SQL Server 2016

  1. SQL Server Assertion: File: , line=%2!s! Failed Assertion = '%3!s!'. This error may be timing-related. If the error persists ...
  2. SQL Server Audit failed to access the event log. Make sure that the SQL service account has the required permissions to the ...
  3. SQL Server Audit failed to access the MDS file log. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service account ...
  4. SQL Server Audit failed to access the security log. Make sure that the SQL service account has the required permissions to ...
  5. SQL Server Audit failed to create an audit file related to the audit '%1!s!' in the directory '%2!s!'. Make sure that the ...
  6. SQL Server Audit failed to create the audit file '%1!s!'. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service ...
  7. SQL Server Audit failed to start, and the server is being shut down. To troubleshoot this issue, use the -m flag (Single ...
  8. SQL Server Audit failed to write to an audit file related to the audit '%1!s!' in the directory '%2!s!'. Make sure that the ...
  9. SQL Server blocked access to %1!s! '%2!s!' of component '%3!s!' because this component is turned off as part of the security ...
  10. SQL Server Books Online is not installed on this computer. To access online Help content, click OK to launch your Web browser ...
  11. SQL Server Browser configuration failed to retrieve the feature name from action data dictionary: the key '{0}' is not present. ...
  12. SQL Server Browser configuration for feature '{0}' was cancelled by user after a previous installation failure. The last ...
  13. SQL Server cannot find the configuration of the replica with ID %1!s! (Windows Fabric partition ID %2!s!). Make sure the ...
  14. SQL Server cannot load database '%1!s!' because Change Data Capture is enabled. The currently installed edition of SQL Server ...
  15. SQL Server cannot load database '%1!s!' because change tracking is enabled. The currently installed edition of SQL Server ...
  16. SQL Server cannot load database '%1!s!' because it contains a columnstore index. The currently installed edition of SQL Server ...
  17. SQL Server cannot save the Distributor password. The password will be blank until it is set using the Configure Distributor ...
  18. SQL Server cannot start because the license agreement for this '%1!s!' version of SQL Server is invalid. The server is exiting. ...
  19. SQL Server cannot start on this machine. The processor(s) (CPU) model does not support all instructions needed for SQL Server ...
  20. SQL Server cannot use the NO_BUFFERING option during I/O on this file, because the sector size for file '%1!s!', %2!s!, is ...
  21. SQL Server Compact 3.5 Books Online is not installed. To install, visit SQL Server Compact 3.5 Books Online Download Center. ...
  22. SQL Server Compact Edition Subscribers cannot sync to publications that have native sync mode. Create the publication with ...
  23. SQL Server Compact Server Tools were not found on the IIS Server. Run the SQL Server Compact Server Tools installer (default ...
  24. SQL Server Compact Server Tools were not found on the local computer. Do you want to install the SQL Server Compact Server ...
  25. SQL Server Configuration Manager provides basic configuration management for SQL Server services, server protocols, client ...
  26. SQL Server Configuration Manager will need to stop and restart the SQL Server service to save any changes to AlwaysOn High ...
  27. SQL Server could not change the password used by this Publisher to connect to the Distributor. Do you want to continue saving ...
  28. SQL Server could not change the properties of article '{0}' based on object '{1}'. Do you want to continue saving other changes ...
  29. SQL Server could not connect to the Distributor, '{0}'. Do you want to disable publishing on '{1}' without removing entries ...
  30. SQL Server could not create article '{0}' based on object '{1}'. Do you want to continue saving other changes to the publication? ...
  31. SQL Server could not listen on IP address %1!s! because the cluster resource '%2!s!' is not online (state = %3!s!). This ...
  32. SQL Server could not retrieve information about '{0}' and could not display the Disable Publishing and Distribution Wizard. ...
  33. SQL Server could not save the list of filtered columns in article '{0}' on table '{1}'. Do you want to continue saving changes ...
  34. SQL Server could not save the row filter for article '{0}' on table '{1}'. Do you want to continue saving changes to the ...
  35. SQL Server could not send the differential information for database file '%1!s!' of database '%2!s!\%3!s!' to the backup ...
  36. SQL Server could not spawn %1!s! thread. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information about ...
  37. SQL Server could not start because of an invalid serial number. The serial number information retrieved at startup appears ...
  38. SQL Server could not use the NO_BUFFERING option during I/O, because the master file sector size, %1!s!, is incorrect. Move ...
  39. SQL Server detected %1!s! sockets with %2!s! cores per socket and %3!s! logical processors per socket, %4!s! total logical ...
  40. SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: %1!s!. It occurred during a %2!s! of page %3!s! in database ID ...
  41. SQL Server does not accept the connection (error: %d). Waiting for Sql Server to allow connections. Operation attempted was: ...
  42. SQL Server DReplay cannot perform this action using trace data generated on database servers earlier than SQL Server 2000. ...
  43. SQL Server encountered error 1!s! while communicating with full-text filter daemon host (FDHost) process. Make sure that ...
  44. SQL Server encountered error 1!s! while communicating with the '%2!s!' runtime. Please check the configuration of the '%3!s!' ...
  45. SQL Server encountered one or more errors while retrieving the list of databases on '{0}'. The list of databases may not ...
  46. SQL Server encountered one or more errors while retrieving the list of Publishers using Distributor {0} and their publications. ...
  47. SQL Server encountered one or more errors while saving the properties for this Publisher. Open the property dialog box again ...
  48. SQL Server encountered one or more errors while saving the properties for this Subscriber. Open the property dialog box again ...
  49. SQL Server encountered: '%1!s!' resulting from an attempt to read the following: sort run page %2!s!, in file '%3!s!', in ...
  50. SQL Server Enterprise Manager could not be located on this computer. Re-run Setup and make sure it is installed properly ...
  51. SQL Server error %1 has been listed as being non-alertable. Consequently alert '%2' - which would have fired - was not fired. ...
  52. SQL Server Error and Usage Reporting has encountered inconsistent configuration information or has failed on a COM interface. ...
  53. SQL Server Express cannot be installed because this computer is unable to access the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 download ...
  54. SQL Server Express does not install SQL Server Books Online. To install these Help files, download SQL Server Books Online ...
  55. SQL Server Express LocalDB Command Line Tool Version %1!u!.%2!u!.%3!u!.%4!u! Microsoft Corporation. . Usage: SqlLocalDB operation ...
  56. SQL Server Extended Events targets store event data. Targets can perform actions such as writing to a file and aggregating ...
  57. SQL Server failed to communicate with filter daemon launch service (Windows error: %1!s!). Full-Text filter daemon process ...
  58. SQL Server failed to create named pipe '%1!s!' to communicate with the full-text filter daemon (Windows error: %2!s!). Either ...
  59. SQL Server failed to set security information on the full-text FilterData directory in the FTData folder. Full-text indexing ...
  60. SQL Server failed with error code 1!s! to spawn a thread to process a new login or connection. Check the SQL Server error ...
  61. SQL Server has detected hardware memory corruption in database '%1!s!', file ID: %2!s!, page ID; %3!s!, memory address: 4!s! ...
  62. SQL Server has either exhausted all retry attempts, or Windows Server Failover Cluster has accepted the command to bring ...
  63. SQL Server has encountered %1!s! occurrence(s) of cachestore flush for the '%2!s!' cachestore (part of plan cache) due to ...
  64. SQL Server has encountered %1!s! occurrence(s) of cachestore flush for the '%2!s!' cachestore (part of plan cache) due to ...
  65. SQL Server has encountered %1!s! occurrence(s) of I/O requests taking longer than %2!s! seconds to complete on file %3!s! ...
  66. SQL Server has insufficient memory to run the extended stored procedure '%1!s!'. Release server memory resources by closing ...
  67. SQL Server hosting availability group '%1!s!' did not receive a process event signal from the Windows Server Failover Cluster ...
  68. SQL Server installation media on a network share or in a custom folder can cause installation failure if the total length ...
  69. SQL Server instance to Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node map entry cannot be found for the SQL Server instance ...
  70. SQL Server instance {0} is installed on the same computer as server instance {1}, which is already selected for this availability ...
  71. SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Data Feed Publishing Wizard publishes the output of an SSIS package as a view in a ...
  72. SQL Server is allowing new connections in response to 'continue' request from Service Control Manager. This is an informational ...
  73. SQL Server is attempting to register a Service Principal Name (SPN) for the SQL Server service. Kerberos authentication will ...
  74. SQL Server is not allowing new connections because the Service Control Manager requested a pause. To resume the service, ...
  75. SQL Server is not ready to accept new client connections. Wait a few minutes before trying again. If you have access to the ...