SQL Server 2016

  1. SQL Server is terminating because of a system shutdown. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. ...
  2. SQL Server is terminating because of fatal exception %1!s!. This error may be caused by an unhandled Win32 or C++ exception, ...
  3. SQL Server is terminating in response to a 'stop' request from Service Control Manager. This is an informational message ...
  4. SQL Server is unable to connect with Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). Check MSDTC security settings ...
  5. SQL Server is waiting for %1!s! remaining sessions and connections to close. If these sessions are not closed within a reasonable ...
  6. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure cannot configure the database '{0}' because a container URL was either not provided ...
  7. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure cannot configure the database '{0}' because the encryption algorithm is not ...
  8. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure cannot configure the database, 'tempdb', because system database tempdb is not ...
  9. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure cannot configure the database, '{0}', because it either does not exist or is ...
  10. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure cannot configure the database, '{0}', because storage URL '{1}' cannot be accessed ...
  11. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure cannot configure the database, '{0}', because the credential name is not specified. ...
  12. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure cannot configure the database, '{0}', because the retention period is not specified. ...
  13. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure cannot configure the default backup settings for instance because the retention ...
  14. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure cannot configure the default backup settings for the SQLServer instance because ...
  15. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure cannot configure the default backup settings for the SQLServer instance because ...
  16. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure cannot configure the default backup settings for the SQLServer instance because ...
  17. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure cannot configure the default backup settings for the SQLServer instance because ...
  18. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure cannot schedule a '{0}' backup for the database, '{1}', because it either doesn't ...
  19. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure cannot schedule a '{0}' backup for the database, '{1}', because SQL Server Managed ...
  20. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure cannot schedule a '{0}' backup for the database, '{1}', because there is a backup ...
  21. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure cannot set the version 1 instance level default configuration parameters, because ...
  22. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure configure the database, '{0}', however the recovery model of the database is ...
  23. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure default settings for the SQL Server instance are configured with container url ...
  24. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure default settings for the SQL Server instance are configured with credential ...
  25. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure is configured for the database, '{0}', with container url '{1}', retention period ...
  26. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure is configured for the database, '{0}', with credential '{1}', retention period ...
  27. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure master switch is set to {0}. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure is ...
  28. SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure scheduled a '{0}' backup for the database '{1}' on-demand to location '{2}'. ...
  29. SQL Server Management Studio cannot catch-up with the event generation. Live monitoring is disconnected to ensure your server ...
  30. SQL Server Management Studio cannot display the list of article resolvers in the Article Properties dialog box because the ...
  31. SQL Server Management Studio could not be located on this computer. Re-run Setup, and make sure Workbench is installed properly ...
  32. SQL Server Management Studio encountered errors while cleaning up snapshots. Click the message link below to see the full ...
  33. SQL Server Management Studio encountered errors while generating snapshots. Click the message link below to see the full ...
  34. SQL Server Management Studio encountered errors while saving publication properties. Click the message link below to see ...
  35. SQL Server media for Express packages does not include Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 package. If Microsoft .NET Framework ...
  36. SQL Server must enable your login or account for Publisher '{0}' before you can view or modify the publication properties. ...
  37. SQL Server must shut down in order to recover a database (database ID %1!s!). The database is either a user database that ...
  38. SQL Server native HTTP support is not available. Could not find function entry point '%1!s!' in %2!s!. Error 3!s!. Native ...
  39. SQL Server native SOAP support is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this ...
  40. SQL Server native SOAP support is ready for client connections. This is an informational message only. No user action is ...
  41. SQL Server Network Interfaces failed to initialize listeners on node %1!s! of a multi-node (NUMA) server configuration with ...
  42. SQL Server Network Interfaces initialized listeners on node %1!s! of a multi-node (NUMA) server configuration with node affinity ...
  43. SQL Server PowerPivot for SharePoint must be installed as a named instance using PowerPivot' as the instance name. This name ...
  44. SQL Server Profiler cannot perform Replay on database servers earlier than the server used to generate the original trace ...
  45. SQL Server Profiler cannot perform this action on database servers earlier than SQL Server 2005. Please use SQL Server 2005 ...
  46. SQL Server Profiler cannot perform this action using trace data generated on database servers earlier than SQL Server 2005. ...
  47. SQL Server redistributable and shared features are installed when needed: Error and Usage Reporting, SQL Server Native Client, ...
  48. SQL Server replication requires the actual server name to make a connection to the server. Specify the actual server name, ...
  49. SQL Server Reporting Services versions earlier than SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services are not supported. The detected version ...
  50. SQL Server requires that all articles in a publication allowing updatable subscriptions contain a timestamp column used for ...
  51. SQL Server requires that all objects referenced by published stored procedures, such as tables and user-defined functions, ...
  52. SQL Server requires that all tables referenced by published views and indexed views be available at the Subscriber. If the ...
  53. SQL Server service account should be added to PdwComputeNodeAccess group to enable it to communicate with the PolyBase Data ...
  54. SQL Server service has been paused. No new connections will be allowed. To resume the service, use SQL Computer Manager or ...
  55. SQL Server setup account does not have the SeSecurityPrivilege privilege on the specified file server in the path {0}. This ...
  56. SQL Server Setup could not instantiate because another instance of SQL Server Setup is already running. The running instance ...
  57. SQL Server Setup could not search for updates through the Windows Update service. You can either check again or click Next ...
  58. SQL Server Setup could not validate the service accounts. Either the service accounts have not been provided for all of the ...
  59. SQL Server setup detected that after the removal of the current node, all IP addresses for the SQL Server failover cluster ...
  60. SQL Server Setup detected that there are multiple subnets. Because of this, Setup sets the IP address resource dependency ...
  61. SQL Server Setup did not have the administrator permissions required to copy a file: 2]. To continue, verify that the file ...
  62. SQL Server Setup expects a valid security identifier (SID) stored on machine '{0}' in the registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\{1}' ...
  63. SQL Server Setup failed after the uninstall process removed the files for the feature, and therefore, the uninstall process ...
  64. SQL Server Setup failed to create and clean up directory '{0}' for product updates. Verify that you have permissions to create ...
  65. SQL Server Setup failed to download product updates with result '{0}' and error code {2}. This may indicate that the Windows ...
  66. SQL Server setup failed to download product updates. This may indicate that the Windows Update service does not have online ...
  67. SQL Server Setup failed to modify security permissions on file 2 for user 3]. To proceed, verify that the account and domain ...
  68. SQL Server Setup failed to modify security permissions on registry key 2 for user 3]. To proceed, verify that the account ...
  69. SQL Server Setup failed to modify security permissions on service 2 for user 3]. To proceed, verify that the account and ...
  70. SQL Server Setup failed to register the Microsoft Update service. This may indicate that the Windows Update service does ...
  71. SQL Server Setup failed to search for product updates with result '{0}' and error code {2}. This may indicate that the Windows ...
  72. SQL Server setup failed to search for product updates. This may indicate that the Windows Update service does not have online ...
  73. SQL Server Setup has detected that that no instance ID was passed to the setup. Setup cannot continue pass a valid instance ...
  74. SQL Server Setup has encountered an error when running a Windows Installer file. Windows Installer error message: {0} Windows ...
  75. SQL Server setup patch '{0}' failed to install. Error code: {1}. Please check the log files or contact your administrator. ...