MSB3813: Invalid or unrecognized UltimateResourceFallbackLocation value in the NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute for assembly "{1}". Location: "{0}
MSB3798: The targeted architecture for the resolved sdk reference "{0}" was empty. Cannot find reference or redist files ...
MSB3811: The assembly "{0}" says it is a satellite assembly, but it contains code. Main assemblies shouldn't specify the ...
MSB3812: This assembly claims to be a satellite assembly, but doesn't contain any properly named .resources files as manifest ...
MSB3813: Invalid or unrecognized UltimateResourceFallbackLocation value in the NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute for assembly ...
MSB3813: Invalid or unrecognized UltimateResourceFallbackLocation value in the NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute for assembly ...
MSB3814: Main assembly "{1}" was built improperly. The manifest resource "{0}" ends in .en-US.resources, when it should end ...
MSB3815: Satellite assembly "{2}" was built improperly. The manifest resource "{0}" will not be found by the ResourceManager. ...
MSB3817: The assembly "{0}" does not have a NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute on it. To be used in an app package, portable ...
MSB3818: The GenerateResource task doesn't currently support simultaneously running as an external tool and extracting ResW ...