SQL Server 2016

  1. Shows the data sources that have had data refresh errors in the last 7 days. The workbooks that used the data source are ...
  2. Shows the most recent data refresh activity. Errors are shown with an exclamation mark. Click a workbook name to view its ...
  3. Shows the overall rate at which bytes are read to satisfy file system read requests to all devices on the computer, including ...
  4. Shows the overall rate at which bytes are written to satisfy file system write requests to all devices on the computer, including ...
  5. Shows the percentage of time that the processor spent receiving and servicing deferred procedure calls (DPCs) during the ...
  6. Shows the percentage of time that the processor spent receiving and servicing hardware interrupts during the sample interval. ...
  7. Shows the rate at which deferred procedure calls (DPCs) are added to the processor's DPC queue between the timer ticks of ...
  8. Shows the size of the working set, in bytes, that is used for this process only and not shared nor sharable by other processes. ...
  9. Shows the total activity of workbooks over the last year, including the number of total distinct users, queries, and the ...
  10. Shutting down the SQL Server Browser service '{0}' in order to remove the service, and its associated files and configurations. ...
  12. Sign in failed because a component used for this purpose (msoidcli.dll) was not found on your computer. Please verify that ...
  13. Sign in failed because the identity provider property is missing. This property is required when integrated security is set ...
  14. Signing operation failed. Key uses deprecated algorithm '%1!s!' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. ...
  15. Singleton prediction queries against time series models cannot be created using the query design view on the Mining Model ...
  16. Six month moving average allows you to see the rolling average for the previous six months from the currently selected period. ...
  17. Si[gn {SQL | FILE | DTS};Path;Hash Operation. Sign the loaded package with the specified hash and save it to the specified ...
  18. Skipping FOREIGN KEY constraint '%1!s!' definition for temporary table. FOREIGN KEY constraints are not enforced on local ...
  19. Skipping log backup file because the log terminates at an LSN value that is too early to apply to the database. Secondary ...
  20. Skipping the default startup of database '%1!s!' because the database belongs to an availability group (Group ID: %2!s!). ...
  21. SkipVolatileObjects attribute cannot be specified on a ProcessRecalc command within a batch operation. Please specify the ...
  22. Slovak, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order ...
  23. Slovak, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order ...
  24. Slovenian, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort ...
  25. Slovenian, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order ...
  26. Snapshot can not process article '%1!s!' in publication '%2!s!', the clustered index on indexed view '%3!s!' may have been ...
  27. Snapshot failed to process publication '%1!s!'. Possibly due to active schema change activity or new articles being added. ...
  28. Snapshot isolation level is not supported for distributed transaction. Use another isolation level or do not use distributed ...
  29. Snapshot isolation or read committed snapshot is not available in database '%1!s!' because SQL Server was started with one ...
  30. Snapshot isolation transaction aborted due to update conflict. You cannot use snapshot isolation to access table '%1!s!' ...
  31. Snapshot isolation transaction failed accessing database '%1!s!' because snapshot isolation is not allowed in this database. ...
  32. Snapshot isolation transaction failed in database '%1!s!' because the database did not allow snapshot isolation when the ...
  33. Snapshot isolation transaction failed in database '%1!s!' because the database was not recovered when the current transaction ...
  34. Snapshot isolation transaction failed in database '%1!s!' because the object accessed by the statement has been modified ...
  35. Snapshot isolation transaction failed in database '%1!s!' because the recovery was skipped for this database. You must recover ...
  36. Snapshot isolation transaction failed to start in database '%1!s!' because the ALTER DATABASE command that disallows snapshot ...
  37. Snapshot isolation transaction failed to start in database '%1!s!' because the ALTER DATABASE command which enables snapshot ...
  38. Snapshot publications cannot use the option to initialize a subscription from a backup. This option is only supported for ...
  39. Snapshot query parameter is already defined in the blobUri. Either pass in a snapshotTime parameter or use a full URL with ...
  40. Snapshots are disabled because this file contains connections to data sources other than PowerPivot workbooks in this library. ...
  41. Snapshots cannot be created for this report because one or more data sources for the report requires user credentials when ...
  42. Some attribute values could not be updated. Either update and publish the values or click Refresh to view an additional column ...
  43. Some characters that can be used to create custom date/time format strings: 'd or dd' - One or two digit day of the month, ...
  44. Some configurations from table "{0}" with configuration name "{1}" could not be loaded due to the following reasons: {2} ...
  45. Some database-level features are not supported for use with memory-optimized tables. For details on these features, please ...
  46. Some domain results are yet to be reviewed. To review the results click on the domain in the left navigation pane. Would ...
  47. Some essential information are missing about an installed product. The setup could not retrieve property '{0}' for package ...
  48. Some Foreign Keys in the database references one or more columns on this table. As such, it cannot be part of a stretch database. ...
  49. Some generation values are above the upper limit of %1!s! used in SQL Server 2000. Change the publication_compatibility_level ...
  50. Some of the attributes indicated by bit flag enum value are either invalid or not supported by "{0}" on this version of server. ...
  51. Some of the matching rules will become invalid as result of the mapping changes. Are you sure that you want to continue? ...
  52. Some of the perspectives have invalid names. Their names contain invalid characters, or are too long, or have reserved prefixes. ...
  53. Some of the selected database objects will not be deleted because they are open in designers. Are you sure that you want ...
  54. Some parameters or columns of the batch require to be encrypted, but the corresponding column encryption key cannot be found. ...
  55. Some PrimaryKey column(s) contain invalid data. Can not perform safe delete/update with insufficient primary key information. ...
  56. Some publication and article properties will be changed to support heterogeneous subscriptions. These changes will require ...
  57. Some Publisher data types can be mapped to different types at the Subscriber. For those types, choose the Subscriber data ...
  58. Some spatial objects were not displayed since their SRID is different than the SRID of the first object in the record set. ...
  59. Some subscriptions in the database '%1' are not being activated. Run the Snapshot Agent or update the status of the subscriptions. ...
  60. Some trace events have not been reported to SQL Server Profiler because the server has reached its maximum available memory ...
  61. Sorry, but this workbook was created using a different version of Power View. Please delete all Power View sheets from the ...
  62. Sorry, currently only direct query models are supported via PowerBI enterprise gateway (DMTS). Tell your Power BI admin that ...
  63. Sorry, Forecast identifies %{dataPoints/} historical data points. It requires at least %{minDataPoints/} data points for ...
  64. Sorry, forecast requires consecutive time series data points. It requires at least 50 percent data points to complete missing ...
  65. Sorry, forecast supports a maximum of %{dataSize/} data points. Please filter your data to display at most %{dataSize/} data ...
  66. Sorry, forecasting can only complete missing y values of up to the number of historical data points, for the purpose of forecasting. ...
  67. Sorry, forecasting does not work on line charts when the x-axis date/time values increase in intervals smaller than a day. ...
  68. Sorry, forecasting does not work on line charts when the x-axis date/time values increase in intervals smaller than a second. ...
  69. Sorry, forecasting only works on line charts when the x-axis date/time values increase in whole-number multiples of a second, ...
  70. Sorry, forecasting only works on line charts when the x-axis values increase in regular intervals. Forecasting can only complete ...
  71. Sorry, forecasting only works on line charts with x-axis date/time or whole number values that increase in regular intervals. ...
  72. Sorry, Power View can't apply the URL parameter {0}' to the report because it's not a valid filter expression. Please correct ...
  73. Sorry, Power View couldn't complete the refresh because one or more of the external connections you are trying to refresh ...
  74. Sorry, Power View couldn't load the model or data source '{0}' because the data source type is not supported. Please try ...
  75. Sorry, Power View couldn't load the model or data source '{0}' due to a connectivity issue. Please check the network status ...