SQL Server 2016

  1. SQL Server setup patch failed to install, do you want to continue the setup? Patch file: {0} Error code: {1} If you want ...
  2. SQL Server Setup was canceled after the uninstall process removed the files for the feature, and therefore, the uninstall ...
  3. SQL Server Setup was canceled before the setup process could upgrade the instance or shared features. To continue the upgrade ...
  4. SQL Server Setup was canceled before this feature could be installed. Uninstall this feature, and then run the setup process ...
  5. SQL Server Setup was not able to access computer '{0}' to validate user account '{1}'. This may happen when there are network ...
  6. SQL Server Setup was not able to access computer '{0}' to validate user group '{1}'. This may happen when there are network ...
  7. SQL Server Setup was not able to access domain '{0}' to validate user account '{1}'. This may happen when there are network ...
  8. SQL Server Setup was not able to access domain '{0}' to validate user group '{1}'. This may happen when there are network ...
  9. SQL Server Setup was not able to download the product updates. Click Retry to download again, click Ignore to skip downloading, ...
  10. SQL Server Setup was not able to extract requested product update {0} to {1}. This can often happen when drive does not have ...
  11. SQL Server Setup was not able to find product updates within {0} minutes. This can happen when there are Internet or network ...
  12. SQL Server Setup was not able to scan for product updates within {0} minutes. This can happen when there are Internet or ...
  13. SQL Server Setup was not able to scan for product updates within {0} minutes. This can happen when there is an issue with ...
  14. SQL Server Setup will verify but will not change service account credentials during the repair operation. To change service ...
  15. SQL Server shutdown due to Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break signal. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. ...
  16. SQL Server Snapshot Agent Utility Options - PUBLICATION - /Publication /ReplicationType 1 - Transactional,Snapshot(default), ...
  17. SQL Server Trace with id %1!s! has been stopped and closed by external user. SQL Server Trace collector will attempt to re-create ...
  18. SQL Server Warning: '%1!s!' has performed a forced defection of TSX server '%2!s!'. Run sp_delete_targetserver at the MSX ...
  19. SQL Server was started using the -f flag. SQL Server Audit is disabled. This is an informational message. No user action ...
  20. SQL Server was unable to close sessions and connections in a reasonable amount of time and is aborting "polite" shutdown. ...
  21. SQL Server was unable to run a new system task, either because there is insufficient memory or the number of configured sessions ...
  22. SQL Server, Deprecated Features Object Discontinued Database Engine Functionality in SQL Server 2016 Breaking Changes to ...
  23. SQL Trace failed to send event notification. The server has run out of memory. The same send failure may not be reported ...
  24. SQL Trace failed to send event notification. This may be due to low resource conditions. The same send failure may not be ...
  25. SQL Trace was stopped due to server shutdown. Trace ID = '%1!s!'. This is an informational message only; no user action is ...
  26. SQL writer error: A critical component required by the SQL writer is not registered. This might happen if an error occurred ...
  27. SQL writer error: A module or function that the Writer depends on does not exist in the Operating System. This might happen ...
  28. SQL writer error: Database %1 of SQL Server instance %2 has been ignored during backup because it contains files on a raw ...
  29. SQL writer error: Different values have been specified for the same restore option for Database %1 of SQL Server instance ...
  30. SQL writer error: Differential backup failed because the previous backup metadata for Database %1 of SQL Server instance ...
  31. SQL writer error: The backup completion state failed to be recorded in the database %1 of instance %2. No new differential ...
  32. SQL writer error: The COM Server with CLSID %1 and name %2 cannot be started during Safe Mode. The SQL writer cannot start ...
  33. SQL writer error: Writers will not receive events since the COM+ database is corrupted. This might happen if an error occurred ...
  34. SQL writer information: The COM Server with CLSID %1 and name %2 cannot be started. Most likely the CPU is under heavy load. ...
  35. SQL writer Service error: The EventSystem service is disabled or is attempting to start during Safe Mode. The SQL writer ...
  36. Sqlcmd: Error: Connection failure. ODBC Driver for SQL Server is not installed correctly. To correct this, run ODBC Driver ...
  37. SqlHierarchyId.GetDescendant failed because 'child1' must be less than 'child2'. 'child1' was '{0}' and 'child2' was '{1}'. ...
  38. SqlHierarchyId.GetReparentedValue failed because 'oldRoot' was not an ancestor node of 'this'. 'oldRoot' was '{0}', and 'this' ...
  39. SqlHierarchyId.Parse failed because the input string '{0}' is not a valid string representation of a SqlHierarchyId node. ...
  40. Sqllib error: Database %1 of SQL Server instance %2 is stored on multiple volumes, only some of which are being shadowed. ...
  41. SQLOLEDB command object unavailable. Please provide a command object or switch the connection method to use a connection ...
  42. SQLOLEDB is no longer a supported provider. Please use SQL Native Client (SQLNCLI) to connect to SQL Server using linked ...
  43. sqlps -NoLogo -NoExit -NoProfile -OutputFormat {Text | XML} -InputFormat {Text | XML} -Command { - | | -args } -Help | -? ...
  44. sqlQuery - String that contains query to be executed. returnType - Specifies the return type of data returned by the SQL ...
  45. sqlQuery - String that represents the query to be run. returnType - Specifies the return type of data that is returned by ...
  46. SQLQueryMode' must be set to 'DataKeys' in order to support Tabular Query SQL syntax when using Analysis Services in Tabular ...
  47. SQLSQM.EXE cannot be launched. This can either be caused if the required information in the registry is missing or corrupted ...
  48. SQLXML: Client-side FOR XML does not support the date/time conversions required by this schema. Remove all the date/time-related ...
  49. SQL_PRODUCT_SHORT_NAME_WITH_HTMLESCAPE% PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013 includes components and tools to add PowerPivot capabilities ...
  50. SQL_PRODUCT_SHORT_NAME_WITH_HTMLESCAPE% SQL AS Common for SharePoint 2013 includes core components and tools to enable SharePoint ...
  51. SQ[L package Loads a package that is stored in SQL Server. The package argument specifies the folder and name of the package ...
  52. SQ[L package_name Loads a package that is stored in SQL Server. The package_name argument specifies the name and path of ...
  53. SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager ...
  54. SSIS Error Code DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR. The "%1!s!" failed because error code 2!8.8X! occurred, and the error ...
  55. SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDB_EXCEL_NOT_SUPPORTED: The Excel Connection Manager is not supported in the 64-bit version of SSIS, ...
  56. SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED. The PrimeOutput method on %1!s! returned error code 2!8.8X!. The component returned ...
  57. SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "%1!s!" (%2!d!) failed with error code 3!8.8X! ...
  58. SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADCANCELLED. Thread "%1!s!" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a ...
  59. SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "%1!s!" has exited with error code 2!8.8X!. There may be error messages posted ...
  60. SSIS Packages can be deployed to SQL Server or the File System. Select SQL Server for maximum security and manageability. ...
  61. SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (%1!d!) ...
  62. SSMS install detected shared components on this machine. If the installation continues, applications such as SQL Server may ...
  63. SSPI handshake failed with error code 1!s!, state %2!s! while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection ...
  64. Stage of sort, when spill happens, 1 means retrieve data from lower iterator, 4 means parallel external merge, 8 means return ...
  65. stale page (a page read returned a log sequence number (LSN) (%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!) that is older than the last one that was ...
  66. Start session and exit. All results will be written to a database only. The output may be generated later by supplying -ID ...
  67. Started listening on TCPIP: Status = %1, ComputerName = %2, PhysicalNetBIOSName = %3, ListenOnIP = %4, Port = %5, ProtocolType ...
  68. Starting the Change Data Capture Collection Agent job. To report on the progress of the operation, query the sys.dm_cdc_log_scan_sessions ...
  69. Starting with database compatibility level 90 and higher, in rare occasions, the 'unqualified join' syntax can cause 'missing ...
  70. Starts data synchronization by performing full database and log backups for each selected database. These databases are restored ...
  71. Starts data synchronization where you have already restored database and log backups to each secondary server. The selected ...
  72. Startup of Always On Availability Groups replica manager failed due to SQL Server error %1!s!. To determine the cause of ...
  73. Startup of the Always On Availability Replica Manager has been terminated, because the 'FixQuorum' property of Windows Server ...
  74. Startup of the database-mirroring master thread routine failed for the following reason: %1!s!. Correct the cause of this ...
  75. Statement '%1!s!' failed, because it attempted to set the value to '%2!s!' for the primary replica. A settings can only be ...