Usage: show filters file = | - protocol = localaddr = remoteaddr = localport = remoteport = appid = userid = dir = IN | OUT ...


   Usage: show filters 
             [ [ file = ]  | - ]  
             [ [ protocol = ]  ] 
             [ [ localaddr = ]  ] 
             [ [ remoteaddr = ]  ] 
             [ [ localport = ]  ] 
             [ [ remoteport = ]  ] 
             [ [ appid = ]  ] 
             [ [ userid = ]  ] 
             [ [ dir = ] IN | OUT ] 
             [ [ verbose = ] ON | OFF ] 

      Tag            Value 
      file           - Output file name. The default is 'filters.xml'. 
                       If this parameter is set to the dash character, 
                       'file = -', the output is written only to the console. 
      protocol       - The IP protocol. This must be an integer. 
      localaddr      - The IP addresses. 'localaddr' is the local IP address, 
      remoteaddr       and the 'remoteaddr' is the remote IP address. 
                       The addresses are either IPv4 or IPv6. 
                       If both local and remote addressses are specified, 
                       they both must belong to the same address family. 
      localport      - The ports. 'localport' is the local port 
      remoteport       and 'remoteport' is the remote port. 
                       They must be integers. 
      appid          - The application sending or receiving the traffic 
                       on the local host. 
                       This either an NT path such as 
                       or a DOS path such as 
                       The supplied path must exist. 
      userid         - The user sending or receiving the traffic  
                       on the local host. The userid may be a SID 
                       (such as 'S-1-5-18') or a user name (such as 
                       'nt authority\system'). 
      dir            - The direction of the connection. By default, filters 
                       for both inbound and outbound traffic are displayed. 

                       Use IN to display only filters for inbound traffic 
                       or OUT to display only filters for outbound traffic. 

      verbose        - Determines whether to display all filters. 
                       Can be ON or OFF. The default is OFF, which attempts 
                       to suppress matching filters that are unlikely to 
                       affect connectivity. 
                       ON does not suppress any filters. 

   Remarks:   Displays filters matching the specified traffic parameters.