SQL Server 2016

  1. statement failed because the expression identifying partition number for the {2} '{1}' is not a postive integer literal. ...
  2. Statistics '%s' specified in input configuration cannot be created because a duplicate statistics with the same name exists ...
  3. Status information for Publisher '{0}' is stored at its Distributor, '{1}'. In the following dialog box, specify how Replication ...
  4. STDDEV=1= Set , Numeric Expression ]=Returns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using an ...
  5. STDDEVP=1= Set , Numeric Expression ]=Returns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using ...
  6. STDEVP=1= Set , Numeric Expression ]=Returns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using a ...
  7. STDEVP=1= Set , Numeric Expression ]=Returns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using an ...
  8. Stopping this operation might leave partial results on the target database Are you sure you want to stop this publishing ...
  9. Stopwords of zero length cannot be added to a full-text stoplist. Specify a unique stopword that contains at least one character. ...
  10. Storage EntityContainer name '{0}' specified in this mapping schema doesn't match with the storage EntityContainer name '{1}' ...
  11. Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows ({0}). Entities may have been modified or ...
  12. Store-generated keys are only supported for identity columns. Key column '{0}' has type '{1}', which is not a valid type ...
  13. Store-generated keys are only supported for identity columns. More than one key column is marked as server generated in table ...
  14. Stored procedure '%1!s!' tried to set a lower limit to the user memory quota. The operation failed because the user memory ...
  15. Stored procedure 'sp_xtp_merge_checkpoint_files' is no longer needed and therefore not allowed. SQL Server will automatically ...
  16. Stored procedure finished successfully. Polybase engine service is enabled. Please restart Polybase engine and DMS services. ...
  17. Stored procedure {0} has the execution context of {1} that is not supported in the target database version, SQL Server 2000. ...
  18. Stored procedure {0} has the execution context {1}. Scripting stored procedure with the execution context {1} is not supported. ...
  19. Stored procedures that attempt to execute an UPDATE or DELETE statement on a view that references a stretched table may fail. ...
  20. Storing or modifying packages in SQL Server requires the SSIS runtime and database to be the same version. Storing packages ...
  21. StreamInsight is available in the Developer, Web, Standard, Enterprise, or Data Center editions of SQL Server. To proceed, ...
  22. strEnum/}' is not a valid Boolean value. Only true, false, 1, or 0 are allowed for the '%{strQName/}' element, at line %d{iLine/}, ...
  23. Stretch database allows you to selectively migrate cold data securely and transparently to Azure. This wizard will help you ...
  24. String Review)Determines the level of features and settings available in this model; based on the Compatibility level supported ...
  25. String Review)Relationship between '{0}'{1} and '{2}'{3} has a cross filter in both directions which is not supported in ...
  26. String Review)Relationship between '{0}'{1} and '{2}'{3} is a many-to-many relationship which is not currently supported. ...
  27. String Review)Relationship between '{0}'{1} and '{2}'{3} is a one-to-one relationship and must have cross filtering in both ...
  28. String Review)Relationship between '{0}'{1} and '{2}'{3} is not a many-to-one relationship which is not supported in the ...
  29. String Review)Relationship end '{0}'{1} cannot be marked with cardinality one because the corresponding column is not unique. ...
  30. String too long. The adapter read a string that was %1!d! bytes long, and expected a string no longer than %2!d! bytes, at ...
  31. Strip or line start position offset. If drawing a single line/strip specifies the absolute coordinate. For the series of ...
  32. STRUCTURECOLUMN=3=' '=The StructureColumn function returns the value of the specified scalar mining structure column for ...
  33. STRUCTURECOLUMN=3=' '=The StructureColumn function returns the value of the specified table mining structure column for the ...
  34. StructureLabel StructureContent DescriptionLabel DescriptionContent ModelsLabel ModelsContent ColumnsLabel ColumnsContent ...
  35. Subqueries are not allowed in the %1!s! clause when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. ...
  36. Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, , >= or when the subquery is ...
  37. Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, , >= or when the subquery is ...
  38. Subscriber '%1!s!' subscription to article '%2!s!' in publication '%3!s!' has been reinitialized after a synchronization ...
  39. Subscriber '%1!s!' subscription to article '%2!s!' in publication '%3!s!' has been reinitialized after a validation failure. ...
  40. Subscription '%1!s!' does not support creating a database with selected service level objective '%2!s!'. Try creating a database ...
  41. Subscription '%1!s!' is not ready for the operation because another operation is currently in progress. Please wait a few ...
  42. Subscription '{0}' cannot be reinitialized automatically because it was initialized manually when it was created. To reinitialize ...
  43. Subscription can't be created or edited because the credentials used to run the report are not stored, or if a linked report, ...
  44. Subscription Settings. Press tab to specify the default account to be used by the file share delivery extension. 10 of 11. ...
  45. Subscriptions cannot be created because credentials used to run this report are not stored. Provide credentials for the report ...
  46. Subscriptions expire and may be dropped if not synchronized in the following interval. Replication metadata is never kept ...
  47. Subscriptions expire and may be dropped if not synchronized in the following number of days. Replication metadata is kept ...
  48. Subscriptions for the following Subscribers cannot be initialized immediately because the snapshot is not available: {0} ...
  49. Subscriptions never expire. Replication metadata is kept until the publication is dropped, which can cause performance problems. ...
  50. Subscriptions to publication '{0}' cannot be created using this wizard because the publication supports transformations of ...
  51. Supply either a non-zero message ID, non-zero severity, non-null performance condition, or non-null WMI namespace and query. ...
  52. Support for distributed transactions was not enabled for this instance of the Database Engine because it was started using ...
  53. Supported foreign key relationships are defined on this table but the table cannot be migrated through the memory-optimization ...
  54. Surface area configuration for features of the Database Engine. Only the features required by your application should be ...
  55. Suspend or Resume call failed because the executable is not executing, or is not the top-level executable. This occurs when ...
  56. Su[m Optional. Causes reported progress to show the total number of rows received by a component rather than number of rows ...
  57. Switch to diagram view of the model. Use the this view to perform metadata driven operations such as managing relationships ...
  58. Switching in partition failed on history table '%1!s!' because it is not supported operation on system-versioned tables. ...
  59. Switching out partition failed on table '%1!s!' because it is not supported operation on system-versioned tables. Consider ...
  60. Switching to the visual designer will discard your manual changes to the query. Do you want to use the visual designer anyway? ...
  61. Symbol folder path '{2}' does not exist. Valid existing symbol path is needed to register performance counters for service ...
  62. Symbol folder path '{2}' is not valid. Valid symbol path is needed to register performance counters for service '{0}' instance ...
  63. Sync target model ID is not valid or the user does not have sufficient permission. Verify the target model ID, and confirm ...
  64. Synchronization command failed because target server has config setting TabularMetadataEnabled disabled and source database ...
  65. Synchronization failed. Synchronization from the server with ConnStringEncryptionEnabled=%d{BLSet/} and current server is ...
  66. Synchronization failed. Synchronization from the server with EnableBinaryXML=%d{BLSet/} and current server is running with ...
  67. Synchronization failed. Synchronization from the server with EnableCompression=%d{BLSet/} and current server is running with ...
  68. Synchronization of a secondary database, '%1!s!', was interrupted, leaving the database in an inconsistent state. The database ...
  69. Synchronization of a secondary database, '%1!s!', was interrupted, leaving the database in an inconsistent state. The database ...
  70. Synchronization of the mirror database, '%1!s!', was interrupted, leaving the database in an inconsistent state. The ALTER ...
  71. SynchronizationAgent object property can only be retrieved when subscription is push type. Use PullSubscription object and ...
  72. Synchronize command Location subtree used for restoring of remote partition incomplete: it must contain non-empty DataSourceId, ...
  73. Synchronize command Location subtree used for updating of DS connection strings incomplete: it must contain non-empty DataSourceId, ...
  74. Synchronize command Location subtree used to specify folder location mapping must contain at least one non-empty Folder element. ...
  75. Synchronize failed as source server is set to work in Multidimensional mode and target server is set to work in Tabular mode. ...