns of dimension attributes ...
  70. The '{0}' property on the conceptual model type '{1}' is of type '{2}'. The property '{3}' on the CLR type '{4}' is of type ...
  71. The '{0}' service is controlled by the update wizard. You do not need to manually stop this service to avoid a computer restart. ...
  72. The '{0}' service is not controlled by the update wizard. You have to manually stop this service to avoid a computer restart. ...
  73. The '{0}' table cannot be used as a nested table because it does not have a many-to-one relationship with the case table. ...
  74. The '{0}' table is currently used by the '{1}' partition, and you have not supplied a query to restrict its rows. Measure ...
  75. The '{1}' algorithm does not support the content type contained within mining structure columns in the '{0}' mining model. ...