Visual Studio 2013

  1. Invalid URI format. The configuration editor URI '{0}' provided for the diagnostic data adapter of type '{1}' is not a valid ...
  2. Invalid URI format. The configuration help URI '{0}' provided for the diagnostic data adapter of type '{1}' is not a valid ...
  3. Invalid use of a type name and/or object constructor. If necessary use 'new' and apply the constructor to its arguments, ...
  4. Invalid use of a type name and/or object constructor. If necessary use 'new' and apply the constructor to its arguments, ...
  5. Invalid version '%1!ls!' for /subsystemversion. The version must be 6.02 or greater for ARM or AppContainerExe, and 4.00 ...
  6. Invalid version format, expected "[Major]", "[Major].[Minor]", "[Major].[Minor].[Build]" or "[Major].[Minor].[Build].[Revision] ...
  7. Invalid version format, expected "[Major]", "[Major].[Minor]", "[Major].[Minor].[Build]" or "[Major].[Minor].[Build].[Revision]" ...
  8. Invalid workspace mapping. Verify the BuildDirectory or SourcesDirectory properties have been set correctly. ServerItem: ...
  9. Invalid XmlnsDeclaration occurs in assembly '{0}'. XmlnsDeclaration references a namespace '{1}' that is not in the assembly. ...
  10. Invoked when the application is activated as the target of a sharing operation. ' ' Details about the activation request. ...
  11. Invoked when the application is activated as the target of a sharing operation. ' ' Details about the activation request. ...
  12. Invoked when the application is activated as the target of a sharing operation. Details about the activation request. protected ...
  13. Invoked when the application is activated as the target of a sharing operation. Details about the activation request. void ...
  14. Invoked when the application is activated as the target of a sharing operation. Details about the activation request. void ...
  15. Invoked when the application is activated to display a file open picker. ' ' Details about the activation request. Protected ...
  16. Invoked when the application is activated to display a file open picker. Details about the activation request. protected ...
  17. Invoked when the application is activated to display search results. ' ' Details about the activation request. Protected ...
  18. Invoked when the application is activated to display search results. Details about the activation request. protected async ...
  19. is a managed C++ assembly. Native C++ unit testing is not supported in managed C++ assemblies. Use unit testing for managed ...
  20. is a MustOverride event in the base class '|2'. Visual Basic does not support event overriding. You must either provide an ...
  21. is a P/Invoke declaration to an OLE32 API that cannot be reliably called after the runtime has been initialized. The workaround ...
  22. is a P/Invoke declaration to an OLE32 API that cannot be reliably called against a runtime callable wrapper (a managed object ...
  23. is a virtual member declared in a sealed type. Mark the member non-virtual or, if the type should be extensible, unseal it. ...
  24. is already specified in this or another {1}. Duplicate {0} are not allowed in the same or across multiple {1} declarations. ...
  25. is already specified in this or another {1}. Duplicate {0} are not allowed in the same or across multiple {1} declarations. ...
  26. is an internal class that is apparently never instantiated. If so, remove the code from the assembly. If this class is intended ...
  27. is an invalid value for the task host parameter "{1}". Valid values are: "{2}", "{3}", "{4}", and "{5}"; not specifying a ...
  28. is an invalid value for the task host parameter "{1}". Valid values are: "{2}", "{3}", "{4}", and "{5}"; not specifying a ...
  29. is an overridable method that satisfies a member on the private interface '{1}'. Mark the method as final, implement it explicitly ...
  30. is attempting to check out the items that were modified while disconnected. If the items cannot be checked out at this time, ...
  31. is being edited by and is exclusive to %0. You can check out this file but you will be unable to check in your changes until ...
  32. is coupled with {1} different (non-IComponent) types from {2} different namespaces. Rewrite or refactor the method to decrease ...
  33. is coupled with {1} different (non-IComponent) types from {2} different namespaces. Rewrite or refactor this class's methods ...
  34. is coupled with {1} different types from {2} different namespaces. Rewrite or refactor the method to decrease its class coupling, ...
  35. is coupled with {1} different types from {2} different namespaces. Rewrite or refactor this class's methods to decrease its ...
  36. is defined in an assembly that is not marked RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true) and defines a catch(Exception) ...
  37. Is keyword Followed by a comparison operator and then an expression, Case Is introduces the statements to run if the Select ...
  38. is marked with FlagsAttribute but a discrete member cannot be found for every settable bit that is used across the range ...
  39. is marked with the ComRegisterFunction attribute, but a corresponding unregistration function cannot be located in the type. ...
  40. is marked with the ComUnregisterFunction attribute, but a corresponding registration function cannot be located in the type. ...
  41. is not a full path. Full paths are required to navigate to source code. Please enable the /FC compilation option for your ...
  42. is not a valid certificate thumbprint. Certificate thumbprint should contain 40 hexadecimal characters. To generate the certificate ...
  43. is not a valid collection id. Collection id should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx). ...
  44. is not a valid Content URI and contains userinfo or other syntax that can be used to bypass security. Enter a valid URI and ...
  45. is not a valid data source name. A data source name must contain only letters, digits, and underscore characters, and must ...
  46. is not a valid data source name. A data source name must contain only letters, digits, and underscore characters, and must ...
  47. is not a valid database. The format for this argument should be 'Machine[\SqlInstance];DatabaseName'. If no SqlInstance is ...
  48. is not a valid expression. Records must include at least one field. Empty sequences are specified by using Seq.empty or an ...
  49. is not a valid hosted service name. The hosted service name can only contain letters, numbers, and hyphens. To create a Hosted ...
  50. is not a valid link to a storyboard. A valid link is an absolute file path specification (including network paths), or a ...
  51. is not a valid LobSystem name. LobSystem name cannot contain # % | \ / : " ' < > ? or Unicode control characters. Please ...
  52. is not a valid name. It must begin with an alphabetic character, and can only contain alphabetic characters, numbers and ...
  53. is not a valid relationship. For 1-0.1 relationships, the primary keys must be shared. This relationship will not be imported ...
  54. is not a valid relationship. The foreign key has been specified on the wrong end of the relationship. This relationship will ...
  55. is not a valid server port. Port must be a valid number between 1 and 65535. The following ports are used most often: 25, ...
  56. is not a valid storage account name. The storage account name must contain at least 3 characters and use lower-case letters ...
  57. is not a valid URI and contains userinfo or other syntax that can be used to bypass security. Enter a valid URI and try the ...
  58. is not a valid value for the Include attribute of a ProjectReference item. The Include attribute must contain a path to the ...
  59. is not a valid value for the project property '{1}'. In the Properties window, enter a valid value of the project property. ...
  60. is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to ...
  61. is not available. The Data Sources window encountered an error while trying to display the data source. To resolve the problem, ...
  62. is not CLS-compliant because it overloads '|2' which differs from it only by array of array parameter types or by the rank ...
  63. is not compatible with the specified .NET Framework version. To be able to reference this assembly, you need to retarget ...
  64. is not declared. File I/O functionality is normally available in the 'Microsoft.VisualBasic' namespace, but the targeted ...
  65. is not on the build customization file search path. Would you like to add it now? To add the path at a later time, go to ...
  66. is not on the build customization file search path. Would you like to add it now? To add the path at a later time, go to ...
  67. is not valid Windows Azure subscription ID. Subscription ID should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx). ...
  68. is signed and instrumenting it will invalidate its signature. If you proceed without a post-instrument event to re-sign the ...
  69. Is the actual thread to which this object references still alive? Note that the actual state may change before this function ...
  70. is used with an incorrect number of arguments. This is a custom operation in this query or computation expression. Expected ...
  71. is waiting for an internal operation to complete. If you regularly encounter this delay during normal usage, please report ...
  72. IsEmbedding setting must match on base and derived relationships except when embedding relationship inherits from an abstract ...
  73. IServiceProvider::QueryService was called on a background thread. This is unsupported and may cause the application to crash. ...
  74. IsFalse operator Determines whether an expression is false. If instances of any class or structure will be used in an OrElse ...
  75. IsNot' operand of type '|1' can be compared only to 'Nothing' because '|1' is a type parameter with no class constraint. ...