SQL Server 2016

  1. expression1 and expression2 - Any valid expression of any of the data types in the numeric category, except the bit data ...
  2. expression1 and expression2 - Any valid expression of any of the data types in the numeric category, except the datetime ...
  3. expression_dividend - Is the numeric expression to divide. dividend must be a valid expression of any one of the data types ...
  4. expression_dividend - The numeric expression to divide. The dividend can be any valid expression of any of the data types ...
  5. ExtAuth command can not be run by anonymous user; user has to be identified as server administrator or a member of the ActAsUsers ...
  6. ExtAuth or SetAuthContext has already been set on this connection. Reauthorization on the same connection is not supported. ...
  7. Extended Protection for the SQL Server Database Engine is enabled, but the operating system does not support Extended Protection. ...
  8. Extended stored procedure API will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development ...
  9. Extended stored procedure DLL '%1!s!' does not export _GetXpVersion(). Refer to the topic "Backward Compatibility Details ...
  10. Extensible Key Management is disabled or not supported on this edition of SQL Server. Use sp_configure 'EKM provider enabled' ...
  11. Extension factory load failed for extension factory class '{0}' to produce extension interface '{1}' for metadata element ...
  12. Extent %1!s! not found in shared extent directory. Retry the transaction. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support. ...
  13. External Activator can not launch application for queue activation event {0}. Such an application record does not exist. ...
  14. External Activator can not launch application {0} for queue activation event {1}. The application monitor has been disabled. ...
  15. External Activator can not launch application {0} for queue activation event {1}. The application record has been disabled. ...
  16. External images are unavailable as Office isn't allowed to connect to the Internet. You can change this setting from the ...
  17. External script execution failed as extensibility environment is not ready yet. Retry the operation when the server is fully ...
  18. EXTERNAL TABLE access failed for HDFS URI because Hadoop Connectivity is not enabled. Please contact your system administrator. ...
  19. Extracts data from a variety of sources. The assistant will guide you through the steps of creating a source and associating ...
  20. Extracts data from an OLE DB-compliant relational database. Extract from a database table or view, or use a SQL command. ...
  21. Extracts data from an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) compliant database. Extract from a database table or view, or use ...
  22. Extracts data from an XML file. For example, extract catalog data from an XML file that represents catalogs and catalog items. ...
  23. Extracts frequently used English-only terms from an input data flow. Terms and their corresponding score are written to output ...
  24. Fabric replica publisher encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %1!s!, State: %2!s!) while publishing event '%3!s!' to subscriber ...
  25. Fabric Service '%1!s!' (partition ID '%2!s!') encountered error (error code: 3!s!) while querying for Fabric property '%4!s!'. ...
  26. Fabric Service '%1!s!' (partition ID '%2!s!') is unable to allocate a work item for the database restart of '%3!s!' database ...
  27. Fabric Service '%1!s!' (partition ID '%2!s!') is unable to enqueue a work item for the database restart of '%3!s!' database ...
  28. Fabric Service '%1!s!' encountered a permanent error while performing a Windows Fabric operation on '%2!s!' database (ID ...
  29. Fabric Service '%1!s!' encountered a transient error while performing Windows Fabric operation on '%2!s!' database (ID %3!s!). ...
  30. Fabric Service '%1!s!' failed to perform database operation '%2!s!' on '%3!s!' database (ID %4!s!). The database might be ...
  31. Fabric Service '%1!s!' failed to perform database operation '%2!s!' on database '%3!s!'. The database might be in an incorrect ...
  32. Fabric service '%1!s!' failed to retrieve a known hardware sku while performing a build replica operation on '%2!s!' database ...
  33. Fabric Service '%1!s!' is unable to find out start of log and end of log LSN for '%2!s!' database. Refer to the SQL Server ...
  34. Facets mismatch. The Object Set '{0}' references the Management Facet '{1}'. The Condition '{2}' references the Management ...
  35. Fact relationships between non-linked (local) dimensions and linked measure groups are non-editable, and can only be created ...
  36. Fail over to the mirror database requires the principal and mirror databases to be fully synchronized. Wait until the databases ...
  37. Failed creating or loading the MOLAP object %{typename/}, Name of '%{name/}' because the StorageEngineMode of the database ...
  38. Failed to %1!s! the replication context for TxF: {%2!s!, %3!s!, %4!s!, %5!s!, %6!s!, %7!s!, %8!s!, %9!s!, {%10!s!:%11!s!:%12!s!}, ...
  39. Failed to access shared temporary location for backup due to the following error:{0}. Verify the wizard has read and write ...
  40. Failed to acquire connection "%1!s!". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions ...
  41. Failed to acquire exclusive access to local availability group configuration data (SQL OS error: %1!s!). If the problem persists, ...
  42. Failed to acquire exclusive access to the extended recovery fork stack (error %1!s!). If the problem persists, you might ...
  43. Failed to add a node to the possible owner list of a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (Error code %1!s!). ...
  44. Failed to add a resource dependency, making resource '%1!s!' depend on resource '%2!s!', in the WSFC cluster. The error code ...
  45. Failed to add database '%1!s!' to availability group '%2!s!'. The specified availability group is created with basic functionality ...
  46. Failed to allocate and schedule an Always On Availability Groups task for database '%1!s!'. Manual intervention may be required ...
  47. Failed to apply server override on category '%1!s!', because physical db or instance '%2!s!' in server '%3!s!' is currently ...
  48. Failed to automatically enable Query Store in Database '%1!s!' (ID %2!s!) of Windows Fabric partition '%3!s!' (partition ...
  49. Failed to bring availability group '%1!s!' online. The operation timed out. Verify that the local Windows Server Failover ...
  50. Failed to bring Availability Group '%1!s!' online. The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service may not be running, ...
  51. Failed to bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group online (Error code %1!s!). The WSFC service may not be ...
  52. Failed to change the encryption algorithm to '%1!s!'. An error occurred while encrypting the environment variables with the ...
  53. Failed to change the encryption algorithm to '%1!s!'. An error occurred while encrypting the parameter values using the '%2!s!' ...
  54. Failed to check for new installation or a renamed server at startup. The logic for this check has failed unexpectedly. Run ...
  55. Failed to check for pending query notifications in database "%1!s!" because of the following error when opening the database: ...
  56. Failed to check for XML signature envelope in package XML with error 1!8.8X! "%2!s!". This occurs in CPackage::LoadFromXML. ...
  57. Failed to clean up event associated with TCP connection, this is most likely because the server was under heavy load. Windows ...
  58. Failed to cleanup the cdc.lsn_time_mapping table in database '%1!s!' when the last database table enabled for Change Data ...
  59. Failed to compiled scripts contained in the package. Open the package in SSIS Designer and resolve the compilation errors. ...
  60. Failed to configure resource governor during startup. Check SQL Server error log for specific error messages or check the ...
  61. Failed to connect because the federation distribution value is invalid. To connect to the federation member, provide the ...
  62. Failed to connect by using the specified user name and password. Verify that the user name and password are valid, and that ...
  63. Failed to connect to analysis services server database using the '{0}' connection manager. Check that the connection manager ...
  64. Failed to connect to DQS server the connection manager '{0}' as a result of the following value: A connection could not be ...
  65. Failed to connect to DQS using the connection manager '{0}' as a result of the following value: A connection could not be ...
  66. Failed to connect to Microsoft Azure using the provided certificate and subscription. Check subscription and certificate ...
  67. Failed to connect to Microsoft Azure using the provided User Azure Credentials. Check subscription and user credentials and ...
  68. Failed to connect to the SQL Server Analysis Services database using the connection manager "{0}". Verify that the connection ...
  69. Failed to convert a type in the configuration "%1!s!" for the package path "%2!s!". This happens when a configuration value ...
  70. Failed to convert the package connection mananager '{0}' to a project connection manager because '{0}' is not a valid stream ...
  71. Failed to create a backup file collection snapshot necessary for backup of database '%1!s!'. Check the error log for additional ...
  72. Failed to create a new folder '{0}'. The caller does not have the required permission. Verify if you have enough access permissions ...
  73. Failed to create a new folder '{0}'. The directory specified by path is read-only. A new directory can only be created on ...
  74. Failed to create a new folder '{0}'. The specified path contains a colon character (:) that is not part of a drive label ...
  75. Failed to create a new folder '{0}'. The specified path contains one or more invalid characters like ASCII/Unicode characters ...