SQL Server 2016

  1. Specify the percentage of available disk space, below which the server is considered to have insufficient disk space. When ...
  2. Specify the properties of package objects to update at run time by providing the path of the package objects and specifying ...
  3. Specify the properties of the endpoint through which the mirror server instance will accept connections from the principal ...
  4. Specify the properties of the endpoint through which the principal server instance will accept connections from the mirror ...
  5. Specify the properties of the endpoint through which the witness server instance will accept connections from the principal ...
  6. Specify the property to parameterize and the parameter to use. An expression referencing the parameter will be created on ...
  7. Specify the roles for the tabular project. Roles define a group of users with a set of permissions on the Analysis Services ...
  8. Specify the root installation directory for shared components. This directory remains unchanged after shared components are ...
  9. Specify the root installation directory for the WOW64 shared components. This directory remains unchanged after WOW64 shared ...
  10. Specify the server and instance name of the report server. The Report Server Web and Windows service accounts for that instance ...
  11. Specify the service account of the report server. This value is required. If you omit this value, Setup will use the default ...
  12. Specify the shared disks to be included in the SQL Server resource cluster group. The first drive will be used as the default ...
  13. Specify the SSIS package that you want to publish as a view in a SQL Server database. Windows authentication is used to connect ...
  14. Specify the threshold (as a percentage of CPU utilization) for triggering a warning about CPU overload, as measured against ...
  15. Specify the threshold (as a percentage of CPU utilization) for triggering a warning about CPU overload, as measured against ...
  16. Specify the threshold (in days) for triggering a warning about a failure to refresh the data file used by reports in the ...
  17. Specify the threshold for triggering low memory warnings. The default is 5 percent. If available memory falls below this ...
  18. Specify the time in seconds that a query waits for resources before timing out. If the default value of -1 is used, then ...
  19. Specify the uniqueidentifier value in the format xxxxxxxx-xxxx . xxxx, where each x is a hexadecimal digit in the range 0-9 ...
  20. Specify the upper limit of user connections, over which the server is considered to have too many. Exceeding this limit triggers ...
  21. Specify the Windows account of a user that will be automatically granted full access to all models. You can configure only ...
  22. Specify the Windows domain account to be used as the SQL Server Agent proxy account for the utility collection set. Alternatively, ...
  23. Specify this account to enable the use of report data sources that do not require credentials or to connect to remote servers ...
  24. Specify whether SQL Server Setup should discover and include product updates. The valid values are True and False or 1 and ...
  25. Specifying a container name is not allowed as part of the URL configuration. Input an URL for the storage account without ...
  26. Specifying a password will encrypt certain files that might contain confidential information, but will not encrypt the entire ...
  27. Specifying a semi-colon as a batch separator may cause unexpected results because it is a statement terminator. Do you wish ...
  28. SPID %1!s!: transaction rollback in progress. Estimated rollback completion: %2!s!%. Estimated time remaining: %3!s! seconds. ...
  29. SPLIT clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because the partition is not empty. Only empty partitions can be split in ...
  30. Split data randomly splits the selected data into two sets, a training set and a testing set, based on a ratio you provide. ...
  31. Split large partitions, with more than {0} million rows or that are over {1} MB in size, into smaller partitions to improve ...
  32. sp_addmergelogsettings failed to add log settings. If log settings already exist for this subscription then use sp_changemergelogsettings ...
  33. sp_addtype cannot be used to define user-defined data types for varchar(max), nvarchar(max) or varbinary(max) data types. ...
  34. sp_cursoropen/sp_cursorprepare: The statement parameter can only be a batch or a stored procedure with a single select, without ...
  35. sp_describe_undeclared_parameters failed to discover parameter metadata for remote procedure call because parameters were ...
  36. sp_execute_external_script' is disabled on this instance of SQL Server. Use sp_configure 'external scripts enabled' to enable ...
  37. sp_indexoption is not supported for XML Index and the table has an XML index on it. Use ALTER INDEX instead to set the option ...
  38. sp_mergecompletecleanup cannot be executed before sp_mergepreparecleanup is executed. Use sp_mergepreparecleanup to initiate ...
  39. sp_mergesubscription_cleanup is used to clean up push subscriptions. Use sp_dropmergepullsubscription to clean up pull or ...
  40. sp_refresh_heterogeneous_publisher was unable to obtain publisher information for Oracle publisher '%1!s!'. sp_refresh_heterogeneous_publisher ...
  41. sp_resetconnection was sent as part of a remote procedure call (RPC) batch, but it was not the last RPC in the batch. This ...
  42. sp_showmemo_xml cannot run when the STATISTICS XML, STATISTICS PROFILE or SHOWPLAN set option is on. Set these options to ...
  43. sp_wait_for_database_copy_sync failed because the current database is not the primary database involved in a replication ...
  44. SQL Distribution Agent encountered an error. Publisher: %1!s! Publisher Database: %2!s! Publication: %3!s! Subscriber: %4!s! ...
  45. Sql Handle: {0} Statement Start / End Byte Offsets: {1} / {2} The text of the query is not available in the data warehouse. ...
  46. SQL Mail supports legacy applications that send and receive e-mail messages from the Database Engine. SQL Mail is deprecated ...
  47. SQL Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure cannot configure the backup settings for the database '{0}' because the container url ...
  48. SQL Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure cannot configure the default backup settings for the SQLServer instance because the ...
  49. SQL Merge Agent encountered an error. Publisher: %1!s! Publisher Database: %2!s! Publication: %3!s! Subscriber: %4!s! Subscriber ...
  50. SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer components are required to edit DTS packages. Install the special Web download, "SQL Server ...
  51. SQL Server 2016 cannot add any more instances. To continue installing this instance, you must uninstall an existing instance. ...
  52. SQL Server 2016 CTP3.1 PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013 includes components and tools to add PowerPivot capabilities to a SharePoint ...
  53. SQL Server 2016 CTP3.1 SQL AS Common for SharePoint 2013 includes core components and tools to enable SharePoint 2013 BI ...
  54. SQL Server 2016 hotfix packages must be installed from the command prompt. To apply this hotfix package, run the following ...
  55. SQL Server 2016 Patching usage SetupPatch.exe /Help Displays the correct usage of Setup parameters. /q Setup will not display ...
  56. SQL Server 2016 PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013 includes components and tools to add PowerPivot capabilities to a SharePoint ...
  57. SQL Server 2016 PowerPivot for SharePoint 2016 includes components and tools to add PowerPivot capabilities to a SharePoint ...
  58. SQL Server 2016 ScenarioEngine.exe and setuppatch.exe cannot be run in this mode. If you are running ScenarioEngine.exe, ...
  59. SQL Server 2016 Setup cannot complete your request when you run Windows in Safe mode. Retry the Setup operation after starting ...
  60. SQL Server 2016 Setup is already running and cannot be launched more than once at a time. Complete your current setup action ...
  61. SQL Server 2016 setup requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 to be installed. For more information about how to install Microsoft ...
  62. SQL Server 2016 Setup requires that the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service be available and started. For more ...
  63. SQL Server 2016 Setup requires that the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service be available and started. For more ...
  64. SQL Server 2016 software pre-requisites have been installed and require a computer restart. To continue, restart this computer ...
  65. SQL Server 2016 SQL AS Common for SharePoint 2013 includes core components and tools to enable SharePoint 2013 BI capacity. ...
  66. SQL Server 2016 transmits information about your installation experience, as well as other usage and performance data, to ...
  67. SQL Server 2016 transmits information about your installation experience, as well as other usage and performance data, to ...
  68. SQL Server 32-bit is not supported on Windows Server Core. Before setup can proceed, you must run the 64-bit version of SQL ...
  69. SQL Server Agent could not access the replication agent. Use the DCOMCNFG utility to confirm that the SQL Server Agent Windows ...
  70. SQL Server Agent does not appear to be running on the destination server. If SQL Server Agent is not running on the destination ...
  71. SQL Server Agent must be configured to use Database Mail in order to send mail. The agent operators list contains only operators ...
  72. SQL Server Agent status on the SQL Server Database Engine instance {0} is unknown, due to insufficient permissions. Sysadmin ...
  73. SQL Server Analysis Services and SQL Server must be in the same state in order to be upgraded. Both must be either stand-alone ...
  74. SQL Server Assertion: File: , line = %2!s! %3!s!. This error may be timing-related. If the error persists after rerunning ...
  75. SQL Server Assertion: File: , line = %2!s! Failed Assertion = '%3!s!' %4!s!. This error may be timing-related. If the error ...