SQL Server 2016

  1. Failed to create a new folder '{0}'. The specified path exceeds the system-defined maximum length. Paths must be less than ...
  2. Failed to create a new table '{1}' in database '{0}'. Check whether the table already exists, and have the database administrator ...
  3. Failed to create a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) notification port with notification filter %1!s! and notification ...
  4. Failed to create an IDataAdapter object. This provider may not be fully supported with the Execute SQL Task. Error message ...
  5. Failed to create availability group '%1!s!', because a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) group with the specified name ...
  6. Failed to create availability group '%1!s!', because a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) group with the specified name ...
  7. Failed to create availability group '%1!s!'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %2!s! and has been rolled back. Check ...
  8. Failed to create availability group '%1!s!'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %2!s!. An attempt to roll back the ...
  9. Failed to create certificate context (error: %1!s!). This occurs in CPackage::put_CertificateObject or CPackage::LoadFromXML ...
  10. Failed to create customized logging level '%1!s!'. You do not have sufficient permissions to create customized logging level. ...
  11. Failed to create or write to file '%ws'. Consult local XE log for detailed information. Last OS error code reported: %I32u ...
  12. Failed to create the availability group. A SQL Server instance name could not be validated because the dynamic link library ...
  13. Failed to create the availability group. A SQL Server instance name could not be validated because the dynamic link library ...
  14. Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with name '%1!s!' (Error code %2!s!). The WSFC service ...
  15. Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with name '%1!s!'. The WSFC group with the specified ...
  16. Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry subkey '%1!s!' (Error code %2!s!). The parent key ...
  17. Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%1!s!' and type '%2!s!' (Error code %3!s!). ...
  18. Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%1!s!' and type '%2!s!'. The resource ...
  19. Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%1!s!'. The WSFC resource with the specified ...
  20. Failed to create, join or add replica to availability group '%1!s!', because node '%2!s!' is a possible owner for both replica ...
  21. Failed to decrypt a package that is encrypted with a user key. You may not be the user who encrypted this package, or you ...
  22. Failed to decrypt a project that is encrypted with a user key. You may not be the user who encrypted this project, or you ...
  23. Failed to decrypt a project that is encrypted with a user key. You may not be the user who encrypted this project, or you ...
  24. Failed to decrypt an encrypted XML node because the password was not specified or not correct. Package load will attempt ...
  25. Failed to decrypt an encrypted XML node because the password was not specified or not correct. Project load will attempt ...
  26. Failed to decrypt an encrypted XML node. Verify that the project was created by the same user. Project load will attempt ...
  27. Failed to decrypt protected connection string for server "%1!s!" with error 2!8.8X! "%3!s!". You may not be authorized to ...
  28. Failed to decrypt protected XML node "%1!s!" with error 2!8.8X! "%3!s!". You may not be authorized to access this information. ...
  29. Failed to decrypt sensitive data in a project with a password. The password was not specified, or is not correct. If the ...
  30. Failed to decrypt sensitive data in project with a user key. You may not be the user who encrypted this project, or you are ...
  31. Failed to decrypt sensitive data. Possibly the encryption key does not match or is inaccessible because of improper service ...
  32. Failed to decrypt sensitive data. Possibly the encryption key does not match or is inaccessible because of improper service ...
  33. Failed to decrypt the project. The symmetric key that was used to encrypt it may have been deleted. Delete the project and ...
  34. Failed to delete a resource in the WSFC cluster because the resource '%1!s!' is not offline. Delete the resource using the ...
  35. Failed to delete customized logging level '%1!s!'. You do not have sufficient permissions to delete customized logging level. ...
  36. Failed to delete file '%{FileName/}' during commit or rollback. In total, there were '%{nFiles/}' file deletion failure(s) ...
  37. Failed to delete Power BI client application. Deleted PBI information from report server database, but you may need to manually ...
  38. Failed to delete registry key '{0}' because the registry key has subkeys. The registry key has must not have any subkeys ...
  39. Failed to delete rows from the systranschemas table. HRESULT = ' 1!s!'. The rows will be deleted the next time replication ...
  40. Failed to delete SQL Server instance name to Windows Server Failover Clustering node name map entry for the local availability ...
  41. Failed to delete the encrypted content in the report server database. Please execute the "DeleteEncryptedContent" stored ...
  42. Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry subkey '%1!s!' (Error code %2!s!). The parent key ...
  43. Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%1!s!' (Error code %2!s!). ...
  44. Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%1!s!', because a registry ...
  45. Failed to delete the WSFC cluster resource '%1!s!'. The error code is %2!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may be ...
  46. Failed to deploy packages. For more information, query the operation_messages view for the operation identifier '%1!s!'. ...
  47. Failed to deregister client (ID %1!s!) from asynchronous operations administrator. The client has not registered with the ...
  48. Failed to designate the local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!' as the primary replica. The operation encountered ...
  49. Failed to destroy the Windows Server Failover Clustering group corresponding to availability group '%1!s!'. The operation ...
  50. Failed to determine if the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service is in Force Quorum state. The prerequisite hotfix, ...
  51. Failed to determine the fully qualified domain name of the computer while composing the Service Principal Name (SPN). This ...
  52. Failed to determine the fully qualified domain name of the computer while initializing SSL support. This might indicate a ...
  53. Failed to discover the state of the model from the server. Check that tabular database with name '{0}' and compatibility ...
  54. Failed to drop a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group with name or ID '%1!s!' (Error code %2!s!). The WSFC service ...
  55. Failed to encrypt or decrypt sensitive data in the '%{strRef/}' database because the encryption key is unavailable. One possible ...
  56. Failed to encrypt sensitive data. Possibly the encryption key is inaccessible because of improper service account change. ...
  57. Failed to encrypt sensitive data. Possibly the encryption key is inaccessible because of improper service account change. ...
  58. Failed to encrypt the project named '%1!s!'. The symmetric key may have been deleted. Delete the project and deploy it again. ...
  59. Failed to enque task to start CLR during SQL server startup. Error code: %1!s!. CLR will be started in an on-demand fashion. ...
  60. Failed to enqueue a task to register a Service Principal Name (SPN) for the SQL Server service. Kerberos authentication will ...
  61. Failed to enumerate the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry key (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not ...
  62. Failed to enumerate the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resources (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not ...
  63. Failed to enumerate Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) objects (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be running ...
  64. Failed to enumerate Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not ...
  65. Failed to establish connection with report server. Verify the server URL is correct or review ULS logs for more information. ...
  66. Failed to evaluate the filter procedure or computed column. Cannot find the column offset information for column ID %1!s!, ...
  67. Failed to execute IS server package because of error 1!8.8X!. Server: %2!s!, Package path: %3!s!, Environment reference Id: ...
  68. Failed to execute MDX. You can *$*invoke error message box*$* for more information. *$*Click here*$* to hide this message. ...
  69. Failed to execute the HREPL.%1!s! request to Oracle Publisher '%2!s!'. Verify that the Oracle package code exists on the ...
  70. Failed to find a DWORD property (property name '%1!s!') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) (Error code %2!s!). ...
  71. Failed to find a DWORD property (property name '%1!s!') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with ID ...
  72. Failed to find a multi-string property (property name '%1!s!') of the WSFC resource with name or ID '%2!s!'. The system error ...
  73. Failed to find a String property (property name '%1!s!') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name ...
  74. Failed to find advisors sources from advisor candidates source '{0}' as a null advisor source was found in the collection. ...
  75. Failed to find package object in signed XML envelope with error 1!8.8X! "%2!s!". This occurs when signed XML does not contain ...