Usage: set publicationcachesize size=]{DEFAULT| } percent=]{TRUE|FALSE} Parameters: Tag Value size - The size of the cache. ...

Usage: set publicationcachesize [size=]{DEFAULT|} [[percent=]{TRUE|FALSE}]


      Tag         Value
      size      - The size of the cache. Entered as either a percentage or an
                  exact number of bytes.  Set to DEFAULT to restore the
                  default configuration
      percent   - Determines if the size tag is treated as a percentage of the
                  size of the hard disk or as an exact number of bytes.
                  Ignored if the size tag is set to DEFAULT.
                  TRUE       - size is a percentage of the size of the hard
                  FALSE      - size is an exact number of bytes (Default)

Remarks: Sets the size of the BranchCache service's local publication cache.
         The size can be entered as either an exact number of bytes, or as a
         percentage of the size of the disk.  Note that this refers to the size
         of the disk on which the cache is located, not the total size of all
         disks present on this computer.


      set publicationcachesize DEFAULT
      set publicationcachesize 20971520
      set publicationcachesize size=20 percent=TRUE