Visual Studio 2013

  1. Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) is not running under your user account and MSVSMON could not ...
  2. Microsoft Visual Studio Shell (Integrated) is required, but it is not installed on this computer. Please install it and retry. ...
  3. Microsoft Visual Studio Shell (Isolated) is required, but it is not installed on this computer. Please install it and retry. ...
  4. Microsoft Visual Studio Shells Redist is required, but it is not installed on this computer. Please install it and retry. ...
  5. Microsoft Visual Studio Team Explorer is required, but it is not installed on this computer. Please install it and retry. ...
  6. Microsoft Visual Studio Test Controller 2010 manages a set of machines with test agents and enables you to run automated ...
  7. Microsoft Visual Studio Test Controller is required, but it is not installed on this computer. Please install it and retry. ...
  8. Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional 2011 Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional 2011 installs the integrated toolset ...
  9. Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional is required, but it is not installed on this computer. Please install it and retry. ...
  10. Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 is an expansion of the Visual Studio product ...
  11. Microsoft Windows Error Reporting service is currently disabled. Visual Studio PerfWatson extension requires this service ...
  12. Microsoft(R) Help Content Manager Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. . Description: Runs the Help Content Manager application ...
  13. Microsoft(R) Help Viewer 2.1 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. . Description: Runs the Help Viewer application to view ...
  14. Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute' cannot be applied to a class that is generic or contained inside a generic type. ...
  15. Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute' is specified for class '|1' but '|1' has no public members that can be exposed to ...
  16. Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute' on class '|1' implicitly declares |2 '|3', which conflicts with a member of the ...
  17. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Engine.dll could not be loaded due to a strong name validation error. Please restart Visual ...
  18. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Diagnostics.ServiceModelSink version {0} is not installed. To repair your installation, run setup ...
  19. Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.Utilities.AppContainer.dll is required to run unit tests for Windows Store apps. Please ...
  20. Mid statement Replaces a specified number of characters in a String variable with characters from another string. Mid( , ...
  21. Migration completed successfully, but some warnings were detected during migration. For more information, see the migration ...
  22. Missing service or driver admininstration action (specify one of 'START', 'STOP', 'INSTALL', 'UNINSTALL', or 'AUTOSTART') ...
  23. Missing shape definition. A shape definition for the shape instance '{0}' could not be found in the currently loaded storyboard ...
  24. Model file annotation for function '%1$ls' duplicates existing model file definition. Remove the duplicated annotations from ...
  25. Model file annotation for function '%1$ls': annotation on %2$ls/%3$ls, '%4$ls' duplicates header file annotation '%5$ls'. ...
  26. Modeling adapter manager {0} must be annotated with the {1} attribute using the adapter type attribute constructor overload ...
  27. Modifications cannot be included in the current test run since a bug has been created. Start a new test run to view the modifications. ...
  28. Modifies texture coordinates by adding an offset over time. You can use this to move a texture or normal map across the surface ...
  29. Modifies texture coordinates by displacing them as a function of height and viewing angle. The effect is known as parallax ...
  30. Modifies texture coordinates by rotating them around a central point over time. You can use this to spin a texture or normal ...
  31. Modifies the user access control list (ACL) and displays authorization settings for an item under version control. tf permission ...
  32. Modifies Update and Delete statements to detect whether the database has changed since the record was loaded into the dataset. ...
  33. Modify member {0} so that it does not raise an exception from within a fault clause. When an exception is raised from within ...
  34. Modify member {0} so that it does not raise an exception from within a filter clause. When an exception is raised from within ...
  35. Modify member {0} so that it does not raise an exception from within a finally clause. When an exception is raised from within ...
  36. Modify {0} so that it calls Dispose(true), then calls GC.SuppressFinalize on the current object instance ('this' or 'Me' ...
  37. Modifying a '%1' containing an active statement in compiler generated code will prevent the debug session from continuing ...
  38. Modifying a '%1' initializer with a lambda expression will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  39. Modifying a '%1' initializer with a query expression will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  40. Modifying a '%1' initializer with an anonymous method will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  41. Modifying a '%1' initializer with an anonymous type will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  42. Modifying a '%1' which contains a dynamic invocation will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  43. Modifying a '%1' which contains a lambda expression will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  44. Modifying a '%1' which contains a query expression will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  45. Modifying a '%1' which contains a usage of an embedded interop type/member will prevent the debug session from continuing ...
  46. Modifying a '%1' which contains an anonymous method will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  47. Modifying a '%1' which contains an anonymous type will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  48. Modifying a '%1' which contains the 'stackalloc' operator will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  49. Modifying a '%1' which contains the 'yield return' or 'yield break' statement will prevent the debug session from continuing ...
  50. Modifying a catch handler around an active statement will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  51. Modifying a catch/finally handler with an active statement in the try block will prevent the debug session from continuing ...
  52. Modifying a method inside the context of a generic type will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  53. Modifying a statement which contains a lambda expression will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  54. Modifying a statement which contains a query expression will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  55. Modifying a statement which contains an anonymous method will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  56. Modifying a statement which contains an anonymous type will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  57. Modifying a try/catch/finally statement when the finally block is active will prevent the debug session from continuing while ...
  58. Modifying local '%1' which is referenced in a lambda expression will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit ...
  59. Modifying local '%1' which is referenced in a query expression will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit ...
  60. Modifying local '%1' which is referenced in an anonymous method will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit ...
  61. Modifying the initializer of a '%1' in a generic type will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  62. Module '{0}' cannot be loaded. This may be due to lost connectivity or an incomplete or corrupted download of the file. Try ...
  63. Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} One is a type function and the other is not. The signature requires ...
  64. Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The accessibility specified in the signature is more than that ...
  65. Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The arities in the signature and implementation differ. The signature ...
  66. Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The compiled representation of this method is as a static member ...
  67. Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The compiled representation of this method is as an instance member, ...
  68. Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The generic parameters in the signature and implementation have ...
  69. Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The number of generic parameters in the signature and implementation ...
  70. Module keyword Specifies that an attribute at the beginning of a source file applies to the entire module. Otherwise the ...
  71. Monitoring and profiling your application can help you diagnose performance problems and improve the quality of your application. ...
  72. More than one build controller named {0} was found. Specify a build controller without a wildcard character and try again. ...
  73. More than one build service host named {0} was found. Specify a build service host without a wildcard character and try again. ...
  74. More than one connection is available for the selected database objects. Which connection should the selected objects use ...
  75. More than one process template contains configuration settings appropriate for your team project. The most recent version ...