Visual Studio 2013

  1. MSB3326: Cannot import the following key file: {0}. The key file may be password protected. To correct this, try to import ...
  2. MSB3392: Cannot unregister assembly "{0}" - access denied. Please make sure you're running the application as administrator. ...
  3. MSB3452: StronglyTypedClassName, StronglyTypedNamespace, and/or StronglyTypedFileName parameters were passed in, but no StronglyTypedLanguage. ...
  4. MSB3453: The language for a strongly typed resource class was specified, but more than one source file was passed in. Please ...
  5. MSB3454: Tracker.exe is required to correctly incrementally generate resources in some circumstances, such as when building ...
  6. MSB3455: ResGen.exe may not run because the command line is {0} characters long, which exceeds the maximum length of the ...
  7. MSB3572: StronglyTypedClassName, StronglyTypedNamespace, and/or StronglyTypedFileName parameters were passed in, but no StronglyTypedLanguage. ...
  8. MSB3573: The language for a strongly typed resource class was specified, but more than one source file was passed in. Please ...
  9. MSB3576: Creating the CultureInfo failed for assembly "{2}". Note the set of cultures supported is Operating System-dependent, ...
  10. MSB3578: This assembly contains neutral resources corresponding to the culture "{0}". These resources will not be considered ...
  11. MSB3580: The assembly in file "{0}" has an assembly culture, indicating it is a satellite assembly for culture "{1}". But ...
  12. MSB3644: The reference assemblies for framework "{0}" were not found. To resolve this, install the SDK or Targeting Pack ...
  13. MSB3645: .NET Framework v3.5 Service Pack 1 was not found. In order to target "{0}", .NET Framework v3.5 Service Pack 1 or ...
  14. MSB3654: Delay signing requires that at least a public key be specified. Please either supply a public key using the KeyFile ...
  15. MSB3676: Could not move the file "{0}" to the destination file "{1}", because the destination is a folder instead of a file. ...
  16. MSB3689: Unable to execute Xaml task. If the CommandLineTemplate task parameter is not specified, then the ToolName attribute ...
  17. MSB3753: The task could not be instantiated because it does not implement the ITask interface. Make sure the task implements ...
  18. MSB3757: Multiple Code xml elements have been found, this is not allowed. To fix this issue remove any additional Code xml ...
  19. MSB3773: The SDK "{0}" cannot be referenced alongside SDK(s) {1}, as they all belong to the same SDK product Family "{2}". ...
  20. MSB3776: The SDK Reference "{0}" is incorrectly formatted. It must be in the following format " , Version= . For example: ...
  21. MSB3776: The SDK Reference "{0}" is incorrectly formatted. It must be in the following format " , Version= . For example: ...
  22. MSB3777: "FrameworkIdentity" attributes were found in the SDK manifest file "{0}", however none of the attributes matched ...
  23. MSB3778: "APPX" attributes were found in the SDK manifest file "{0}" however none of the attributes matched the targeted ...
  24. MSB3779: The processor architecture of the project being built "{0}" is not supported by the referenced SDK "{1}". Please ...
  25. MSB3780: The SDK "{0}" cannot be referenced alongside SDK(s) {1}, because only one version of the SDK can be referenced from ...
  26. MSB3781: The SDK "{0}" depends on the following SDK(s) {1}, which have not been added to the project or were not found. Please ...
  27. MSB3782: The "{0}" SDK does not support targeting a neutral architecture with "Prefer 32-Bit" enabled for the project. Please ...
  28. MSB3783: Project "{0}" depends upon SDK "{1} v{2}" which was released originally for apps targeting "{3} {4}". To verify ...
  29. MSB3785: No SDKs were found. SDKReference items will not be resolved. If your application requires these references there ...
  30. MSB3797: The targeted configuration for the resolved sdk reference "{0}" was empty. Cannot find reference or redist files ...
  31. MSB3798: The targeted architecture for the resolved sdk reference "{0}" was empty. Cannot find reference or redist files ...
  32. MSB3811: The assembly "{0}" says it is a satellite assembly, but it contains code. Main assemblies shouldn't specify the ...
  33. MSB3812: This assembly claims to be a satellite assembly, but doesn't contain any properly named .resources files as manifest ...
  34. MSB3813: Invalid or unrecognized UltimateResourceFallbackLocation value in the NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute for assembly ...
  35. MSB3813: Invalid or unrecognized UltimateResourceFallbackLocation value in the NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute for assembly ...
  36. MSB3814: Main assembly "{1}" was built improperly. The manifest resource "{0}" ends in .en-US.resources, when it should end ...
  37. MSB3815: Satellite assembly "{2}" was built improperly. The manifest resource "{0}" will not be found by the ResourceManager. ...
  38. MSB3817: The assembly "{0}" does not have a NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute on it. To be used in an app package, portable ...
  39. MSB3818: The GenerateResource task doesn't currently support simultaneously running as an external tool and extracting ResW ...
  40. MSB3819: Cannot find assembly "{0}", which may contain managed resources that need to be included in this app package. Please ...
  41. MSB3820: The path needed to store build-related temporary files is too long. Try your project in a shorter directory, or ...
  42. MSB3836: The existing binding redirect on "{0}" is incorrect. Consider removing it from the application configuration file. ...
  43. MSB3841: The SDK "{0}" depends on the SDK "{1}", which is not compatible with "{2} {3}". Please reference a version of SDK ...
  44. MSB3842: Project "{0}" depends upon SDK "{1} v{2}" which supports apps targeting "{3} {4}". To verify whether "{1} v{2}" ...
  45. MSB3851: This project targets "{0}, Version={1}", but it is attempting to reference "{2}" targeting "{3}", which is invalid. ...
  46. MSB3871: Shared projects cannot be built on their own. Please either build a project that references this project, or build ...
  47. MSB4000: One or more target platforms are incorrectly formatted, they should be in the form "[Identifier], Version=[Version]": ...
  48. MSB4001: Two or more platforms must be specified. If you've specified more than two platforms, make sure they are unique ...
  49. MSB4003: "{0}" is a reserved attribute of the element, and must be spelled with the correct casing. This attribute cannot ...
  50. MSB4010: The "{0}" files could not be successfully loaded from their expected location "{1}". Default tasks will not be available. ...
  51. MSB4011: "{0}" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "{1}". This is most likely a build authoring error. This ...
  52. MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "{0}". This file may have been imported more than once, ...
  53. MSB4012: The expression "{0}" cannot be used in this context. Item lists cannot be concatenated with other strings where ...
  54. MSB4019: The imported project "{0}" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file ...
  55. MSB4029: The "{0}" task has an invalid output specification. The "TaskParameter" attribute is required, and either the "ItemName" ...
  56. MSB4031: The "MSBuildVersion" attribute is deprecated. If the project is authored in the MSBuild 2003 format, please remove ...
  57. MSB4036: The "{0}" task was not found. Check the following: 1.) The name of the task in the project file is the same as the ...
  58. MSB4041: The default XML namespace of the project must be the MSBuild XML namespace. If the project is authored in the MSBuild ...
  59. MSB4043: The item metadata reference "{0}" is invalid because it is qualified with an item name. Item metadata referenced ...
  60. MSB4051: Project {0} is referencing a project with GUID {1}, but a project with this GUID was not found in the .SLN file. ...
  61. MSB4054: The solution file must be opened in the Visual Studio IDE and converted to the latest version before it can be built ...
  62. MSB4056: The MSBuild engine must be called on a single-threaded-apartment. Current threading model is "{0}". Proceeding, ...
  63. MSB4058: The "{0}" target is missing its output specification. If a target declares inputs, it must also declare outputs. ...
  64. MSB4060: The "{0}" task has been declared or used incorrectly, or failed during construction. Check the spelling of the task ...
  65. MSB4062: The "{0}" task could not be loaded from the assembly {1}. {2} Confirm that the declaration is correct, and that ...
  66. MSB4062: The "{0}" task could not be loaded from the assembly {1}. {2} Confirm that the declaration is correct, that the ...
  67. MSB4064: The "{0}" parameter is not supported by the "{1}" task. Verify the parameter exists on the task, and it is a settable ...
  68. MSB4075: The project file "{0}" must be opened in the Visual Studio IDE and converted to the latest version before it can ...
  69. MSB4075: The project file must be opened in the Visual Studio IDE and converted to the latest version before it can be built ...
  70. MSB4077: The "{0}" task has been marked with the attribute LoadInSeparateAppDomain, but does not derive from MarshalByRefObject. ...
  71. MSB4080: The value "{0}" of the "PropertyName" attribute in element contains a "$" character. If you intended to use a property ...
  72. MSB4081: The value "{0}" of the "ItemName" attribute in element contains an "@" character. If you intended to use an item ...
  73. MSB4094: "{0}" is an invalid value for the "{1}" parameter of the "{3}" task. Multiple items cannot be passed into a parameter ...
  74. MSB4095: The item metadata %({0}) is being referenced without an item name. Specify the item name by using %(itemname.{0}). ...
  75. MSB4096: The item "{0}" in item list "{1}" does not define a value for metadata "{2}". In order to use this metadata, either ...