SQL Server 2016

  1. Failed to set availability group database information for availability group %1!s!. The local availability replica is not ...
  2. Failed to set database information for availability group %1!s!. The local availability replica is not the primary replica, ...
  3. Failed to set local node as sole preferred owner for the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with ID '%1!s!' ...
  4. Failed to set resource property '%1!s!' for availability group '%2!s!'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %3!s!. ...
  5. Failed to set the local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!' as joined in Windows Server Failover Clustering ...
  6. Failed to set the resource dependency expression '%1!s!' for the WSFC resource '%2!s!'. The error code is %3!s!. The WSFC ...
  7. Failed to set the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%1!s!' (Error code %2!s!). ...
  8. Failed to shutdown a database (database ID %1!s!) that contains memory-optimized data. Restart SQL Server to bring the database ...
  9. Failed to simulate heap for Table '%s' specified in input configuration. Simulating heaps for tables requires SQL Server ...
  10. Failed to start task to process a down notification for the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node (SQL OS ...
  11. Failed to start the task of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) event notification worker (SQL OS error: %1!s!). ...
  12. Failed to start the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change listener (SQLOS error code %1!s!). SQL Server may not ...
  13. Failed to stop the task of WSFC event notification worker (SQL OS error: %1!s!). If the problem persists, you might need ...
  14. Failed to suspend data movement in database '{2}', which resides on the availability replica '{0}' in the availability group ...
  15. Failed to take availability group '%1!s!' offline. The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service may not be running, ...
  16. Failed to take the host database with ID %1!s! offline when one or more of its partition databases is marked as suspect. ...
  17. Failed to take the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group offline (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be ...
  18. Failed to truncate AppendOnlyStorageUnit 1!s!. Will retry next time. This is an informational message only. No user action ...
  19. Failed to update customized logging level '%1!s!'. You do not have sufficient permissions to update customized logging level. ...
  20. Failed to update database '%1!s!' because the database is read-only. Please contact your Windows Azure service owner. There ...
  21. Failed to update logging level '%1!s!'. Provide the value for SERVER_CUSTOMIZED_LOGGING_LEVEL property, as it can not be ...
  22. Failed to update primary replica information for partition '%1!s!' (Windows Fabric error 2!s!). This is an informational ...
  23. Failed to update SQL Server Network Interfaces registry settings to enable local connectivity using MDAC or WDAC. Instance ...
  24. Failed to update the dedicated administrator connection (DAC) port number in the registry. Clients may not be able to discover ...
  25. Failed to use the paths specified by the directory location and directory name parameters for the compressed history target. ...
  26. Failed to validate backup log section of the database backup: database crypto key is missing in the database object filegroup ...
  27. Failed to validate backup log section of the database backup: database crypto key is present in the database object filegroup ...
  28. Failed to validate backup log section of the database backup: database crypto key is present in the non-database object filegroup ...
  29. Failed to validate sequence number of the configuration of availability group '%1!s!'. The in-memory sequence number does ...
  30. Failed to validate the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) of the configuration of availability group '%1!s!'. The operation encountered ...
  31. Failed to verify the Authenticode signature of '%1!s!'. Signature verification of SQL Server DLLs will be skipped. Genuine ...
  32. Failed to wait for completion of file requests from the '%1!s!' primary database for the local secondary database. Resuming ...
  33. Failing over database mirroring will swap the roles of the mirror and principal databases. The mirror database will become ...
  34. Failing over to this replica will result in changing the failover mode for the primary replica of this availability group. ...
  35. Failover of the availability group '%1!s!' to the local replica failed because the availability group resource did not come ...
  36. Failure adding a container to a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup. Possible causes include the server being out of memory and ...
  37. Failure to initialize the managed library '%{mgddll/}'. Verify that Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 or above is installed on ...
  38. Failure to read Metadata information from a Table-Valued Parameter Rowset. Failure occurred while attempting to obtain Ordinals ...
  39. Failure to read Metadata information from a Table-Valued Parameter Rowset. The call to "%1" method on the TVP Rowset object ...
  40. Failure while loading back a swapped bufer. It may mean the system is in a low memory state and the buffer cannot get its ...
  41. FASTFIRSTROW hint will be removed in the next version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and ...
  42. FCB::SetSize dbid %1!s! fileid %2!s! oldSize %3!s! newSize %4!s!. To prevent this informational message from appearing in ...
  43. FC[reate {SQL | DTS};ParentFolderPath;NewFolderName Operation. Create a folder on SSIS or SQL Server. The ParentFolderPath ...
  44. FDe[lete {SQL | DTS};ParentFolderPath;FolderName Operation. Delete a folder on SSIS or SQL Server. The ParentFolderPath is ...
  45. FDi[rectory {SQL | DTS}[;FolderPath[;S Operation. List the contents (folders and packages) in a folder on SSIS or SQL Server. ...
  46. Feature 'Advanced Analytics Extensions' is not installed. Please consult Books Online for more information on this feature. ...
  47. Feature or option "%1!s!" breaches containment in a contained database. Please see Books Online topic Understanding Contained ...
  48. Feature or option '%1!s!' is not yet implemented. Please consult Books Online for more information on this feature or option. ...
  49. Feature setting {0} has no MsiScenarios nor ConfigScenarios specified. It is an authoring problem because the setting would ...
  50. Federated Authentication Feature data used in login record to open a connection is structurally or semantically invalid; ...
  51. Federated Authentication requires at least Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 and later versions of the Windows operating ...
  52. Federated transaction could not be started at this time because the TCM Agent is not in a state, which allows new transactions ...
  53. Federation member metadata for a database cannot be changed when there are logically filtered secondaries attached (split ...
  54. Fetch tabular metadata command requested following partition Ids list: '%{PartIdsList/}' for the database with Id='%{DbId/}', ...
  55. Fetch tabular metadata request contains duplicate partition entry '%{PartitionId/}', for dimension '%{DimensionId/}, database ...
  56. FE[xists {SQL | DTS};FolderPath Operation. Check if a folder exists on SSIS or SQL Server. FolderPath is the path and name ...
  57. Field with name {0}, but different type already exists in the {1}'s field collection. Field type is {2}, but data type is ...
  58. File "%1!s!" cannot be opened for reading. Error may occur when there are no privileges or the file is not found. Exact cause ...
  59. File "%1!s!" cannot be restored over the existing "%2!s!". Reissue the RESTORE statement using WITH REPLACE to overwrite ...
  60. File "{0}" already exists. Do you want to reuse this file as the configuration file or overwrite the file with new configuration ...
  61. File %1!s! in database %2!s! has been set to sparse by the file system but does not belong to a database snapshot. The file ...
  62. File '%1!s!' appears to have been truncated by the operating system. Expected size is %2!s! KB but actual size is %3!s! KB. ...
  63. File '%1!s!' cannot be created on a persistent main memory volume as there cannot be more than one persistent main memory ...
  64. File '%1!s!' cannot be reused until after the next BACKUP LOG operation. If the database is participating in an availability ...
  65. File '%1!s!' has been rolled forward to LSN %2!s!. This log terminates at LSN %3!s!, which is too early to apply the WITH ...
  66. File '%1!s!' is claimed by '%2!s!'(%3!s!) and '%4!s!'(%5!s!). The WITH MOVE clause can be used to relocate one or more files. ...
  67. File '%1!s!' is not a valid undo file for database '%2!s! (database ID %3!s!). Verify the file path, and specify the correct ...
  68. File '%1' already exists. If this error occurs, locate this file in the Web synchronization directory, delete the file, and ...
  69. File '%{file/}' is corrupted. It contains last committed timestamp = '%{timestampfile/}' which is newer than the last committed ...
  70. File '%{fileName/}' specified in Restore command is AS encrypted backup file that was created by earlier prerelease of SQL ...
  71. File Control Bytes/sec shows the overall rate at which bytes are transferred for all file system operations that are neither ...
  72. File for a cloned Vertipaq data object '%1' conflicts with a master data object file. This conflict of file names is unexpected ...
  73. File ID %1!s! of database ID %2!s! cannot be shrunk as the target shrink size (%3!s! KB) is greater than the actual file ...
  74. File ID %1!s! of database ID %2!s! cannot be shrunk to the expected size. The high concurrent workload is leading to too ...
  75. File not found: {0}. To perform this action SQL Server Configuration Manager component needs to be installed on local machine. ...