Visual Studio 2013

  1. Managed threads are consuming {0:0.00%} of the CPU. Go the Performance Warnings menu in the navigation toolbar and select ...
  2. Manifest File : Specifies the name of the manifest file to generate. Only used if Generate Manifest is true. (/MANIFESTFILE:[file]) ...
  3. Many cached textures are composed together in frames during this time range and average fill rate is {0}. Go to the Performance ...
  4. Many-to-many associations are read-only, therefore the EntityCollections on both ends of the association are not editable. ...
  5. Maps a team project collection to a PWA instance. The PWA instance must be registered before mapping the collection to it. ...
  6. Mark interface {0} as InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIDispatch) because it is specified in the ComSourceInterfaces ...
  7. Mark package scope as assembly scope in metadata. Package-scoped items are public by default. (/securescoping[+|- or /ss[+|-]) ...
  8. Marking all methods '_declspec(noinline)' prevents the warning. Changing the static constructor to an explicitly called static ...
  9. Marks an executable as having been tested to be compatible with Windows Data Execution Prevention feature. (/NXCOMPAT[:NO]) ...
  10. Marshaling Session or Host object to secondary AppDomain failed. Check that Host and all types in Session dictionary are ...
  11. Mask : The mask string specifies what type of characters can be written and where. Possible mask symbols: 'a', 'A', 'c', ...
  12. Matching symbols could not be found. Choose the Symbol Settings ' link to add the symbol file location and then reload the ...
  13. Max Cached Translation Units : The maximum number of translation units that will be kept active at a time for IntelliSense ...
  14. Maximum concurrent C++ compilations : The maximum number of CPU cores to use for parallel C++ compilation. A value of 0 causes ...
  15. Maximum height used for composing this visual across the selection. If the texture count is 1 for selection, the same texture ...
  16. Maximum number of profiled processes exceeded. Some data may have been lost. Check the MaxProcesses setting in the registry. ...
  17. Maximum packet length exceeded. If the problem continues, reduce the number of network host names or network addresses that ...
  18. Maximum time allowed to complete a deployment that has been triggered by a TFS build. If the threshold is reached, the deployment ...
  19. Maximum width used for composing this visual across the selection. If the texture count is 1 for selection, the same texture ...
  20. Me keyword Provides a way to refer to the current instance of a class or structure, that is, the instance in which the code ...
  21. Member '%1!ls!' from assembly '%2!ls!' cannot be used across assembly boundaries because it contains a type which has a generic ...
  22. Member '%1!ls!' implements interface member '%2!ls!' in type '%3!ls!'. There are multiple matches for the interface member ...
  23. Member '%2!ls!' on embedded interop type '%1!ls!' cannot be evaluated while debugging since it is never referenced in the ...
  24. Member '%2!ls!' overrides '%1!ls!'. There are multiple override candidates at run-time. It is implementation dependent which ...
  25. Member '|1' cannot override member '|2' defined in another assembly/project because the access modifier 'Protected Friend' ...
  26. Member '|1.|2' that matches this signature cannot be implemented because the interface '|1' contains multiple members with ...
  27. Member '|1.|2' that matches this signature cannot be overridden because the class '|1' contains multiple members with this ...
  28. Member constraints with the name '{0}' are given special status by the F# compiler as certain .NET types are implicitly augmented ...
  29. member val' definitions are only permitted in types with a primary constructor. Consider adding arguments to your type definition, ...
  30. Member {0} is marked with SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute. Make sure this does not result in a security vulnerability. ...
  31. Member {0} uses member {1}. Because this member was introduced in {2}, which was not included in the project's target framework, ...
  32. Member {0} uses type {1}. Because this type was introduced in {2}, which was not included in the project's target framework, ...
  33. Members of property '%1!ls!' of type '%2!ls!' cannot be assigned with an object initializer because it is of a value type ...
  34. Members of readonly field '%1!ls!' of type '%2!ls!' cannot be assigned with an object initializer because it is of a value ...
  35. Members of this group have service-level permissions for the Team Foundation Application Instance. For service accounts only. ...
  36. Members of this group should include the service accounts used by the test controllers set up for this project collection. ...
  37. Members that extend interface, delegate or enum types must be placed in a module separate to the definition of the type. ...
  38. Memory analysis is supported for mixed-language debugging only when the Managed C++ Compatibility Mode option (DEBUG > Options ...
  39. Memory requirement of the virtual machines exceeds the available host resources. The placement policy for this host group ...
  40. Menu Keys : Specifies the additional string that will be displayed when element has subitems and key tip navigation enabled. ...
  41. Merge encountered {0} error(s) and {1} warning(s). First error/warning encountered: {2} See output tool window for information ...
  42. Merge Sections : Causes the linker to merge section 'from' into section 'to'; if section 'to' does not exist, section 'from' ...
  43. Merge with In Progress resulted in one or more conflicts; see the Resolve Conflicts window for details. The shelveset has ...
  44. Merged IDL Base File Name : Specifies the basename of the .IDL file that contains the contents of the merged IDLSYM sections. ...
  45. MergedSearchConfigurationFilePath' is not specified. Assign a full path to the 'MergedSearchConfigurationFilePath' property ...
  46. Message's involved lifeline {0} is different from the passed in lifeline {1}. InsertionPoint cannot be created as expected. ...
  47. MetaClassInfo {0} should not register a RolePlayerChangeRule. Only MetaRelationships are allowed to register RolePlayerChangeRules. ...
  48. MetaClassInfo {0} should not register a RolePlayerPositionChangeRule. Only MetaRelationships are allowed to register RolePlayerPositionChangeRule. ...
  49. Metadata files that belong to projects cannot be edited. If you wish to use this metadata file, please import it into the ...
  50. Metadata for control '{0}' has already been defined. Please check that each widget metadata file has a unique name. Names ...
  51. Method '%1!ls!' cannot implement interface accessor '%2!ls!' for type '%3!ls!'. Use an explicit interface implementation. ...
  52. Method '|1' cannot implement partial method '|2' because '|3' already implements it. Only one method can implement a partial ...
  53. Method enter and exit information is available for this web request, but is malformed. Displaying IntelliTrace events only. ...
  54. Method implementations should not contain more than 64 local variables. In order for the run-time to enregister local variables ...
  55. Method {0} called GetLastWin32Error but the immediately preceding call to {1} is not a P/Invoke statement. Move the call ...
  56. Method {0} calls {1} with a format string that contains an unexpected character '{2}' at index '{3}'. The provided format ...
  57. Method {0} passes '{1}' as the {2} argument to a {3} constructor. Replace this argument with one of the method's parameter ...
  58. Method {0} passes a literal string as parameter '{1}' of a call to {2}. Retrieve the following string(s) from a resource ...
  59. Method {0} passes a literal string as parameter '{1}' of a call to {2}. Retrieve the string argument from a resource table ...
  60. Method {0} passes parameter name '{1}' as the {2} argument to a {3} constructor. Replace this argument with a descriptive ...
  61. Method {0}.{1} has wrong signature. The method must be non-static, public, does not return a value and should not take any ...
  62. Method {0}.{1} has wrong signature. The method must be non-static, public, does not return a value and should not take any ...
  63. Method {0}.{1} has wrong signature. The method must be static, public, does not return a value and should not take any parameter. ...
  64. Method {0}.{1} has wrong signature. The method must be static, public, does not return a value and should not take any parameter. ...
  65. Method {0}.{1} has wrong signature. The method must be static, public, does not return a value and should take a single parameter ...
  66. Method {0}.{1} has wrong signature. The method must be static, public, does not return a value and should take a single parameter ...
  67. Method, operator, or accessor '%1!ls!' is marked external and has no attributes on it. Consider adding a DllImport attribute ...
  68. MethodInstance with name '{0}' and type '{1}' must specify Return Parameter name along with Return TypeDescriptor path. Specifying ...
  69. Methods decorated with the DllImport attribute should point to existing unmanaged entry points. There is no compile-time ...
  70. Methods in the same type that differ only by return type can be difficult for developers and tools to properly recognize. ...
  71. Methods marked with OnSerializing, OnSerialized, OnDeserializing, or OnDeserialized, must be non-generic, private, return ...
  72. Methods where the type parameter cannot be inferred from the parameters and therefore has to be defined in the method call ...
  73. Methods which do not access instance data or call instance methods can be marked as static (Shared in Visual Basic). After ...
  74. Methods with the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute that call methods without that attribute might unintentionally expose ...
  75. Methods/Functions/Operators/Properties/Fields/Variables/Events/Constants/Enum Items/Typedefs/Map Items/External Declarations/Macros/Unknowns ...