SQL Server 2016

  1. Table {0} contains a DML trigger {1} that references view {2} on table {3} at the following location: {4}, line {5}, column ...
  2. Table {0} contains a sample partition, which is not supported for a model in VertiPaq mode. Please remove the sample partitions. ...
  3. Table {0} contains more than one partition, which is not supported for a model in DirectQuery mode. Please reduce the number ...
  4. Table {0} does not have a clustered primary key. Creation of an Spatial index requires a clustered primary key on the table. ...
  5. Table {0} does not have a clustered primary key. Creation of an XML index requires a clustered primary key on the table. ...
  6. Table {0} is a memory-optimized table. The format of the data files for memory-optimized tables changes between 2014 and ...
  7. Table-valued parameter %1!s! ("%2!s!"), row %3!s!, column %4!s!: Data type 5!s! (user-defined table type). The specified ...
  8. Table-valued parameter '{0}': data type (user-defined table type) has a non-zero length database name specified. Database ...
  9. Table-Valued Parameter Rowset column data was bound as DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN but the object provided in the data buffer did not ...
  10. Table-Valued Parameter Rowset column data was bound as DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN for a text/ntext/image column but no length was provided. ...
  11. Table-Valued Parameter Rowset column data was bound as DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN with length %1!Iu!. Only %2!Iu! bytes of data could ...
  12. Table-Valued Parameter Rowset column data was bound as DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN. A failure occurred during the call to ISequentialStream::Read ...
  13. Tables or columns named NEXT were detected. Sequences, introduced in Microsoft SQL Server 2012, use the ANSI standard NEXT ...
  14. Tables referenced by a DML trigger in an UPDATE or DELETE statement can be part of a stretch database, but the UPDATE or ...
  15. Tables referenced by a DML trigger in an UPDATE or DELETE statement can be part of a stretch database, but the UPDATE or ...
  16. Tables referenced by a DML trigger in an UPDATETEXT or WRITETEXT statement can be part of a stretch database, but the UPDATETEXT ...
  17. Tables referenced by a DML trigger in an UPDATETEXT or WRITETEXT statement can be part of a stretch database, but the UPDATETEXT ...
  18. Tables referenced by a stored procedure in an UPDATE or DELETE statement can be part of a stretch database, but the UPDATE ...
  19. Tables referenced by a stored procedure in an UPDATETEXT or WRITETEXT statement can be part of a stretch database, but the ...
  20. Tables without a clustered index are not supported in this version of SQL Server. Please create a clustered index and try ...
  21. Tabular databases in DirectQuery mode fetch query results from the data source, not the VertiPaq cache. Some functionality ...
  22. Tabular Metadata '%{TMType/}' object: '%{TMName/}' does not match any '%{UDMType/}' object of UDM '%{UDMParentType/}' object ...
  23. Tabular metadata and DAX queries are not supported when there are dimension calculations defined for this session or query ...
  24. Tabular metadata and DAX queries are not supported when there is an uncommited transaction on the session. Please contact ...
  25. Tabular metadata and DAX queries are not supported when there is cell security defined for this session. Please contact your ...
  26. Tabular mode drillthrough only supports AND slices. But at least one OR slice is found in the current drillthrough query. ...
  27. Tabular Query: Invalid WHERE clause on the column '%{column/} in the table '%{table/}'. Only constants preceeded by '+' or ...
  28. Tabular Query: Select column list of COUNT query must contain exactly one 'COUNT(*)'. Other columns, 'SKIP n', and 'TOP k' ...
  29. Tabular Query: The OR expression is invalid. A valid OR expression should be wrapped in parenthesis and involve only a single ...
  30. Tag table is specified but its connection manager is missing. Either specify a connection manager for the tag table or remove ...
  31. Tag table's connection manager "{0}" is not supported as a data source of a tag table. Only connection type of Ado.Net SqlConnection ...
  32. Tag table's name is missing while its connection manager is specified. Either specify a tag table name or remove tag table's ...
  33. Tags a measure expression specified in the call to SUMMARIZECOLUMNS function to be ignored when determining the non-blank ...
  34. Tape '%1!s!' (family ID %2!s!, sequence %3!s!, media_set_guid %4!s!) is mounted on tape drive '%5!s!'. This is an informational ...
  35. Target region '%1!s!' is not a DR paired Azure region. See 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=402430clcid=0x409' for ...
  36. Target with the clone address: IdxId %1!s!, DbFragId %2!s!, RowsetId 3!s! is not found at brick %4!s!. Possibly caused by ...
  37. Tasks Queued represents the number of tasks that are waiting for a thread to become available for processing. Each request ...
  38. TCM %1!s! has received an out of order message from brick id %2!s! and has to be stopped. Based on the state of the system ...
  39. TCM manager has received a request for re-synchronization from brick id %1!s! and will now restart. Typical causes where ...
  40. TDS reset connection protocol error. Client driver requested both ResetConnectionKeepLocalXact and ResetConnectionKeepDTCXact ...
  41. TDSSNIClient failed to allocate memory while loading Extended Protection configuration settings. Check for memory-related ...
  42. Temporal application time column '%1!s!' has invalid data type. Allowed data types are datetime2, smalldatetime, datetimeoffset, ...
  43. Temporal FOR SYSTEM_TIME clause can only be set once per temporal table. '%1!s!' has more than one temporal FOR SYSTEM_TIME ...
  44. Temporal table '%1!s!' already has history table defined. Consider dropping system_versioning first if you want to use different ...
  45. Temporal tables require the lower boundary column name in SYSTEM_TIME PERIOD definition to match the GENERATED ALWAYS AS ...
  46. Temporal tables require the upper boundary column name in SYSTEM_TIME PERIOD definition to match the GENERATED ALWAYS AS ...
  47. Temporary objects will be created using the specified connection. The space required for the temporary objects is proportional ...
  48. Temporary storage used by the cursor to store large object variable values referred by the cursor query is not usable any ...
  49. Term Based Relation ({0}, {1}) cannot be added for domain '{2}' because '{0}' value already exists as a correcting value. ...
  50. Term Based Relation ({0}, {1}) cannot be added for domain '{2}' because '{1}' value already exists as a value to be corrected. ...
  51. Terminating immediate updating or queued updating DELETE trigger because it is not the first trigger to fire. Use sp_settriggerorder ...
  52. Terminating immediate updating or queued updating INSERT trigger because it is not the first trigger to fire. Use sp_settriggerorder ...
  53. Terminating immediate updating or queued updating UPDATE trigger because it is not the first trigger to fire. Use sp_settriggerorder ...
  54. Termination of a database copy cannot be performed because the destination server '%1!s!' is unavailable or the database ...
  55. Termination of the non-readable replication relationship for database '%1!s!' is currently not allowed. See 'http://go.m ...
  56. Testing the registered server failed. Verify the server name, login credentials, and database, and then click Test again. ...
  57. Text File associated with the connection is not found. You can edit the connection to choose a new file to continue importing. ...
  58. Text, image, or ntext column was too large to send to the remote data source due to the storage interface used by the provider. ...
  59. TEXT, NTEXT, SQL_VARIANT and IMAGE types cannot be used as column types in OPENJSON function with explicit schema. These ...
  60. Thank you for participating in our product improvement process. Microsoft treats all customer data as confidential and anonymous ...
  61. that modify what feature usage data is collected. Such updates may be automatically downloaded and installed on your machine ...
  62. The "%1!s!" cannot have a ComparisonFlags property set to non-zero because its SortKeyPosition is set to zero. An output ...
  63. The "%1!s!" cannot have a SortKeyPosition property set to non-zero because "%2!s!" is not a source output. The output column ...
  64. The "%1!s!" cannot have its IsSorted property set to TRUE because it is not a source output. A source output has a SynchronousInputID ...
  65. The "%1!s!" collection cannot be modified during package validation or execution. "%2!s!" cannot be added to the collection. ...
  66. The "%1!s!" custom property for "%2!s!" cannot be set to true. The column data type must be one of the following: DT_I1, ...
  67. The "%1!s!" failed because error code 2!8.8X! occurred, and the error row disposition on "%3!s!" at "%4!s!" specifies failure ...
  68. The "%1!s!" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "%2!s!" at "%3!s!" specifies failure ...
  69. The "%1!s!" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "%2!s!" specifies failure on truncation. ...
  70. The "%1!s!" has a value set for length, precision, scale, or code page that is a value other than zero, but the data type ...
  71. The "%1!s!" has IsSorted set to TRUE, but the SortKeyPosition on all output columns are zero. Either change the IsSorted ...
  72. The "%1!s!" has the ExpectBOM property set to TRUE for %2!s!, but the column is not NT_NTEXT. The ExpectBOM specifies that ...
  73. The "%1!s!" has the HasSideEffects property set to TRUE, but "%1!s!" is synchronous and cannot have side effects. Set the ...
  74. The "%1!s!" in the connection manager collection, Connections, of "%2!s!" does not have a value for the ID property. Verify ...
  75. The "%1!s!" is unable to make the column with lineage ID %2!d! read/write because that usage type is not allowed on this ...