SQL Server 2016

  1. Error during Restore/Synchronize: The backup metadata is damaged, so the operation cannot locate or process node '%{node/}'. ...
  2. Error during string decryption. The operating system returned error %1!u!. Please take corrective action based on the operating ...
  3. Error during string encryption. The operating system returned error %1!u!. Please take corrective action based on the operating ...
  4. Error during synchronization: Cannot synchronize objects on instances with different file storage mode settings, such as ...
  5. Error during synchronization: Client is trying to access the '%{file/}' file that is not included in the synchronization ...
  6. Error during synchronization: The Synchronize command failed while synchronizing empty file list (first stage is missing). ...
  7. Error during Synchronize: the synchronization LOG metadata is damaged, can't locate and/or process node '%{node/}', file ...
  8. Error evaluating article synchronization object after column drop. The filter clause for article '%1!s!' must not reference ...
  9. Error getting or setting an array value. The type "%1!s!" is not allowed. This occurs when loading an array into a variable. ...
  10. Error happened when calling back to server, this may be caused by server out of memory or previous error in callback function. ...
  11. Error happened while loading table data. Possible cause is: corrupt variant store data file for one of the table columns. ...
  12. Error happened while loading table metadata, node '%{nodename/}'. Possible causes are: incorrect xsi:type specified in this ...
  13. Error happened while loading table metadata. Possible causes are: missing or improperly specified property in the XMObject ...
  14. Error happened while loading table metadata. Possible causes are: unknown class name '%{strClassName/}' is specified for ...
  15. Error happens while trying to read the Aotm Service Document. Please make sure that the given URL is valid and it points ...
  16. Error in mapping SQL Server performance object/counter indexes to object/counter names. SQL Server performance counters are ...
  17. Error in parsing the Paxos tag from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry hive. The WSFC registry hive might ...
  18. Error in retrieving extended recovery forks from the primary replica. The extended-recovery-fork stack changed while being ...
  19. Error in the specified data source file. The file does not have the right format or cannot be validated. If this report uses ...
  20. Error initializing HTTP session with proxy "%1!s!". This error can occur when an invalid proxy was specified. HTTP connection ...
  21. Error loading from XML. No further detailed error information can be specified for this problem because no Events object ...
  22. Error number %1!s! in the THROW statement is outside the valid range. Specify an error number in the valid range of 50000 ...
  23. Error number, %1!s!, occurred in the procedure, '%2!s!', at line number, %3!s!. The error message was: '%4!s!' The error ...
  24. Error occured while loading extensions from assembly '{0}'. The extension information must be corrected before it can be ...
  25. Error occurred because the output file already exists and the WriteOption is set to Create Once. Set the WriteOption property ...
  26. Error occurred while loading product mapping from resource '{0}'. The product information needs to be corrected before it ...
  27. Error occurred while loading the provider mapping from assembly '{0}'. The provider information must be corrected before ...
  28. Error parsing '{0}'. Make sure string constants are enclosed in single quotes and facet properties are prefixed with '@' ...
  29. Error parsing '{0}'. Policy expressions require the first argument of DATEADD and DATEPART functions to be in single quotes. ...
  30. Error processing client certificate. This error can occur when the client certificate provided was not found in the Personal ...
  31. Error processing XML data type method '%1!s!'. The following SET options required by XML data type methods are not set: '%2!s!'. ...
  32. Error referencing function '{0}': non-deterministic, security, and metadata function calls are not allowed in user defined ...
  33. Error saving report. Verify that the path exists, the file name contains only valid characters, and you have the right permissions. ...
  34. Error severity levels greater than %1!s! can only be specified by members of the sysadmin role, using the WITH LOG option. ...
  35. Error using a read-only variable "%1!s!" in an assignment expression. The expression result cannot be assigned to the variable ...
  36. Error using same name for different custom events. The custom event "%1!s!" was defined differently by different children ...
  37. Error while enabling Windows feature : {0}, Error Code : {1} , Please try enabling Windows feature : {0} from Windows management ...
  38. Error while enabling Windows feature : {0}, Please try enabling Windows feature : {0} from Windows management tools and then ...
  39. Error while trying to create a DbParameter. This provider may not be fully supported with the Execute SQL Task. Exception: ...
  40. Error while trying to enable integration with Data Quality Services. Please verify you have appropriate permissions to access ...
  41. Error: %1!s!, Severity: %2!s!, State: %3!s!. (Params:%4!s!). The error is printed in terse mode because there was error during ...
  42. Error: All Full-text populations in progress, for catalog '%1!s!' ('%2!s!') in database '%3!s!' ('%4!s!') were terminated ...
  43. Error: Failed to initialize full-text %1!s! population for table or indexed view '%2!s!', database '%3!s!' (table or indexed ...
  44. Error: Failed to parse input XML. Could not parse Database type specified.In USC make sure that the database names in the ...
  45. Error: Failed to parse input XML. Could not parse Server type specified.In USC make sure that -S option matches the server ...
  46. Error: Failed to reinitialize full-text %1!s! population after a temporary failure for table or indexed view '%2!s!', database ...
  47. Error: Failed to resume full-text %1!s! population for table or indexed view '%2!s!' in database '%3!s!' (table or indexed ...
  48. Error: Full-text %1!s! population for table or indexed view '%2!s!' (table or indexed view ID '%3!s!', database ID '%4!s!') ...
  49. Error: Some Domain-Based Attributes in this model are referencing to external models. Please use MDSModelDeploy.exe tool ...
  50. ERROR: The Execute Package Utility requires Management Tools - Basic or Business Intelligence Studio to be installed by the ...
  51. ERROR: The Package Installation Wizard requires Integration Services to be installed by the SQL Server 2016 Standard, Enterprise, ...
  52. ERROR: The Package Upgrade Wizard requires one of the components: Integration Services, Management Tools - Basic or Business ...
  53. Error: The test and production server names specified refer to the same server. Make sure that the servers are not identical. ...
  54. ERROR: To launch the Import and Export Wizard in SQL Server Data Tools, Integration Services has to be installed by one of ...
  55. Error: Total number of items in full-text catalog ID '%1!s!' in database ID '%2!s!' exceeds the supported limit. See Books ...
  56. Errors and/or warnings occurred when processing the XQuery statement for XML data type method '%1!s!', invoked on column ...
  57. Errors and/or warnings occurred when processing the XQuery statement for XML data type method '%1!s!'. See previous error ...
  58. Errors occurred during recovery while rolling back a transaction. The transaction was deferred. Restore the bad page or file, ...
  59. Errors were encountered during full-text index population for table or indexed view '%1!s!', database '%2!s!' (table or indexed ...
  60. Errors were encountered during the save process. Some database objects were not saved and other objects might require further ...
  61. Errors were encountered in the %1!s! '%2!s!' during compilation of the object. Either the containment option of the database ...
  62. Errors were encountered while calculating CACHE statements included in the script. Query processing will continue without ...
  63. Errors were skipped while applying auto-generated procedures. See the documentation for Peer-To-Peer DDL replication for ...
  64. Estimates standard deviation based on the entire population that results from evaluating an expression for each row of a ...
  65. Estonian, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order ...
  66. Estonian, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order ...
  67. Evaluates a list of expressions and returns a value of an expression associated with the first expression in the list that ...
  68. Evaluates a list of expressions and returns an Object value corresponding to the first expression in the list that is True. ...
  69. Evaluates expression for each row on the table, then return the concatenation of those values in a single string result, ...
  70. Evaluates the specified expression for the date corresponding to the end of the current month after applying specified filters. ...
  71. Evaluates the specified expression for the date corresponding to the end of the current quarter after applying specified ...
  72. Evaluates the specified expression for the date corresponding to the end of the current year after applying specified filters. ...
  73. Evaluates the specified expression for the date corresponding to the end of the previous month after applying specified filters. ...
  74. Evaluates the specified expression for the date corresponding to the end of the previous quarter after applying specified ...
  75. Evaluates the specified expression for the date corresponding to the end of the previous year after applying specified filters. ...