File '%{fileName/}' specified in Restore command is AS encrypted backup file that was created by earlier prerelease of SQL 2008 version on IA64 platform can not be restored on x86 or AMD64 platforms.
Fast combine is now enabled. Privacy levels are not considered when combining data. This could expose sensitive or confidential ...
Fetch tabular metadata command requested following partition Ids list: '%{PartIdsList/}' for the database with Id='%{DbId/}', ...
Fetch tabular metadata request contains duplicate partition entry '%{PartitionId/}', for dimension '%{DimensionId/}, database ...
File '%{file/}' is corrupted. It contains last committed timestamp = '%{timestampfile/}' which is newer than the last committed ...
File '%{fileName/}' specified in Restore command is AS encrypted backup file that was created by earlier prerelease of SQL ...
File for a cloned Vertipaq data object '%1' conflicts with a master data object file. This conflict of file names is unexpected ...
Filter the data that this role can see by entering a DAX filter expression that returns a True/False value. For example: ...
Find the position of all the occurrences of a = 2, b = 4 in the table ({[a = 2, b = 4], a = 6, b = 8], a = 2, b = 4], a = ...
Find the position of all the occurrences of a = 2, b = 4 or a = 6, b = 8 in the table ({[a = 2, b = 4], a = 6, b = 8], a ...